Day/date: May 4, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-89
Date/time of incident: 5/31, PM   Date/time received: 5/4, 12:45PM
Park: Mt. Rainier                                     Location: Liberty Ridge
Reported by: Dick Lazeres, Division of Ranger Activities, PNRO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities, WASO

Two climbers on an extended climb on Mt. Rainier were reported to be overdue
on Sunday May 31. The area had received new snow and windy conditions at the
higher elevations over the weekend. A search was initiated on Monday, June 1,
but the ground crew turned back due to snow drifts 3-5 feet high. Army
helicopters were unable to fly due to the weather. On Tuesday the helicopters
flew but saw no evidence of the climbers. Wednesday the helicopters dropped
ground crews on the summit. The searchers returned by Wednesday night end
reported that they had seen nothing to indicate the whereabouts of the overdue
party. Today, Thursday, the helicopters are flying with infrared equipment
aboard. The ground searchers have not gone up today.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
D.W.                               Olympia, WA               31
J.W.                               Olympia, WA               31

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-65
Date/time of incident: 5/3/87 1337        Date/time received: 5/4/87 1353
Park: Lake Mead NRA       Location:   Las Vegas Wash Boat Harbor
Reported by:  Anne Betus, WRO               Phone(s):  556-1866
Received by: Dawn D. Dempsey, WASO          Phone(s):  343-4874
Follow up:                                  Phone(s):

Subject was swimming in harbor and disappeared from view. Friends and
parents searched for him and recovered his body. Rangers administered
CPR until ambulance arrived but there were no vital signs. Victim was
pronounced dead.  Next of kin was present and press was notified.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address                  DOB or age
M.L.H.                              Las Vegas                March 10, 1971