Day/date: April 18, 1988

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Visitor Fatality
Log number: 88-58
Date/time of incident: 4/16, 3 pm    Date/time received: 4/18, am
Park: Olympic                            Location: Klalaloch Beach
Reported by: Reed Jarvis, RAD, PNRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

S.H. and her family were on a birthday outing. They'd intended to
go to Ruby Beach, but decided not to enter the area due to the number of
logs crashing in the surf. They went instead to Klalaloch Beach, about 10
miles further south, where conditions were a little calmer. All accesses to
the beach were posted with warning signs about the danger of wave-driven
logs. S.H. was standing on a log on the drift line with her parents and
four other girls when a large wave hit, floated the log, and knocked them
all off. One of the logs hit S.H., crushing her. A ranger was called;
he responded and gave her CPR. An ambulance was summoned from Forks,
Washington, and the victim was transported to the hospital there, where she

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
S.H.                             Sequim, Washington          12

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Aircraft Accident: No Injuries
Log number: 88-59
Date/time of incident: 4/16                       Date/time received: 4/18, pm
Park: Grand Canyon      Location: 4 miles SW of "The Dome" (out of park)
Reported by: Herb Gercke, PAD, WRQ
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

A single-engine Cessna 207 overwing aircraft made a forced landing outside
the park on Saturday the 16th. The craft, an Air Nevada flight from Las
Vegas to Grand Canyon airport, was carrying seven passengers on a regularly
scheduled flight when the engine failed. The pilot had 45 seconds from the
time of engine failure until the start of his landing upon a 300 yard by 60
yard shelf of rock strata and mud. There were no injuries. The aircraft,
although incurring only minor damage, can not take off from this site and
will have to be removed, possibly by helicopter. FAA investigators were to
have arrived at Grand Canyon yesterday.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
                                *** Not given ***