MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, February 13, 1991


No incident reports received.


Lincoln Home (Illinois) - The park is considering a request from 
the Illinois State Museum to house the Illinois Artisans Shop in 
a park building.  The shop, which is presently housed in the 
governor's mansion, has been closed to the public for several 
weeks because of the added security measures necessary to 
protect the mansion and the Edgar family due to hostilities in 
the Mideast.  [CompuServe message from ARD/Operations, MWRO, 

Please advise us through your regional offices of all threats 
received, permits issued for demonstrations, and demonstrations 
or incidents that occur which are related to the war in the Gulf.  
Call Major Schamp at FTS 268-4209 (202-208-4209).


Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Bison Management

As of early this week, there were from 14 to 20 bison outside of 
the park's western boundary in an elk feeding area.  Another 
group of from 20 to 30 bison was reported in the Undine Falls 
area, six to eight miles within the northern boundary.  No other 
action has been reported.  [CompuServe message from Lissa Fox, 
Wildlife and Vegetation, WASO, 2/12]


1) The following memo was sent to regional personnel offices 
from the Chief, Branch of Labor and Employee Relations, on 
January 25th.  The text is being provided for your information:

"As we approach the summer hiring season, it might be helpful to 
address some of the frustrations we have encountered with the 
Drug Testing Program, as well as to offer some suggestions.  The 
new contractor will have had one year of experience and we 
anticipate this year's program will operate more smoothly.
"The single most delaying problem is phone numbers.  As you know, 
seasonals complete their applications in early January, while 
they are in school or on other jobs.  The telephone numbers that 
are valid at this time are rarely still valid during the months 
of April, May and June when the majority of hiring and testing 
is done.  Inaccurate phone numbers represent a minimum of one 
week's delay during the critical hiring period.  Please notify 
your supervisors of this problem and request that they confirm 
phone numbers with applicants when they make tentative offers.  
Alternate phone numbers, i.e. parent's home phone number, may be 

"Since all communication is completed either by fax, telephone, 
or in person, the contractor should have the applicant's 
information within 24 hours of your request to WASO.  The 
contractor is committed to contracting persons to be tested 
within 48 hours.  There is no way for us to track individual 
tests unless we are alerted to a problem by either the 
Department or your office.  We have been working with the 
Department and the contractor to notify us as soon as it is 
determined that the applicant cannot be reached; however, this 
system is imperfect.  Please alert your Field personnel to 
contact you immediately if an applicant has not been contacted 
within 3 days.  WASO should then be notified by phone for the 
appropriate DOI number which the applicant can use with the 800 
number to set up the drug test.  We will closely monitor the 
number of these requests for possible failure on the part of the 
contractor to properly contact applicants for reasons other than 
improper phone numbers.  Our Office will make every effort to 
contact you within 24 hours of any problems brought to our 
attention and/or test results that we receive from the 

"The Department's Drug Program Officer has offered group testing 
for groups of 20 or more applicants that are located in one 
location.  You are urged to use this service whenever possible 
to expedite the testing process.  This service, however, cannot 
be used during orientation sessions when applicants are already 
on board."  [Marsha Lee, Employee Relations, WASO]

2) We've received a request from the Justice Department for some 
information that you can help us collect.  We'd like to hear 
from any area which has had criminal prosecutions which were 
successfully made for violations that occurred on NPS-held scenic 
easements.  A U.S. attorney in NCR has a felony case pending 
which concerns tree cutting and would like have some legal 
precedents to cite.  Please advise us via CompuServe or telefax 
as soon as possible.  Thanks in advance for your help!  [Walt 
Dabney, RAD/WASO]


Division Chief: No travel or leave scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey at inventory and 
monitoring task force meeting, WASO (2/12-2/13).

Branch of Fire: Farrel conducting study of impact of transition 
of Presidio to the NPS, San Francisco, CA (2/11-2/15); Broyles, 
Mattingly and Cook at training session, Western Region Fire Academy, 
Golden Gate, CA (2/11-2/15).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650