Day/date: April 7, 1988

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Successful Search for Missing Skiers
Log number: 88-51
Date/time of incident: 4/4                           Date/time received: 4/7, 7 am
Park: Sequoia/Kings      Location: Parkwide
Reported by: Doug Morris, CR, SEKI
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

A. and D.S. and M.P. left the Wolverton ski hut area of
the park on March 28th with the intention of skiing the "High Route" to
Symmes Creek. They planned on arriving on the 2nd; when they failed to
appear by the 4th, the park began a search for them. An air search was
conducted on Monday without success. On Tuesday, tracks were located in the
Nine Lakes Basin area which appeared to go south toward the Chagoopa
Plateau. Two teams of trackers were put into the field to follow these
tracks. A search dog was brought in, and air searches employing two
helicopters and a USFS/L.A. County aircraft with infra-red capabilities were
continued throughout the area. The skiers were spotted by one of the
helicopters at 11 a.m. yesterday morning about 16 miles from their intended
route. All were in good condition. It is not yet known whether they were
lost or just decided to take a different route. A total of 20 people were
employed on the search.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
                              *** As noted above ***