Day/date: January 26, 1988

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Rape Conviction
Log number: 88-14
Date/time of incident: 1/21                        Date/time received: 1/26, am
Park: Sequoia-Kings Canyon  Location: Outside of park
Reported by: Herb Gercke, RAD, WRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

In November of 1986, a ranger from another park was sexually assaulted while
on a bike trip through Sequoia. She had been bicycling near park headquarters
when she was overtaken by a pickup truck with two men in it. They forced her
off the road, then assaulted her. The ranger was able to report the incident
to the park dispatcher shortly after it happened, and the two men were
arrested within twenty minutes by Tulare sheriff's deputies. The two -
brothers C. and M.S. - were found guilty of rape, and have been
sentenced to life imprisonment by US District Court Robert Coyle, who declared
from the bench that the sentence would send a message that violent crimes in
our national parks will be severely punished. The defendants plan an appeal
based on the judge's decision to deny their pre-trial motion to suppress

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
                                *** As noted above ***