Day/date: May 29, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-82
Date/time of incident: 5/27,8:30pm   Date/time received: 5/29,9:15am
Park: Cuyahoga                         Location: Brandywine Falls
Reported by: John Townsend, Division of Ranger Activities,MWRO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities, WASO

J.H. and J.M. ignored warning signs and fences in an attempt to jump
across a small stream at the top of Brandywine Falls. J.H. slipped and
fell J.M. tried to grab him and was pulled from her footing. Both
fell a total distance of approximately 60 feet to the bottom of the falls.

A patrol ranger, Cheryl Smith, noticed their vehicle in the parking lot as
she was in the process of securing the area for the night. When she found
they had suffered injuries, she summoned additional aid. Several park
rangers and the local community rescue unit responded. The victims were
stabilized and carried out from the base of the falls. J.H. was flown
from the site and J.M. was transported by ambulance. The hospital
report shows J.H. suffered lacerations, abrasions, and an open fracture
of the left humerus. J.M. suffered abrasions.

This incident generated a great deal of local interest and media coverage.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
J.H.                              Algonquin, IL              22
                                 (Kent State student)

J.M.                              Bedford Heights, OH        22

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-83
Date/time of incident: 5/28, ongoing  Date/time received: 5/29, 2:00pm
Park: Chickasaw NRA     Location:
Reported by: Ken Mabery, Division of Ranger Activities, SWRO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities, WASO

Murray County has received 10" of rain since May 22. As of today Arbuckle
Lake has risen 7'. Superintendent has closed all boat ramps. Loops A and
C in Buckhorn Campground are closed. Superintendent is discouraging all
lake activities at this time. More rain is expected today and through the
weekend. No major damage or injuries have been reported. Oklahoma State
Police are beginning evacuation procedures on the Washita River and have
requested assistance from the park.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age