Day/date: April 27, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-51
Date/time of incident: 4/17, am      Date/time received: 4/27, 8 am
Park: Everglades        Location: Pinelands
Reported by: Jerry Hammond, Chief Ranger, Everglades
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

Air Crash, Fatality
Mr. P.S. was on a solo cross-country flight. He flew from northern
Florida to Key West on the morning of the 16th, and was supposed to return
to the point of departure by 5 pm on the same day. Witnesses reported,
however, that he went into town, got "loaded" on drugs and/or alcohol, and
didn't return to his aircraft until nearly midnight. His taxi driver said
that Skeens was so intoxicated he tried to pay his fare with match covers, and
also tried to take off while the plane was still tied down. He finally did
take off, and crashed in Pinelands (two miles West of the main park
entrance) some time between 3 and 7:30 am on the 17th. The pilot was killed
on impact, and the entire plane demolished and burned. A ranger spotted
the smoke at 8:30 am and the park responded to the scene as a probable
wildfire. When the plane was discovered, FAA, NTSB and others were called
in, and an investigation initiated. Note: P.S. had 3 motor vehicle DUI
convictions, and had refused blood alcohol tests on 3 other occasions.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
P.S.                          Brooksville, Florida           36

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-52
Date/time of incident: 4/24, evening  Date/time received: 4/27, 9 am
Park: Big Bend                          Location: Castolon
Reported by: Marty Ott, Chief Ranger, Big Bend
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

Drug Incident Involving International Cooperation
On April 23rd, the FBI advised Chief Ranger Ott that the Mexican Federal
Judicial Police had received a tip that P.A., a. major drug dealer,
was in Santa Elena, immediately across from Castalon in Big Bend, and that
they would be staging a raid on the town on Friday. Since there was on
outstanding warrant against P.A. in the U.S., the FBI would be sending a
SWAT team to the park side of the Rio Grande in case Acosta attempted to flee
across the river. The 16-man FBI SWAT team arrived in the park around 6:30
pm, and were joined by five park rangers - four as support and one to close
the area to visitors during the incident. Mexican federales went into the
town by helicopter and engaged in a firefight with P.A. and his body guards
that lasted almost 90 minutes; automatic weapons were employed. A federale
who was wounded was transported to the pork, then medeveced to a hospital in
Alpine. P.A.'s house was finally sot afire, and he committed suicide before
he could be captured. Boring this incident, rangers and FBI took positions
in the park near the river but did not intervene. P.A.'s body was brought
to the pork, where it: was guarded by rangers until the next day when it was
taken to Juarez.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
P.A.                         Santa Elena, Mexico         Late 40's

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-53
Date/time of incident: 4/26, 7 pm    Date/time received: 4/27, 9 am
Park: Canyonlands       Location: Island in the Sky
Reported by: Kevin Cheri, District Ranger, Island in the Sky
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

Double Fatality to SCA's, Lightning Caused
P.W. and B.C. bad ridden mountain bikes to Grand View point in
Island in the Sky, and were on their way back when a thunderstorm broke
over the mesa. They pulled to the side of the road, left their bikes en
the road shoulder, and took shelter under a juniper a few feet away.
A lightning bolt hit shortly thereafter and killed them. both. They were
found at the scene shortly thereafter; rangers attempted CFR, and
defibrillation was attempted by the ambulance crew that arrived from Moab -
both without success.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
B.C.                         Acton, Massachusetts        11/6/62
P.W.                         Troy, Michigan              11/10/64

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-54
Date/time of incident: 4/25, evening Date/time received: 4/27, 9 am
Park: Glacier                            Location: Elk Mountain
Reported by: Gary Gregory, RM Specialist, Glacier
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

Fatality Resulting from Grizzly Attack
Mr. C.G. and his wife day-hiked to Ole Creek in the park. On their way
back, they spotted a female and three yearling grizzlies high on Elk
Fountain. C.G., who was an avid wildlife photographer, asked his wife
to return to the car and told her he was going to try and get seme close-up
slots. This was at 5 pm; when he had not returned by 10:15, his v/ife
notified the park. A. search was mounted at first light, and bis body v/as
found at 3:10 pra on the 26th. There were extensive injuries, but no
predation. Although C.G. had a history of heart problems, injuries seem
the probable cause of death at present. He was carrying a .45 semi-automatic
Colt handgun, but it apparently was not fired. An autopsy and board of
inquiry are both to be held.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
C.G.                              Libbey, Montana            40

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-55
Date/time of incident: 4/25, 130 pm   Date/time received: 4/27, 11 am
Park: Yosemite                          Location: Buttress of Middle Cathedral
Reported by: Jenny Hinson, Ranger Activities, Western Region
Received by: Melissa Warner, Ranger Activities, WASO

Double Climbing Fatality
F.Y. and D.H. were on the eighth pitch of an eight pitch climb up
Middle Cathedral when both fell 800' to their deaths. Witnesses report
that D.H. was above F.Y., fell off and pulled both free from their
anchor system. Chief Ranger Rudolph feels, however, that D.H. was
probably below F.Y.. No rangers were involved or injured.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
F.Y.                          San Jose, California         8/19/53
D.H.                          San Jose, California         9/7/57

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-56
Date/time of incident: 4/25                        Date/time received: 4/27, 11:14a.m.
Park: Chickasaw NRA Location:
Reported by: Vivian Garber, RAD/SWRO
Received by: Dawn Dempsey, RAD/WASO

J.H. was boating along with father B. and brother J. when their boat
was struck from behind by another watercraft. J.F. was piloting,
saw the other boat approaching and attempted to avoid a collision by
unsuccessfully steering the J.H. boat out of the path of the oncoming boat.

The impact caused J.H. to be thrown from the boat into the water. He could
not be found. Ranger Butch Hill responded to the incident. J. and B.H.
were taken to hospital emergency room for treatment. Degree of injuries
unknown on J.H. B.H. was released.

J.F.'s body was recovered at 6:50pm. Autopsy pending.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
J.H.                                 Minro, OK               28

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-61
Date/time of incident: 4/27                        Date/time received: 4/27, 3:00pm
Park: Fredericksburg NB    Location: Unfinished Railroad
Reported by: Bill Supernaugh, Ranger Activities, MARO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Ranger Activities, WASO

On 4/28, at approximately 11:25am, a park visitor discovered a vehicle
with the driver slumped over the steering wheel. He knocked on the window
receiving no response. He then notified the park.
Time of death occurred at between 8:00pm and midnight on 4/27. Death
attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning, probable suicide. Individual
divorced, wife and children in Florida have been notified.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
J.B.                            Woodbridge, VA            9/4/44