Day/date: May 2, 1988

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Search
Log number: 88-67
Date/time of incident: 4/24        Date/time received: 5/2
Park: Olympic                           Location: Parkwide
Reported by: Mark Forbes, RAD, PNRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

C.P., a 32-year-old Seattle resident, told friends that he was
going to hike in Olympic on April 24th. When he did not return, friends
reported him overdue to the park. Despite an extensive search by park
rangers and numerous city and county law enforcement agencies, neither
C.P. nor his car were found. On May 1st, C.P. returned home and
called the park to say he was back. He had not gone to the park, but had
instead taken a ski trip into the Cascades. He'd fallen through a
snowbridge and was only able to get out after two or three days - he was
unclear as to how long he was stuck due to the cold and the "fuzziness" of
his memory. He had hidden his car to provide more security for items he'd
left inside it.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
                              *** As noted above ***

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Search
Log number: 88-68
Date/time of incident: 4/30                        Date/time received: 5/2
Park: Death Valley      Location: Wildrose Peak
Reported by: Herb Gercke, RAD, WRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

Six-year-old J.H. became lost around mid-day on April 30th during a
father-son outing. He and his father were hiking Wildrose Peak when they
became separated at the 8,000 foot level. A call for help was received at 1
pm, and the park immediately set up and took charge of an interagency
incident command system to manage the search. The child was found just
before 8 pm. Despite extreme weather conditions (winds of 60 mph,
temperatures dropping below 30 degrees and snow flurries), he was found to
be in excellent physical and mental condition when checked by a doctor on
the scene.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
                              *** As noted above ***