Day/date: September 28, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Drug Seizure
Log number: 87-238
Date/time of incident: 9/24, 8pm     Date/time received: 9/28, 3pm
Park: Padre Island NS    Location: Mansfield Channel
Reported by: Tom McDaniel, LES, (through Ken Mabery, SWRO)
Received by: Melissa Warner, WASO

Ranger Dan Boling observed 2 vehicles which had been under surveillance for
the past 2 months by US Customs agents and NFS personnel. Poling notified
customs agents of one vehicle on the north side of the channel and the other
on the south side. A female was arrested by customs on the south side. The
vehicle on the north side contained 2 duffel bags with compressed marijuana
totaling approximately 120-150 pounds along with a male suspect. Suspects
will be charged with conspiracy. This is the second offense for the male.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age