Day/date: July 27, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type:  Followup: Shooting
Log number: 87-167A
Date/time of incident: 7/24/2:30am   Date/time received: 7/27/8:00am
Park: Rock Creek        Location: Grove 2
Reported by: Dave Blackburn/ NCR
Received by: Melissa Warner/ WASO

Persons involved in the shooting incident at Rock Creek Park have been
indentified and charged with, the following:
D.J. has been charged with assaulting a Federal Officer/ assault with
a deadly weapon (a vehicle), and possession of a deadly weapon (brass
knuckles). He allegedly (according to his companion) dumped 40 tins of PCP in
the creek at the time he was detained by USPP officer Lo. Two rolled
cigarettes were found in his possession in the vehicle.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
D.J.                            "L" St NE Wash, D.C.      6/25/67
D.C. (companion)                18th St. NW Wash, D.C.    7/13/65

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type:  Apparent Suicide
Log number: 87-171
Date/time of incident: 7/27, 8:45am  Date/time received: 7/27, 10:30am
Park: Shenandoah NP     Location: Big Meadows Rescue Cache
Reported by: Larry Hakel, CR, Steve Alscher, MARO
Received by: Melissa Warner, WASO

L.C. was found in a NPS rescue vehicle at the Rescue Cache. The vehicle had
been parked there last evening. A hose extended from the exhaust pipe to the
interior of the vehicle where L.C. was located. L.C. was a former NPS
employee of Shenandoah Park. He currently worked for the Department of
Defense in Washington, D.C. This had been L.C.'s first season at Shenandoah.
He was a seasonal law enforcement ranger and had worked previous seasons in
other parks. His last day as a seasonal at Shenandoah was July 18, 1987. No
note was found, coroner responding, FBI enroute to the park. Next of kin has
not been notified.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
L.C.                             Washington, D.C.          1/30/51

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Followup: Apparent Suicide
Log number: 87-171A
Date/time of incident: 7/27, 8:45am Date/time received: 7/27, 3:15pm
Park: Shenandoah NP     Location: Big Meadows
Reported by: Larry Hakel, CR
Received by:   Melissa Warner, WASO

Department of Defense will send a representative to next of kin to make
notification of death in person. Coroner, FBI Investigators, and MPS
investigators have found nothing to rule other than apparent suicide at this
time. Investigation is ongoing. Body has been transported to Fairfax, VA for
autopsy, which will be performed tomorrow morning. A request is being made by
the park for the services of the University of Virginia's Critical Incident
Team. These individuals come to the park to provide group counseling and
coping strategies for those who have been directly involved and profoundly
affected by such an experience.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
L.C.                          Washington, D. C.           1/30/51

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Fatality; Climbing Incident
Log number: 87-172
Date/time of incident: 7/26,8:30am.  Date/time received: 7/27, 900am
Park: Grand Teton                           Location: The Grand - East Ridge
Reported by: John Chapman, RMRO
Received by: William Halainen, WASO

D.R. was climbing with a partner on "Molar Tooth" formation when a rockfall
occurred, knocking him off the rock face and 700' to his death. Park climbing
team may try to recover body today, but may not be able to recover at all due
to instability of the rock in the area.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
D.R.                               Cody,  WY              1/16/57
P.K.                               Billings, MT           unknown