Day/date: July 24, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident Type: Drug Related Arrest (Shooting Involved)
Log number: 87-167                                     Case Incident number 31,375
Date/time of incident: 7/24, 0230hrs. Date/time received: 7/24 0630 hrs.
Park: Rock Creek Park     Location: Grove 2
Reported by: Dep. Chief R.E. Langston   Phone(s): 426-6740
Received by: Mjr. R.F. Zarger        Phone(s): 343-4209
Follow up: Dep. Chief Langston        Phone(s): 426-6740

On Friday, July 24, 1987 at approximately 0230 hrs. U.S. Park Police
Officer Virginia Lo, observed a drug violation in Grove 2, Rock Creek Park
(parking area just north of the intersection of Beach Drive and Park Road
NW, Washington, DC.) During her investigation, the unidentified black male
subject, occupying a Toyota, forced his way out of the vehicle and a
struggle ensued. The subject ran into the wooded area and later returned
to the vehicle where a second struggle began. During this time, the
subject got back into the vehicle, started it and began to leave the area,
dragging the officer with him. At this time the officer discharged her
weapon, striking the subject in the right arm. He was transported to
George Washington Hospital, where he was admitted in stable condition.

Officer Lo was transported to the Washington Hospital Center where she was
treated and released. She has been placed on administrative leave pending
a complete investigation of the incident.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
Unknown as of this time

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Human Body unearthed
Log number: 87-170
Date/time of incident: 7/23, 10:00am   Date/time received: 7/24,3:30pm
Park: Santa Monica      Location: Rocky Oak
Reported by: Rick Gale, CR through Ann Betus, WRO
Received by: Melissa Warner, WASO

Visitor discovered a body which apparently had been dug out of a shallow grave
by animals. Rangers are preserving scene. Coroner and homicide investigators
were enroute at the time of the report. Subject male, race and age
undetermined. Length of time subject had been interred is not known. Further
details to be released as known.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age