Day/date: August 26, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type:  Fatality - Suicide
Log number: 87-215
Date/time of incident: 8/26, 11am    Date/time received: 8/26, 3pm
Park: Blue Ridge Pkwy   Location: Roanoke River Bridge
Reported by: Howard Parr, CR, (through Don Russell, SERO)
Received by: Melissa Warner, WASO

An unidentified motorist observed M.C. walk onto bridge, step over the
railing, turn her back to the chasm and jump off the bridge onto the rocks
below. M.C. had reportedly been undergoing psychiatric treatment. A note
of her intentions was found at her home. Roanoke County Coroner's office is
handling the incident. Next of kin have been notified.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
M.C.                              Blue Ridge, VA          5/15/44

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Beach Pollution
Log number: 87-216
Date/time of incident: 8/23, evening  Date/time received: 8/26, am
Park: Cape Cod                         Location: Point Race to Wellfleet
Reported by: Tony Bonano, CR, Cape Cod
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

On the night of the 23rd, the 10,550 ton SS Canada Star, a cruise ship
carrying 683 passengers, passed off the outer shore of Cape Cod. The next
morning, rangers discovered hundreds of bags of garbage along the beach from
Race Point to Wellfleet - a distance of 15 miles. Many of the bags broke,
and there was debris everywhere. By going through some of the materials
in the bags and then checking transit records with the Corps of Engineers (the
ship had first passed through the Corps' Cape Cod Canal), rangers were able
to determine that the trash had come from the Canada Star. The incident
has drawn a great deal of media attention. The park is currently checking
with the US Attorney's office to see what legal action can be taken.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Original incident log number: 87-216
Date/time of original incident: 8/23, evening
Park: Cape Cod                           Location: Race Point to Wellfleet

Summary of original report:
The cruise ship SS Canada Star passed off the outer shore of Cape Cod
on the 23rd; on the next morning, rangers discovered hundreds of bags of
garbage along the 15 miles of shore from Race Point to Wellfleet.
Investigation revealed that it had clearly been dumped by the ship, and
the park was looking into legal action.

Follow-up number: 1
Date/time of follow-up: 10/8, am
Reported by: Tony Eonano, CR, Cape Cod
Prepared by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

Both the US Attorney and Regional Solicitor have researched the appropriate
statutes and have so far been unable to find any that deal with this
specific problem. If the ship had been within the three-mile limit or if
the had dumped hazardous wastes, criminal charges could have been levied.
At present, the US Attorney is looking into the possibility of civil charges.

On September 25th, a second incident of dumping took place in the park.
Miscellaneous medical supplies, including syringes, medicine and IV bags,
were found over an eight-mile stretch of beach. An extensive investigation
by park rangers led them to the probability that a US Navy vessel had
dumped the supplies into the ocean. Naval investigators are assisting in
the case. When the parties are discovered who dumped the materials, the
Navy has assured the park that appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Fire Involving Toxic Chemicals
Log number: 87-217
Date/time of incident: 8/26, 10 am   Date/time received: 8/26, pm
Park: Death Valley      Location: Not specified
Reported by: Ranger Terry Harris, DEVA (via Gercke, WRO)
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

A fire was ignited in a small trailer by a welding torch. Although it was
suppressed within 15 minutes, a number of chemicals which were stored within
were affected. A one-gallon container of a household Ortho insecticide
was consumed; a one-gallon container of Kuron (Silvex), one hundred
gallons of Turdon and two one-gallon containers of Rotenone were heat-
affected. Twenty-nine persons in three downwind buildings - a grade school, a
pre-school, and a residence - were evacuated as a precaution. There were no

Toxic spill notifications have been made by the park, and they are awaiting
instructions from authorities. For further information, contact Ranger Terry
Harris at 619-786-2331.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Special Event: Harmonic Convergence
Log number: N/A
Date/time of incident: 8/15-17      Date/time received: 8/26, 9/15
Park: See attached      Location: N/A
Reported by: Herb Gercke, RAD, WRO; Ken Mabery, RAD, SWRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

Although the Harmonic Convergence occurred several weeks ago, it took some
time to get reports on the event from the parks which were involved in
Southwestern and Western Regions due to travel and other obligations.
The attached reports summarize the course of events at Chaco Canyon, Joshua
Tree, Haleakala, Golden Gate and Grand Canyon.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age

                      National Park Service
                     Washington, D.C.  20240

DATED: 08/26/87

Joshua Tree National Monument reports extraordinary crowds
during the event held August 15-17. A total of 2,384 visitors
were counted through the one manned entrance station with many
more arriving on other roads. All 553 camping sites were filled
Friday night with 257 cars parked in one campground with 50 sites.
Patrol rangers reported near-total grid lock the entire weekend.
Problems encountered ranged from minor first aid through heat
exhaustion due to many visitors fasting in the extreme heat.

Two unrelated SAR incidents occurred during the weekend; one
victim, killed in a climbing accident, was evacuated and two
marooned climbers were rescued. One SAR member was hospitalized
for heat stroke incurred in one endeavor.
Haleakala N.P. reports no unusual incidents although 13,500
persons participated in the event. One Special Event Team
assisted local personnel with crowd control.
Golden Gate NRA and Grand Canyon NP reported no unusual incidents
other than very large crowds.

No copies sent to other addressees.

***** End of Letter # 3723

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Bill Halenien or Milissa Warner WASO - 650
Ranger Activities
FTS 343-4874

Rec'd 9/15/87

                  Harmonic Convergence
          Chaco Culture National Historical Park


Southwest Region sent three SET teams to Chaco Culture to assist Superintendent
Tom Vaughn with an anticipated crowd of 3,000 plus people during the 3 day
weekend (August 15-17). Actual crowds were much less than anticipated due to
last minute publicity of other sites, notably Sedona, AZ and Mt. Shasta, CA.;
and a charge of $35 - $100 per person to participate levied by The Gathering,
the group that was permitted to have a Base Camp on BLM land and permitted to
coordinate activities within the park.

SET teams arrived in the park en Wednesday, Aug. 12. A full day of orientation
was conducted on Thursday and the teams started standing shifts Thursday
night. Greater than normal visitation began arriving late Thursday and
continued through the weekend. The park operated school buses from the B.I.A.
as an in-park shuttle system beginning Friday as parking lots became full.
Twice daily press meetings were held, throughout the event, with the Regional
Publia Affairs Officer and the Superintendent.

The Superintendent and the Park Archeologist feel that had the SET teams not
been present that significant over crowding problems and cultural resource
damage would have occurred. As it was, team assignments included directing
traffic, cultural resource protection in 3 main ruins, back country patrols,
campground and road patrols, directing parking at three locations, and night
security patrols.


Major Incidents: One search that lasted approximately 1 hour for a 60 year -
old male (found in good condition); escorted removal of 2 individuals from
signed, gated, closed area and citations; Migratory Bird Act violation -
handled through Fish & Wildlife Service; and an emergency response at night to
assist BLM with drunk and disorderlies at Base Camp.

Press:  Some 63 NPS Press passes were issued including representatives from all
3 networks, wire services, and PEOPLE Magazine,

Crowds:  BLM Base Camp - registered campers:  cs 1,111 (plus ca 151 non -
registered).  NPS campground:  ca 250.  Above plus numerous day users make up
an estimated 2,200+
estimated 2,200 plus participants and visitors over the 3 days.

NPS Personnel:  24 SET members, 3 US Park Police (2 with communications unit),
3 cooks, 1 rescue vehicle with EMT operator, 1 Public Affairs Officer, 1
associate Regional Director (operations), plus park staff (3 commissioned
staff). Contracted personnel:  Ambulance and 2 operators, 3 BTA buses and

From: Ken Mabery