Day/date: January 23, 1988

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type:
Log number: 88-12
Date/time of incident: 1/3, 1135 am  Date/time received: 1/23, 9 am
Park: Biscayne                           Location: Elliott Key
Reported by: Mike Hill, Chief Ranger, Biscayne
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

Two park maintenance men reported sighting six men with M-1 automatic weapons
at University Dock on the north end of Elliott Key. Seven rangers in two
boats responded, and arrived just as the men were returning to their fishing
boat in a rubber raft. The rangers made a felony approach, and the men in the
boat offered no resistance. During the search of the boat, a number of
assault rifles were found. As the rangers were bringing the men back to the
dock, five more people came out of the bushes and down to the docks with their
arms in the air; one had an NBC identification card in his hand.
Investigation revealed that the man with the card was Brad Willis from WBZ-TV,
the NBC affiliate in Boston, and that he and his crew were filming a
documentary on the armed men, who were members of Alpha-66, a Cuban
nationalist organization that trains to maintain readiness for a return to
Cuba. One of the men arrested was the secretary general of Alpha-66, who said
that his organization had been employing Elliott Key to practice landings for
the previous 18 months (the key was a training site for the Bay of Pigs
invasion, which occurred before the park's creation in 1968). The Cuban group
was charged with possession of loaded and concealed weapons; the WBZ crew was
cited for filming without a permit.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
                                 *** As noted ***