Day/date: July 21, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Drowning
Log number: 87-163
Date/time of incident: 7/20, 2:20 pm  Date/time received: 7/21, 10 am
Park: Blue Ridge Parkway  Location: Roanoke River
Reported by: Don Russell, Law Enforcement Specialist, SERO
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

L.K.T. and a friend were drinking heavily. L.K.T., who couldn't swim,
decided to jump in the river and cool off. He submerged, came to the surface
several times, then disappeared entirely. His girlfriend and two power
company employees who were working nearby attempted to rescue him without
luck. The Vinton Rescue Squad recovered the body at 3:15 pm the same day.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
L.K.T.                          Roanoke, Virginia         11/7/52

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Animal Attack On Park Visitors
Log number: 87-164
Date/time of incident: 7/18 & 7/21, dusk Date/time received: 7/21, am
Park: Santa Monica Mountains Location: Cheeseboro Canyon
Reported by: Rick Gale, CR, SAMO (via Phil Ward, WRO)
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

M.R. was riding his horse in Cheeseboro Canyon when he and his horse were
attacked by three animals which he identified as coyotes. Two nipped at
his horse, and the third jumped up on his saddle and nipped him. M.R.
suffered puncture wounds in his right arm and has begun rabies treatment.
Following this incident, park rangers and local animal control officers set
live traps to catch the animals. On the 21st, at the same time and location,
a man and woman riding in the park were attacked by three animals, again
identified as coyotes. They were forced to gallop for a mile to get away
from them, but suffered no injuries. The canyon is now closed to all public
use. Trapping efforts will continue, and mounted rangers will patrol the
canyon this evening to draw the animals out. The animals will be captured
or shot if the rangers are attacked.

These two incidents have received a great deal of coverage from the local
press, and the story has been picked up by the Associated Press.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
1) M.R.                         Agoura, California        Not given
2) Not given                    Not given                 Not given