Day/date: September 25, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Fatality - Climbing Accident
Log number: 87-236
Date/time of Incident: 9/24,10am     Date/time received: 9/25, 2pm
Park: Yosemite NP       Location: El Capitan
Reported by: Roger Rudolph, CR, (through Ann Betus WRO)
Received by: Melissa Warner, WASO

Victim was jumarring on the 25th pitch on the nose of El Capitan when he fell
150 feet to the end of his rope, striking his head against the rock wall. He
was killed instantly. Ten NPS rangers were flown to the top of El Capitan.
One ranger descended 1,200 feet to recover the body which was flown by
helicopter to the valley floor. The Austrian consulate was notified.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
W.S.                             Sheibbes, Austria        7/13/66