Day/date: June 8, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-93
Date/time of incident: 6/5, 6:55pm   Date/time received: 6/8, 8:40am
Park: Statue of Liberty  Location: top of the pedestal
Reported by: Len Bobinchock, Division of Ranger Activities, NARO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities, WASO

Two Park Rangers were conducting closing procedures when they noticed a woman
crawling over the railing in the area known as the pedestal. The woman
indicated to them that she intended to jump to the ground. (She was located
approximately 6 floors from the ground.) The rangers attempted to calm the
woman. They also alerted additional park personnel who requested the aid of
the New York Police Department-Special Services Unit. The NY Harbor Unit also
responded. Two police officers, suspended from a rope eventually were able to
pull the woman to safety. She was transported by the Harbor Unit to Beth
Israel Hospital Psychiatric Unit.

The last suicide attempt at the park was in 1921. An attempt was made by park
officials to keep media coverage to a minimum in this incident.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
J.H.                            Staten Island, NY            46

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-94
Date/time of incident: 6/5   PM     Date/time received: 6/8, noon
Park: Glacier N P       Location: Mini Glacier Area
Reported by: John Chapman, Division of Ranger Activities, RMRO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities, WASO

A search for a missing helicopter from Great Falls Montana began on Saturday
morning in the park. The Mercy Flight crew had participate! in a training
session with park personnel on Friday, 6/5. The Bell Long Ranger took off at
approximately 7:10pm on Friday with the pilot, a flight nurse, and 2
physicians on board. One of the physicians is the park medical advisor.
The flight was to reach Great Falls Montana by 9p.m. as two of the passengers
were to report to work at that time. Thunderstorms occurred in the park that
evenings. It is thought they may have flown in a pattern to avoid the storms.

As of today, 6/8, the search has centered in a area east of the park, near the
town of Valier. Park personnel are not involved today. Park personnel had
been involved in air and ground search over the weekend.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-95
Date/time of incident: 6/7, 6:00PM  Date/time received: 6/8, 10:00AM
Park: Gulf Islands N S                 Location: unknown
Reported by: Don Russell, Division of Ranger Activities, SERO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities, WASO


At approximately 6:00pm on 6/7, park rangers received a report of 2 overdue
swimmers. A search was initiated. At approximately 11:00pm two bodies were
found. Details on the incident are few. The investigation is being turned
over to the local sheriff's office.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
G.K.                                Milton, FL               22
C.W.                                Milton, FL               23

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-96
Date/time of incident:  6/7, 5:00pm   Date/time received: 6/8, 3:00pm
Park: Denali                           Location:    17,000' level Messner Couloir
Reported by:    Rich O'Guin   Division of Ranger Activities, ARO
Received by: Melissa Warner, Division of Ranger Activities, WASO

T.B., while descending the Messner Couloir of Mt. McKinley, fell 1500'.
The medical camp at 14,000' could see him. Six people from the medical camp
climbed to him. They were able to lower him in a litter. He was then placed
on a sled and dragged to the medical camp. His injuries consist of a
fractured pelvis, contusions of the chest wall, and contusions to other parts
of his body. He was evacuated by helicopter at 10:00 pm.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
T.B.                              Englewood, CO              31