Day/date: June 16, 1988

                              RANGER ACTIVITIES DIVISION
                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Assault on Non-Federal, Officer
Log number: 88-106
Date/time of incident: 6/15, 11 pm   Date/time received: 6/16, 10 am
Park: Great Smokies     Location: Little River Road
Reported by: Pete Hart, Chief Ranger, Great Smokies
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

Ranger Kirk Tranchita attempted to stop a vehicle which was weaving down
Little River Road, but the driver refused to pull over. Tranchita radioed
for assistance; since no NPS unit was available, Officer Ron Suttles of
Townsend PD provided backup. Suttles attempted to intercept the car
Tranchita was pursuing by placing his cruiser across the road at an
intersection known as "Townsend Y", which is about one mile inside the park
boundary. Suttles stood next to the cruiser and signaled the car to stop,
but the driver continued on, hitting the officer. Suttles was able to fire
a single shot at his assailants; it penetrated both the rear and front
windows of the car, but hit neither of the occupants. Suttles was not badly
injured. The car was later stopped by Blount County officers. The two
occupants were placed under arrest on a wide variety of charges, including
assault, driving on a revoked license, and driving under the influence
(DUI). Both men had prior convictions for DUI.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age