Day/date: May 26, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-78
Date/time of incident: 5/24, 3 pm    Date/time received: 5/26, am
Park: North Cascades     Location: Mixup Peak
Reported by: Mark Forbes (via USPP), Ranger Activities, PNWRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

Mr. T.W. was climbing with a partner on Mixup Peak. The two had just
completed a rappel; they were about to start a second when T.W. was
hit with a large rock and fell 1500' to his death.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
T.W.                          Linwood, Washington            33

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-79
Date/time of incident: 5/25, 1 pm   Date/time received: 5/26, am
Park: Mount Rainier     Location: Mount Rainier
Reported by: Mark Forbes, Ranger Activities, PNWRO (via USPP)
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

A party of seven hikers were at the 9700' level of the mountain on Monday
when two of them fell 2-300'. One suffered a broken ankle and possible
head injuries; the other had minor injuries. Since the location is not
accessible by helicopter, two NPS climbers are en route to the scene of
the accident. No further information presently available.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-80
Date/time of incident: 5/25, 6:35 pm  Date/time received: 5/26, noon
Park: Lake Meredith     Location: Near Cedar Canyon
Reported by: Vivian, Ranger Activities, SWRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

Mr. R.P. and five others were in a water-skiing party on the lake when
bad weather came up. A park ranger advised them to get off the lake because
of the 4' high waves, but the group wanted to stay on the water until one
more skiier got a chance to ski. That skiier got into trouble, so R.P.
jumped in to help. He was not wearing a life vest. At the same time, the
boat capsized, and the occupants had to cling to the hull until the boat
reached shore. The skiier also made it to land, but R.P. disappeared.
A shoreline search was conducted last night, but a full search of the lake
will not be made until the weather abates.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
R.P.                               Spearman, Texas           25

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-81
Date/time of incident: 5/25, 7 pm    Date/time received: 5/26, 1 pm
Park: North Cascades     Location: Ross Lake
Reported by: Mark Forbes, Ranger Activities, PNWRO
Received by: Dawn Dempsey, Ranger Activities, WASO

Mr. R.R. went out on the lake last night to look for an overdue
concessions boat. The boat returned, but R.R. did not. His overturned
14' boat was found early this morning, but he has not been located yet.
A lake and air search is underway.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
R.R.                     Ross Lake Resort, Washington        23

                         CRIMINAL INCIDENT RECORD

                                                      Park Ranger/Tech X
Organization Coda: 6160
System Area:  Cuyahoga Valley NPA
Location Code:  4000
Year & Case Number:  87.870269
Location of Incident:  Brandywine Falls (tract 107-89)
Beat: N
When Occur:  05/27/87
Hour:  2030
Day:  4
Offense/Incident Code:  349244
Nature of Incident:  Rescue
When Received:  5/27/87 at 2110


Algonquin, IL 60102     (Permanent)
DOB: 12-30-64

Kent State University    (Temporary)
Kent, Ohio

Bedford Heights, OH  44148
DOB: 06-24-64


Vehicle Year:  80
Make:  Datsun
Model:  Sedan
Tag Number: 64 882
State:  IL
Impounded for protection
Removed To:  Nordonia Motors, Northfield, Ohio
Removed By:  Nordonia Motors

Arrest Date:  N/A
?:  N/A
Charges: N/A
Court Date:  N/A
Value Stolen:  N/A
Value Recovered:  N/A


1.  N/A
2.  N/A

3.  An injury occurred at Brandywine Falls on 05-27-87 at approximately 2030
hrs. I had arrived at the area to do the nightly closing of the area and gate.

Upon entering the parking lot, I found a vehicle (I960 Datsun sedan, Illinois
license #64 882) parked near a fence with a sign stating, "DANGER - Polluted
Water - Steep Cliffs - Slippery Rocks - CLIMBING PROHIBITED".  Not observing
anyone near the car, I walked to the tap of the falls and shined a flashlight
at an area just downstream from the bottom of the falls.  There I saw two
people, one yelling and waving their arms at me.

Due to the roar of the falls, I yelled down to them, asking if anyone was
hurt.  I understood them to say that they had both fallen off the falls and
that one person had hurt their shoulder.  I notified the park dispatcher of
the incident by radio at approximately 2113 hours, and notified the South
District Ranger, Pete Schula, that I needed his assistance.  Northfield Center
Fire Dept. and Sagamore Hills Police Dept. were also notified.  While I began
setting up a rappel line, I found out from one of the victims (later
identified as J.J.M.) that the other person had broken his left arm
and also hit his head during the fall.  I rappelled down approximately 25 feet
to J.J.M. who was now at the bottom of the cliff on the south side of the
falls (approximately 40 yards from the base of the falls).  I checked her for
injuries and she appeared to have pain in various areas of her body, but no
broken bones or bleeding was noted.  At that time (approximately 2142 hours),
Northfield Center units had arrived and one person rappelled down to MARASIJ.J.M.GAN
as I scrambled down approximately 30 yards of scree slope to the second victim
(later identified as J.A.H.).  I found J.A.H. in a standing position
holding his left arm, and he had large blood stains on his shirt and shorts. I
assisted J.A.H. into a lying position on a flat rock and advised him not to
move.  After completing an initial medical exam, I radioed the information to
SCHULA who advised Northfield Center personnel that J.A.H. had:

1. a laceration (approximately 2 in. long and shallow) to the right,
back side of his head (parietal region); an open (compound) fracture to
the left humerous just above the elbow;

3.   right knee cap was tender with minor swelling (no sign of breakage);

4    a laceration (approximately 3 in. long and shallow) on the front of his
right leg just above the ankle;

5.    complained of pain in the buttocks region;

6.    and he was awake and oriented to name, place and time; also maintained
coherent conversation.

While awaiting the arrival of the medical equipment, J.A.H. told me that:

1.   he and J.A.H. had gotten to the falls area sometime after 2000 hours;

2.   that they had seen a sign near the parking area but he couldn't remember
what was on it;

3.    he was standing on a rock at the top of the falls (which he thought was
not slippery), and tried to jump across a span of moving water
(approximately 5 feet) te another "dry" spot when he slipped and fell;

4.    J.A.H. saw him falling and grabbed him to try to stop him but the two
of them went down over the falls;

5.   he had ended up in a prone position facing the falls;

6.    J.A.H. helped J.A.H. move to a large dry rock approximately 10 yards
downstream from the falls; and

7.    that he had drank about 2 l/2 - 3 beers before arriving at Brandywine.
(During the examination, I smelled the odor of what I believed to be beer
on his breath.)

After the Sagamore Hills policemen arrived, they assisted SCHULA with the gate
closure and crowd control in the entrance and parking lot areas.  Two
Northfield Center paramedics rappelled down, bringing medical equipment with
them, and completed a second examination of J.A.H..   (No additional trauma was
found)* Medical treatment performed en J.A.H. was as follows: (Northfield
Center called for Life Flight helicopter services.)

1.    a cervical collar was applied to his neck;
2.    a vacuum splint was applied to his left arm;
3.    MAST trousers were placed on his lower body and inflated (by mouth);
4.    due to the amount of blood loss, two IVs were started in his right arm;
5.    and oxygen was administered.

J.A.H. was then placed on a backboard, then secured into a Stokes litter.
Using hand ropes with the litter on belay lines, we carried J.A.H. up the
scree slop (loose rock and soil) to the bottom of the cliff.  There he was
retied into a pulley system, raised and carried up to the top.  J.A.H. was
placed on a stretcher, transported to the large, grassy field adjacent to the
falls and transferred to the Life Flight helicopter.  The helicopter left the
scene at approximately 2357 hours.

J.A.H. had been assisted to the top, received a medical examination, and
was also transported in the helicopter.  They were transported to
Metro-General Hospital of Cleveland, Ohio.

Sagamore Hills P.D. had arranged for the towing of the vehicle (registered to
J.A.H.), completed at approximately 0046 hours (05-28-87) by Nordonia Motors.
(An inventory of the car had been completed by Sagamore Hills.)  All
Northfield Center and Sagamore Hills units were also clear of the scene by
0046 hours.  Notes were made, the area checked for personnel and equipment,
and the gate closed at approximately 0110 hours.

At the time of this report, both victims are listed in satisfactory condition;

J.A.H. received no broken bones but was kept in the hospital for
observation; but have been unable to find out the extent of J.A.H.'s injuries.

All units and the injured parties will be contacted fer further information.
Investigation pending.

Warrants:  No
Photos:  X
ID Tech Notified:  N/A
Status:  Open
Disposition:  02
Reporting Officer:  Cheryl Smith
Badge ID:  00S7
Date:  05-28-87
Assisting Officer:  Peter Schula
Supervisor:  Gary Pace
Date:  05-29-87