Day/date: November 24, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Visitor Hazard
Log number: 87-266
Date/time of incident: 11/22, 330 pm  Date/time received: 11/24, 925 am
Park: GW Parkway      Location: Dyke Marsh
Reported by: Dave Blackburn, Law Enforcement Specialist, NCRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

Mr. R.J.O. discovered an unexploded, 8 1/2" by 3" Civil War Parrot shell in
the marsh and brought it to the Park Police stables at Fort Hunt. Park Police
officers then called in an Army EOD (emergency ordinance disposal) team from
Fort Belvoir. After determining that it was in fact a live round and
"potentially unstable and hazardous", they destroyed the shell. Since
R.J.O. said that he'd seen two other such shells in the swamp, a search was
conducted of the area by the EOD team, park personnel and Park Police on
Monday. Both rounds were found and destroyed.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
R.J.O.                       Alexandria, Virginia            N/A