Day/date: June 14, 1988

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Drowning
Log number: 88-101
Date/time of incident: 6/13, 3:45 pm  Date/time received: 6/14, 10 am
Park: Gulf Islands      Location: Santa Rosa Island
Reported by: Steve Smith, RAD, SERO
Received by: Jon Anglin, RAD, WASO

A park visitor observed B.M.K., 7, of Satsuma, Alabama, struggling
in rough surf at an unguarded beach within the park. An NPS lifeguard at
the guarded beach 1/4 mile away was notified and responded with rangers.
At one point a park visitor attempting to rescue B.M.K. had him in hand only
to have him knocked away by the surf. Search efforts are continuing today
but are being hampered by extremely rough surf.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
                             *** As Noted Above ***

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Suicide
Log number: 88-102
Date/time of incident: 6/12, 7 pm    Date/time received: 6/14, 10:30 am
Park: Canyonlands       Location: Confluence Overlook
Reported by: Tom McDonnell, RAD, RMRO
Received by: Jon Anglin, RAD, WASO

Park records indicate that J.W.H., 30, of Aurora, Colorado went
for an overnight backcountry trip on May 31st. His unattended vehicle was
found in this remote area during a patrol on the 12th, and a search was
initiated. J.W.H.'s body was discovered a short time later, along with a
suicide note and a tape recorded message. Evidence at the scene indicates
that J.W.H. died of a self-inflected gunshot wound to the head.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Search and Rescue
Log number: 88-103
Date/time of incident: 6/12        Date/time received: 6/14
Park: Death Valley      Location: Valley Salt Pans
Reported by: Herb Gercke, RAD, WRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

A.G. began a solo hike from Bad Water to Telescope Peak on
Friday. He was carrying three quarts of water, but drank two shortly after
starting the hike and lost the third. Although A.G. then aborted his
hike, he was already stressed physically. While out on patrol the following
day, ranger Kent Meacham was surveying the salt pans with binoculars when he
spotted the victim falling down. Meacham started an IV to get fluids into
A.G., then called for a medevac flight. A.G. was transported to
Las Vegas where he is being treated for dehydration and hypothermia.
Doctors stated that the victim would probably have been dead within the hour
if Meacham had not found him and promptly begun medical assistance.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
A.G.                                  Texas                  22