MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, February 25, 1991


91-54 - Joshua Tree (California) - Followup on Discovery of 

On February 20th, members of the San Bernadino sheriff's office 
explosives team checked the area at Coxcomb Addition for 
unexpended ordnance and explosives.  They collected and 
destroyed over one hundred pounds of ammonia nitrate, a number 
of cardboard tubes filled with smokeless powder, several 
undetonated pipe bombs (some covered with nails held down by 
duct tape), and over 1,000 rounds of .223 caliber, 7.62 caliber 
and 39 millimeter ammunition.  The resulting crater measured 
twelve feet across and five feet deep.  [Paul Henry, CR, JOTR, 
via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 2/21]

91-56 - Channel Islands (California) - Sinking with Fatalities

Late on the morning of the 17th, the Coast Guard notified the 
park that they'd received a distress call from the vessel 
"Galliano", which was caught in ten to 15foot seas in park 
waters a mile north of West Anacapa Island.  The Coast Guard 
dispatched two cutters and two helicopters to conduct a search 
and rescue operations, but the "Galliano" broke up and sank 
before they could arrive.  All six persons who were on board 
were found.  Three died, and the remaining three were treated 
for hypothermia.  The victims hade been in 58 degree water for 
about an hour.  The survivors were treated and released later 
that afternoon.  [Jack Fitzgerald, CR, CHIS, via CompuServe 
message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 2/21]

91-57 - Channel Islands (California) - Rescue

R.R. was diving off West Anacapa Island from the dive 
boat "Chieftain" on the 16th when he ran out of air at a depth 
of about 80 feet and was forced to make a rapid emergency ascent.  
After returning to the surface, R.R. complained of chest pains, 
had difficulty in breathing and vomited blood.  Companions 
administered oxygen; meanwhile, the vessel headed for port and 
contacted the Coast Guard.  Ranger Talmadge Magno boarded the 
"Chieftain" as it left the park and provided advanced life 
support until a Coast Guard helicopter arrived and medevaced 
R.R. to a hyperbaric chamber.  R.R. was released from the 
hospital on the 18th and will fully recover from decompression 
sickness and a ruptured lung.  [Jack Fitzgerald, CR, CHIS, via 
CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 2/21]


Independence (Pennsylvania) - On February 21st, about 250 people 
from two groups  Act for Peace and Students for Peace  held a 
rally across Market Street from the Liberty Bell Pavilion.  
There were no incidents.  The park has issued 17 permits for 
war-related demonstrations since January 12th.  The 
demonstrations have been both for and against the war, and have 
ranged in size from individual vigils to gatherings of up to 
1,500 people.

Please advise us through your regional offices of all threats 
received, permits issued for demonstrations, and demonstrations 
or incidents that occur which are related to the war in the Gulf.  
Call Major Schamp at FTS 268-4209 (202-208-4209).


No reports today.


Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised 
entry.  Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:

March 11-15  Structural Fire Program Management, Indiana Dunes, 
Porter, IN.  For further information, contact MWR Employee 
Development Office at FTS 864-3942 or 402-221-3941.  [John Townsend, 

March 11-15  PNR Joint Operations Workshop, Portland, OR.  For 
further information, contact Kathy Jope at FTS 399-5670.  [Kathy 
Jope, RM&VP, PNRO]

+ March 11-April 4  Marine Law Enforcement Training, Glynco, GA.  

March 18-22  Midwest Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Lake 
Geneva, WI.  [J.J. McLaughlin, RAD/MWRO]

March 18-22  Land Management Controlled Substance Training, 
Marana, AZ.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application procedures, 
contact your regional training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, 

+ March 18-22  Aviation Management Workshop, Boise, ID. ** 

March 18-29  Prescribed Fire Burn Boss, Big Thicket, TX.  
Two-week training session on the management of prescribed burns 
to meet land management and operational objectives.  The course 
is designed for personnel having primary responsibility for 
planning and implementing prescribed fire as a management tool.  
Submit an NWCG interagency training nomination form to program 
coordinator David McHugh at Big Thicket no later than December 
14th.  [Paul Broyles, Branch of Fire]

* March 19-20  Cave GIS System Symposium/Workshop, Mammoth Cave 
NP, KY.  The program can be used in all aspects of cave 
management.  For further information, contact George Gregory 
(502-758-2322).  [George Gregory, MACA]

March 22-27  56th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources 
Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.  For further information, contact 
L.L. Williamson, Wildlife Management Institute, 1101 14th Street 
NW, Suite 725, Washington, DC 20005 (202-371-1808). [Kathy Jope, 

March 25-29  "Universal Design: Designing to Include Disabled 
People in Park and Recreation Areas and Facilities", Raleigh, NC.  
Sponsored by Special Programs and Populations, WASO, through 
Project Access.  Designed for architects, designers and 
engineers, this 40hour course will present methods and 
techniques for designing buildings and facilities that are 
accessible to disabled people.  Benefitting account plus tuition 
of $250.  Contact regional training office for application 
procedures.  For further information, contact Dave Park at 
202-343-3674 (FTS 343-3674).  [Kay Ellis, WASO-ACCESS]

March 25-June 4  Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management 
Agencies, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

March 25-29  Land Management Controlled Substance Training, 
Knoxville, TN.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  For application 
procedures, contact your regional training office.  [Carole 

March 28-May 16  Seasonal Law Enforcement Training Program, 
National Ranger Training Institute, Hocking College, Nelsonville, 
OH.  For further information and application, contact Connie 
Cassady or Steve Swayne at 614-753-3591 ext. 2330. [Steve Swayne, 
Hocking College]

+ April 8-19  Basic Instructor Training, Glynco, GA.  CANCELLED.

April 9-12  Western Regional Chief Rangers' Workshop, Days Inn, 
Scottsdale, AZ.  Funded by benefitting accounts.  For 
reservations, contact the Days Inn (602-947-5411); for further 
information, call Dwayne Collier at 602-640-5256 or Herb Gercke at 
415-556-1866.  [Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO]

April 14-18  Fire Management for Managers, NARTC, Marana, AZ.  
The session will be held concurrently with the USFS course on 
fire management for line officers, and there will be several 
joint sessions.  Open to superintendents, ARD's for operations 
and regional chief rangers.  For further information, contact 
Paul Broyles, Branch of Fire Management (208-334-1080 or FTS 
554-1080).  [Paul Broyles, FIRE]

April 14-18  Departmental Safety and Occupational Health 
Seminar, Bahia Resort Hotel, San Diego, CA.  Sponsored by the 
NPS.  Registration fee of $65.  All fulltime and collateral duty 
safety personnel are encouraged to attend.  For further 
information, contact William Davis, Chief, Branch of Loss 
Control, WASO, at FTS 3437014 or 202-343-7014.  [Bill Davis, 
Safety, WASO]

April 17-19  "Environmental Compliance: Tools for Protecting 
Parks", Colorado Springs, CO.  A three-day course "designed to 
help participants develop core skills and practical 
understanding in compliance, with a focus on NEPA."  Sponsored 
by WASO Environmental Quality and the Environmental Law 
Institute.  For further information, contact Frank Bono at 
Albright or Kheryn Klubnikin, Environmental Quality, WASO.  
[Kheryn Klubnikin, EQ/WASO]

April 24-26  Mountain Lion/Human Interaction Symposium and 
Workshop, Holiday Inn Holidome, Denver, CO.  Sponsored by the 
NPS and several other state, provincial and federal agencies.  
Abstracts are due by December 15, 1990.  For more information, 
call Steve Chaney (303-969-2856 or FTS 327-2856) or Robert Tully at 
303-297-1192.  [Steve Chaney, RMRO]

April 28-May 3  National Park and Wilderness Fire Management, 
NARTC, Marana, AZ.  For further information, call NARTC (FTS 
762-6414 or 602-670-6414).

+ April 29-May 23  Marine Law Enforcement Training, Glynco, GA.  

May 14-15  Western Region Peer Counselor Training, Tucson, AZ.  
Funded by benefitting accounts.  For applications, contact Herb 
Gercke at 415-556-1866.  [Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO]

May 20-July 17  Seasonal Law Enforcement Ranger Academy, 
Colorado Northwestern Community College, Rangely, CO.  For 
further information and application, contact Steven Whittmore at 
303-675-3306.  [Steven Whittmore, CNCC]

May 20-22  Third Annual Conference of the society for 
Ecological Restoration, Orlando, FL.  For further information, 
call (813) 355-5065.  [Jen Coffey, RAD/WASO]

May 29-June 1  "The Biology and Management of Martens and 
Fishers: A Symposium", Laramie, WY.  Sponsored by the NPS and 
several federal, state and provincial agencies.  For more 
information, contact the Department of Zoology and Physiology, 
University of Wyoming, at 307-766-2357.  [Sue Consolo Murphy, YELL]

+ June 17-July 12  Marine Law Enforcement Training Program, 

+ August 5-August 29  Marine Law Enforcement Training Program, 

(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report.  If you know 
of a conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide 
interest and implications, please provide the specifics to Bill 
Halainen in Ranger Activities).    


Division Chief: Dabney at climbing workshop in Denver, CO 

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Farabee at climbing 
workshop in Denver, CO (2/25-3/1).

Branch of Fire: Erskine and Farrel in Yosemite (2/24-2/26); Clark 
at  national "Smokey" program meeting, Denver, CO (2/25-2/26); Norum 
meeting with prairie parks research task group at Wind Cave (2/25-2/28).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650