Day/date: July 15, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Follow-up; Incendiary Attack
Log number: 87-138C
Date/time of incident: 7/12     Date/time received: 7/15, 7:30am
Park: Joshua Tree        Location:
Reported by: Paul Henry, Chief Ranger, JGTR
Received by: Melissa Warner, Ranger Activities, WASO

L.M., who drove the vehicle involved in the incendiary attack on the park's
visitor center, died on July 12th as a result of burns and other injuries
sustained in that attack. The FBI has labeled the incident an "intra-country
terrorist attack" and is actively investigating the incident to find out
whether or not any other persons were involved. The park's chief ranger will
advise us of any further developments.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
L.M.                              Los Angeles, CA            35

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Drowning
Log number: 87-156
Date/time of incident: 7/14, 3:30pm Date/time received: 7/15, 3:30pm
Park: New River Gorge      Location:
Reported by: Margaret Weesner, NERI, Through Ginny Paci MARO
Received by: Melissa Warner, WASO

T.P.S. was fishing with a companion when he saw what appeared to be his fishing
license floating in the water. He had lost his wallet earlier in the day.
T.P.S. was a good swimmer and jumped into the water to recover the license only
to discover that it was a tree leaf. The undertow was quite strong and
apparently pulled him under. Park personnel responded to the report with a
raft, but Stone had already been found by the time they arrived at the scene.
The body was recovered by Jan Care Ambulance

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
T.P.S.                    Fairdale, West Virginia            20

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type:  Death - Natural Causes
Log number: 87-158
Date/time of incident: 7/7, 11:30pm  Date/time received: 7/15, 10:30am
Park: Organ Pipe NM      Location: Park Studies Unit, Why, AZ
                                   in a structure used as park housing
Reported by: Mike Kunzman, ORPI through Jenny Hinson, WRO
Received by: Melissa Warner

On 7/5, at 9:30pm N.W. was drinking at the XY Bar. According to
witnesses, he appeared to have "passed out". Individuals who were also at the
bar knew he was a visiting friend of seasonal Park Service employee E.M.
(who was out of town for the weekend). These individuals carried
N.W. to E.M.'s residence, gained access, placed N.W. on
the bed inside, and left.

On 7/7, at 11:30pm E.M. returned home and discovered N.W.. He was
pronounced dead at the scene by coroner. Coroner's office and Pima County
Sheriff's Office are still investigating. No foul play suspected, autopsy
result showed cause of death due to diabetes and excessive alcohol. He had
been dead for an extended period of time.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
N.W.                               Seattle, WA               48