MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Friday, January 18, 1991

                  *** NOTICE ***

We have checked again with the Park Police command post this 
morning to determine whether any threats have been made against 
units of the National Park Service in this area or elsewhere.  
They have advised us that neither general nor specific threats 
of any kind have been received.  We will be staying in touch 
with the command post throughout the holiday weekend; if any 
threats are received, we will advise affected regions and parks 
immediately by phone and will post a general advisory to all 
areas on CompuServe.


91-16 - Everglades (Florida) - Followup on Blimp Crash

The blimp which was deflated over the southwest edge of the park 
and fell into a dense mangrove forest there contained the 
transmitter used by TV Marti, the government-funded television 
station which beams programs into Cuba.  According to a 
spokesman at TV Marti's Washington headquarters, the Air Force 
blimp, known as "Fat Albert," broke free from its tether off 
Cudhoe Key as it was being lowered for maintenance.  The blimp 
is normally raised to 10,000 feet to transmit broadcasts 100 
miles to Cuba.  The blimp has not yet been recovered.  [Laura 
Parker, Washington Post, 1/18]

91-17 - Independence (Pennsylvania) - Demonstrations

Mid-Atlantic Region has called in an all-risk management team and 
two 12-person special events teams to deal with a series of 
anti-war demonstrations which have been occurring in and near the 
park since last Saturday and are reportedly scheduled to 
culminate with significant protests over the coming three-day 
weekend.  The demonstrations over the past few days have focused 
on the park and city hall, which are about a dozen blocks apart.  
There have been between 500 and 1,000 people in the most recent 
protests.  Threats have been made to take over buildings in the 
park; Independence Hall, Franklin Court, Congress Hall, and the 
Liberty Bell Pavilion are all thought to be possible targets.  
The teams will be meeting this afternoon and will probably be 
deployed this evening.  Plans are to keep them on duty in the 
park for at least ten days.  [Telephone report from Chris 
Andress, RAD/MARO, 1/17]


Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Bison Management

The Associated Press reported the following on the 16th: The 
park said on Wednesday that "it will honor, reluctantly, its 
commitment to help kill bison that wander out of 
Yellowstone... 'We've agreed to do this  not because we want to, 
but because it's the correct thing to do given the 
circumstances,' said Joe Alston, Yellowstone's assistant 
superintendent.  His comment followed a federal judge's ruling 
Tuesday allowing the state of Montana to proceed with a plan 
that calls for Yellowstone park rangers to join state game 
wardens and citizen hunters in shooting bison outside 
Yellowstone....Ron Aasheim of the Montana Department of Fish, 
Wildlife and Parks said Wednesday there were no immediate plans 
to begin shooting bison.  Animal-rights activists gathered at the 
town of West Yellowstone to protest the hunt.  Yellowstone 
officials said there are fewer than a halfdozen buffalo grazing 
back and forth across the park boundary that might be targets." 
[Steve Moore, Associated Press, 1/16]


Division Chief: No travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Martin at regional chief
rangers' meeting, Arlington, VA (1/14-1/18); Coffey at Society for Range
Management annual meeting, Arlington, VA (1/14-1/17); Henry at meeting
with aircraft overflight research contractors, Harpers Ferry, WV
(1/14-1/18);	Farabee at meeting on climbing bolting problems with
USFS, Phoenix, AZ (1/18-1/19).

Branch of Fire: Erskine at Zion (1/14-1/15) and museum curators'
workshop, Washington, DC (1/15-1/18); Gale at Zion (1/14-1/16) and review
of fire management for managers course, Denver, CO (1/16-1/17); Mattingly
at Zion (1/14-1/16); Farrel at museum curators' workshop, Washington, DC
(1/15-1/18); Botti at Western Region managers' workshop on fire effects
monitoring at Golden Gate (1/15-1/18).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650