MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Friday, March 1, 1991


90-301 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Followup on Arrest for Sexual Assault

On August 30, 1990, rangers arrested S.C.A., 25, 
for attempted rape.  Following two attempted rapes in early 
August in the Sope Creek area, the park initiated an extensive 
operation in an effort to find the assailant.  A stakeout of the 
area was begun, and a female ranger served as a decoy in the 
operation by posing as a sunbather.  When S.C.A. approached her 
and pulled down her swimsuit, he was arrested.  On February 19th, 
S.C.A. pled guilty to three counts of abusive sexual contact.  
S.C.A. originally faced seven charges linked to four incidents 
occurring in Chattahoochee and Kennesaw Mountain, but the 
government agreed to drop four charges in exchange for his 
guilty pleas.  The judge will consider a recommendation in the 
plea agreement that S.C.A., who has no previous criminal record, 
be sentenced to five to six years in prison.  Sentencing is 
scheduled for April 30th.  S.C.A. was also implicated in three 
sex-related crimes in Cobb County, and is wanted for questioning 
in similar attacks on two joggers and a rape near his Cobb 
County home.  He was charged with public indecency after a June 
incident in which he allegedly made an obscene statement to a 
female pedestrian and her child and then exposed himself.  
[Telefaxed clipping from February 20th Atlanta Constitution, 
sent by Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO, 2/28]

91-63 - Roosevelt-Vanderbilt (New York) - Illegal Hunting Conviction

G.H., 43, of Highland, New York, was convicted in 
magistrate's court of misdemeanor firearms possession on 
February 21st.  G.H. had been arrested by rangers Nicholas 
Valhos and David Hayes while hunting on park-owned land near 
Roosevelt's home on November 8, 1990.  G.H. was fined $500 and 
sentenced to perform 100 hours of community service in the park.  
He also pled guilty to violations of state laws prohibiting 
hunting without a license and requiring proper license plates.  
G.H. has a long history of hunting violations dating back to at 
least 1976.  The magistrate stipulated that G.H.'s community 
service in the park should include such projects as boundary 
posting, trail clearing and litter pickup.  [CompuServe message 
from Dave Hayes, ROVA, 2/28]


No reports today.

Please advise us through your regional offices of all threats 
received, permits issued for demonstrations, and demonstrations 
or incidents that occur which are related to the war in the Gulf.  
Call Major Schamp at FTS 268-4209 (202-208-4209).


No reports today.


March 1, 1938 - A TWA airliner with nine people on board 
disappeared over the Sierras during the worst storm to hit 
California in several decades.  There was a major air and ground 
search, but no sign of the plane was found.  On June 11, 1938, 
the wreckage of the plane was found on Buena Vista Peak in 
Yosemite. [Butch Farabee, RAD/WASO]

[Got an historical note?  Send it on to us for entry in the 
morning report].


Division Chief: Dabney at climbing workshop in Denver, CO 

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Farabee at climbing 
workshop in Denver, CO (2/25-3/1).

Branch of Fire: Erskine and Farrel in Yosemite (2/24-2/26); Clark 
at  national "Smokey" program meeting, Denver, CO (2/25-2/26); Norum 
meeting with prairie parks research task group at Wind Cave (2/25-2/28).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650