Day/date: March 2, 1988

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Smuggling
Log number: 88-33
Date/time of incident: 2/29, early am    Date/time received: 3/2, 1300
Park: Big Bend                          Location: Santa Elena Canyon
Reported by: Alan Cox, DR, Big Bend
Received by: Jon Anglin, RAD, WASO

Border Patrol officers who were patrolling Santa Elena Canyon, a known
narcotics trafficking area, observed three persons with pack animals leaving
the park and entering Terlinqua. The agents followed the pack string into the
town, where the animals had been off-loaded and the cargo stored in an
outbuilding. Investigation revealed that the cargo included 16,000 ringtail
cat, 695 fox and 94 bobcat pelts. The furs are valued at $23,000. No arrests
were made, and the identity of the three individuals is as yet unknown. The
furs are believed to be from Mexico, but some may also be from the park.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age