Day/date: May 8, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-89B
Date/time of incident: 6/6, 11:00am  Date/time received: 5/8, noon
Park: Rainier N P                       location Liberty Ridge
Reported by: Dick Lazarus, Division of Ranger Activities, PNWR
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities, WASO


Followup Report

The bodies of climbers J.W. and D.W. were recovered at
approximately noon on Saturday, June 5. A private climbing party had spotted
a tent flap protruding from the snow, on Thursday, June 4. They hiked to
Sherman Hut (which took 1 day) to radio the information to park personnel.
Saturday a helicopter was able to fly to the tent location on Liberty Ridge.
Two climbers, one MPS and the other, Seattle Mountain Rescue/found the tent
with the bodies of the climbers inside. No evidence of trauma was found.

The bodies were flown from the mountain. At 2:00pm a news conference was held
by the Chief Ranger at park headquarters. The search had generated a great
deal of media coverage in the Seattle area for the past 7 days. The coroner
report shows cause of death due to asphyxiation. The brother of J.W. was
present at the news conference. He praised park personnel for their efforts
in the search.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
D.W.                               Olympia, WA               31
J.W.                               Olympia, WA               31

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-68
Date/time of incident: 5/7, PM   Date/time received: 5/8, 3:30pm
Park:   LBJ                             Location: US Hwy 290/291, 5 miles south of
Johnson City Unit
Reported by: Ken Mabery, Division of Ranger Activities, SWRO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities

On 5/7 a 60,000 gal tanker truck which had been purged with nitrogen rolled
off the roadway 5 miles south of the park. A command post was set up
(using ICS) with the help of park ranger Tom Biller who along with other
park personnel worked through the night assisting Texas Railroad Commission
in controlling the situation.

As of 5/8 at 4:30pm the explosive mixture had dissipated and efforts were
being made to place the tanker back on the trailer. By late evening on 5/8,
the tank had been reinstalled on the truck and was driven out of the area.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age