MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, January 14, 1991


91-7 - Canyonlands (Utah) - Attempted Suicide 

Maintenance worker John Jones came across a vehicle which had 
slid off snow-covered roads in the park's Island in the Sky 
District on the 11th and summoned assistance.  Rangers Jim 
Huebner and Tom Cox arrived and found a semiconscious and 
disoriented driver sitting in the vehicle.  Huebner was able to 
determine that the driver, a 33-year-old man from Phoenix, had 
taken an overdose of halcyon sleeping pills with the intent of 
committing suicide, and that he was also in possession of 
several other prescription drugs.  An ambulance was dispatched 
and a poison control center was notified.  The driver was taken 
to a local hospital and treated for drug ingestion; he was later 
transferred to a medical facility in Provo, Utah, for counseling 
and support.  It was determined that the victim was unemployed 
and suffering from AIDS, that he'd taken a number of sleeping 
pills prior to the accident, and that he'd intended to drive to 
the Upheaval Dome overlook, take the remaining pills, and "go to 
sleep." [Telefax message from Tony Schetzsle, CR, CANY, 1/13]


No reports today.


1) On January 4th, a memo was sent to all regional directors and 
to 20 of the busiest aviation parks soliciting nominations for 
the DOI aviation safety award.  One of last year's recipients 
was the helicopter specialist from Yellowstone.  There are three 
types of awards, one each for inflight actions, accident-free 
flying, and outstanding achievement in aviation safety.  We need 
to advise the Office of Aircraft Services our recommendations by 
February 1st.  If you know someone  either a pilot or non-pilot  
who might be worthy of recognition, please feel free to contact 
me at FTS 268-4188.  [Butch Farabee, RAD/WASO]

2) The official title of U.S. magistrates has been amended by 
recently enacted legislation.  They are now called "United 
States Magistrate Judges."  All correspondence should be changed 
to reflect this new title.  [Maj. Jack Schamp, RAD/WASO]

3) The following people have been chosen to attend DOI's ranger 
training school, which will focus on counter-narcotics and small 
unit leadership training:

* Al Miller (Team Leader)		* Todd Swain
* Joel Wright					* Daniel Pontbriand
* Aline Forbes					* Tim Trainer
* Thane Weigard                 * Larry Inthout
* Marybeth McFarland			* Jeffrey Pinkard

The school will be held in February.  Ranger Activities will be 
sending a confirming memorandum with additional information. 
[Bob Marriott, RAD/WASO]

4) Ranger Joel Wright, Jr. of Jefferson National Expansion has 
been selected as the Service's representative at Operation 
Alliance in El Paso, Texas.  Joel will coordinate the Service's 
counter-narcotics field operations with other federal agencies on 
the Southwest border.  [Bob Marriott, RAD/WASO]

5) As of this date, only five parks have advised us of any 
problems with parttime magistrates.  If you foresee any problems 
which would stem from the loss of a parttime magistrate, please 
advise us as soon as possible.  [Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO]


Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised 
entry.  Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

January 22  Helicopter Operation Specialist and Pilot Workshop, 
Anaheim, CA.  Tentative.  Sponsored by OAS.  Please contact 
Butch Farabee at FTS 2684188 for further information. [Butch 
Farabee, RAD/WASO]

* January 28-February 1  Archeological Resources Protection 
Training, Tallahassee, FL.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For 
application procedures, contact your regional training office.  
[Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

* January 28-February 8  Law Enforcement Spanish Training 
Program, FLETC, Artesia, NM.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  
For application procedures, contact your regional training 
office.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

* January 29-February 7  Advanced Physical Security Training, 
Glynco, GA.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

February 4-8  Southwest Region Chief Rangers' Workshop, San 
Antonio, TX.  Workshop will provide 32 hours of refresher credit.  
For further information, contact coordinator Ann Rasor at 
505-757-6414.  [Ann Rasor, PECO]

February 4-April 16  Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management 
Agencies, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

* February 4-15  Basic Instructor Training, Glynco, GA.  Funded 
by benefitting accounts.  For application procedures, contact 
your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

* February 4-15  Physical Fitness Coordinator Training, Glynco, 
GA.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  For application procedures, 
contact your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, 

February 11-15  "Retrofitting for Accessibility: A Course for 
Maintenance Personnel", San Diego, CA.  Sponsored by Special 
Programs and Populations, WASO, through Project Access.  Course 
designed to train maintenance personnel to identify and 
eliminate accessibility barriers for people with disabilities 
through cyclic maintenance programs and repair and rehab 
projects.  For further information, contact Dave Park at 
202-343-3674 (FTS 3433674).  [Kay Ellis, WASO-ACCESS]

* February 11-22  Physical Fitness Coordinator Training, 
Artesia, NM.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

* February 25-March 8  National Wildfire Investigation Training, 
Glynco, GA.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  Contact your 
regional fire coordinator to see if your attendance would 
qualify for FIREPRO funding.  For application procedures, 
contact your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, 

February 27-May 8  Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management 
Agencies, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

* March 11-15  PNR Joint Operations Workshop, Portland, OR.  
For further information, contact Kathy Jope at FTS 399-5670.  
[Kathy Jope, RM&VP, PNRO]

* March 11-April 4  Marine Law Enforcement Training, Glynco, GA.  
Funded by benefitting accounts.  For application procedures, 
contact your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, 

March 18-22  Aviation Management Workshop, Boise, ID.  
Benefitting account.  [Butch Farabee, RAD/WASO]

March 18-29  Prescribed Fire Burn Boss, Big Thicket, TX.  
Two-week training session on the management of prescribed burns 
to meet land management and operational objectives.  The course 
is designed for personnel having primary responsibility for 
planning and implementing prescribed fire as a management tool.  
Submit an NWCG interagency training nomination form to program 
coordinator David McHugh at Big Thicket no later than December 
14th.  [Paul Broyles, Branch of Fire]

March 22-27  56th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources 
Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.  For further information, contact 
L.L. Williamson, Wildlife Management Institute, 1101 14th Street 
NW, Suite 725, Washington, DC 20005 (202-371-1808). [Kathy Jope, 

March 25-29  "Universal Design: Designing to Include Disabled 
People in Park and Recreation Areas and Facilities", Raleigh, NC.  
Sponsored by Special Programs and Populations, WASO, through 
Project Access.  Designed for architects, designers and 
engineers, this 40hour course will present methods and 
techniques for designing buildings and facilities that are 
accessible to disabled people.  Benefitting account plus tuition 
of $250.  Contact regional training office for application 
procedures.  For further information, contact Dave Park at 
202-343-3674 (FTS 343-3674).  [Kay Ellis, WASOACCESS]

March 25-June 4  Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management 
Agencies, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

* March 25-29  Land Management Controlled Substance Training, 
Knoxville, TN.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

April 14  Fire Management for Managers, NARTC, Marana, AZ.  The 
session will be held concurrently with the USFS course on fire 
management for line officers, and there will be several joint 
sessions.  Open to superintendents, park FMO's, ARD's for 
operations and regional chief rangers.  For further information, 
contact Paul Broyles, Branch of Fire Management (208-334-1080 or 
FTS 554-1080).  [Paul Broyles, FIRE]

April 24-26  Mountain Lion/Human Interaction Symposium and 
Workshop, Holiday Inn Holidome, Denver, CO.  Sponsored by the 
NPS and several other state, provincial and federal agencies.  
Abstracts are due by December 15, 1990.  For more information, 
call Steve Chaney (303-969-2856 or FTS 327-2856) or Robert Tully at 
303-297-1192.  [Steve Chaney, RMRO]

* May 20-July 17  Seasonal Law Enforcement Ranger Academy, 
Colorado Northwestern Community College, Rangely, Colorado.  For 
further information and application, contact Steven Whittmore at 
303-675-3306.  [Steven Whittmore, CNCC]

(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report.  If you know 
of a conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide 
interest and implications, please provide the specifics to Bill 
Halainen in Ranger Activities).    


Chiricahua park ranger (naturalist) Paul B. Fugate, 42, 
disappeared on January 13, 1980.  Despite an intensive 
three-week-long search, no sign of him was found, and he has not 
been heard of since.  Foul play is suspected.  On that same day 
two years later, an Air Florida flight from National Airport 
crashed in the Potomac River.  U.S. Park Police officers Don 
Usher and Gene Windsor received several awards for their valiant 
rescue of a number of victims.

[Got an historical note?  Send it on to us for entry in the 
morning report].


Division Chief: No travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Martin at regional chief
rangers' meeting, Arlington, VA (1/14-1/18); Coffey at Society for Range
Management annual meeting, Arlington, VA (1/14-1/17); Henry at meeting
with aircraft overflight research contractors, Harpers Ferry, WV
(1/14-1/18); Farabee at meeting on climbing bolting problems with
USFS, Phoenix, AZ (1/18-1/19).

Branch of Fire: Erskine at Zion (1/14-1/15) and museum curators'
workshop, Washington, DC (1/15-1/18); Gale at Zion (1/14-1/16) and review
of fire management for managers course, Denver, CO (1/16-1/17); Mattingly
at Zion (1/14-1/16); Farrel at museum curators' workshop, Washington, DC
(1/15-1/18); Botti at Western Region managers' workshop on fire effects
monitoring at Golden Gate (1/15-1/18).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650