MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, February 26, 1991


91-58 - Glen Canyon (Arizona/Utah) - Burglary Arrest

The marina store at Hite was burglarized late on the evening of 
February 15th; about $165 worth of merchandise, including beer, 
sunglasses and key chains, was taken.  Entry to the 
concession-operated store was gained by breaking out a window.  
The building had no alarm system.  On the morning of the 17th, 
the subdistrict ranger at Hite located several items taken from 
the store and identified three suspects in a local campground.  
Since Hite is a remote, one-man station, a ranger was flown in 
from Halls Crossing by park aircraft to assist in the case.  At 
noon, the rangers arrested T.D., 29, and D.K., 
23, both of Price, Utah, for forcible entry and burglary.  
T.O., 29, also of Price, was cited for possession of 
stolen property and released.  T.D. and D.K. were 
transported to the San Juan county jail in Monticello, where 
they were turned over to sheriff's deputies for state 
prosecution.  [CompuServe message from Larry Clark, CR, GLCA, 

91-59 - Glen Canyon (Arizona/Utah) - Suicide

At about 8:30 a.m. on the 18th, L.S., 92, of Hall's 
Crossing, Utah, committed suicide with a handgun in his trailer 
residence.  L.S., a retired Colorado rancher, had been 
employed by the park concessioner from 1978 to 1986.  He had 
been in poor health during the past year, and had a living will 
on file with local park medics.  The park's medical control was 
contacted and a decision was made not to make any efforts at 
resuscitation. No note was found.  [CompuServe message from
Larry Clark, CR, GLCA, 2/21]

91-60 - Gulf Islands (Mississippi/Florida) - Body Recovery

A park maintenance worker discovered the body of a man on the 
beach near the Santa Rosa day-use facility west of Navarre Beach, 
Florida, on the afternoon of February 21st.  The victim was 
later identified as R.S.L., 22, of Birmingham, 
Alabama.  Investigation revealed that R.S.L. had been a member of a 
fishing party of two males and a female which had left Destin, 
Florida, on a fishing trip on January 31st.  The trio had been 
in a 19-foot bass boat, and had headed out despite six to 
eight-foot seas and warnings that the trip would be too dangerous.  
The boat was found near the mouth of Mobile Bay on February 6th, 
and the body of the female was found the next day near the boat.  
The third member of the party is still missing.  [CompuServe 
message from Gene Phillips, CR, GUIS, 2/22]


Many thanks to all of you who volunteered to assist in the 
cleanup of oil spill in the Persian Gulf.  The Department is 
maintaining a list of all volunteers, but has not yet received a 
request from the National Recovery Team for any further 
assistance.  We will advise you of developments as they occur.

Please advise us through your regional offices of all threats 
received, permits issued for demonstrations, and demonstrations 
or incidents that occur which are related to the war in the Gulf.  
Call Major Schamp at FTS 268-4209 (202-208-4209).


No reports today.


1) The lead story in the March issue of National Geographic is 
on Lechugilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns.  The cave was 
"rediscovered" only a few years ago, and is now the third 
largest and the deepest known cave in the United States.  [Butch 
Farabee, RAD/WASO]


Division Chief: Dabney at climbing workshop in Denver, CO 

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Farabee at climbing 
workshop in Denver, CO (2/25-3/1).

Branch of Fire: Erskine and Farrel in Yosemite (2/24-2/26); Clark 
at  national "Smokey" program meeting, Denver, CO (2/25-2/26); Norum 
meeting with prairie parks research task group at Wind Cave (2/25-2/28).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650