MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Thursday, April 11, 1991


90-239 - Gulf Islands (Mississippi/Florida) - Followup on Homicide

On the morning of August 4, 1990, campers on Santa Rosa Island 
discovered the body of B.D.R., 34, of Pensacola, 
Florida, just off a trail behind Battery Langdon.  An 
investigation was begun by the Escambia County sheriff's office, 
the FBI and park rangers.  The prime suspect was J.M.W., 
28, also of Pensacola, who was B.D.R.'s boyfriend.  
J.M.W. was apprehended that night while attempting to cash a 
check issued to the victim; he was also driving B.D.R.'s car.  
He was charged with homicide.  On Monday, April 8th, J.M.W. 
pleaded no contest to charges of armed robbery and second-degree 
murder and was sentenced to 25 years in prison on both counts, 
with terms to be served concurrently.  [CompuServe message from 
Gene Phillips, CR, GUIS, 4/10]

91-106 - Everglades (Florida) - Demonstration

Greenpeace supporters concluded a two-day-long march through the 
park along the main road from Flamingo To Miami on April 9th.  
Some 30 demonstrators participated in the march, which was 
conducted to focus attention on new garbage incinerators in 
south Florida which allegedly discharge mercury and other toxic 
metals into the air.  These emissions reputedly poison the water 
which flows through the park.  The group was peaceful and 
cooperated fully with National Park Service conditions.  
[Telefax from Mark Lewis, LES, EVER, 4/9]


No reports today.


1) The following memorandum was prepared by Mario Fraire, Chief 
Personnel Officer in WASO, and sent to all regional and park 
personnel officers and all regional chief rangers.  THE DUE DATE 

"The Federal Register notice provided below requires your 
immediate attention.  As you know, the Office of Personnel 
Management is required by the Federal Pay Reform Act to provide 
in writing by January, 1993, to Congress, a legislative proposal 
for a new classification and pay system dealing with protective 
services occupations.  The request for comments has come out a 
lot sooner than anticipated with a very short deadline.  To 
develop a Park Service position, please provide us your comments 
not later than the due date.  Please use whatever means are the 
most expeditious to get your comments to us.  Your comments 
should be sent to me or John Mussare in the Personnel Division 
or Tony Sisto in Ranger Activities."  The Federal Register 
notice follows:

                 *   *   *   *   *   *

Federal Law Enforcement and Protective Occupations

AGENCY: U.S. Office of Personnel Management

ACTION: Notice of opportunity to file comments.

SUMMARY: The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) invites all 
Federal agencies, labor unions and other employee organizations 
and interested persons to submit written comments and 
recommendations on the procedures to be employed and the issues 
to be addressed by OPM in considering the establishment of a 
special position classification and pay system (or systems) for 
law enforcement and protective occupations in the Federal 

DATES: Comments and recommendations in response to this notice 
will be considered if received by April 26, 1991.  Requests for 
extension of time will not be granted, absent extraordinary 

ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver comments or recommendations to 
Barbara L. Fiss, Assistant Director for Pay and Performance 
Management Programs, U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E 
Street, NW, Room 7H30, Washington, DC 20415.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Title IV of the Federal Employees Pay 
Comparability Act of 1990 (FEPCA), Public Law 101509, November 5, 
1990, provides in section 412 that no later than January 1, 1993, 
OPM, in consultation with law enforcement agencies and law 
enforcement employee groups, shall submit to Congress, in 
writing, a plan to establish a separate pay and classification 
system for law enforcement officers and specifications for 
legislation to implement such a plan.  Concurrently, under 5 
U.S.C. 5392, as amended by FEPCA, OPM is considering whether to 
recommend to the President's Pay Agent the establishment of a 
special occupational pay system for protective occupations (e.g., 
Federal firefighters, police, and guards).

OPM is currently preparing plans for conducting these studies 
and invites comments and recommendations addressing any matters 
relating to procedures for carrying out the study, the 
occupational coverage, or any other pertinent issues.  OPM is 
particularly interested in receiving any comments on the 
following questions:

* What do you consider the most serious classification and pay 
problems which must be addressed in these studies?  Please be as 
specific as possible.
* Which occupations in the Federal Government should be grouped 
within the definitions of "law enforcement" or "protective" 
occupational series for purposes of these studies?

* Is the current classification system adequate for evaluating 
law enforcement and protective occupations?

* To what extent, if at all, are law enforcement classification 
and pay systems used in local and State governments transferable 
to the Federal Government?

* What procedures or mechanisms should OPM employ to promote 
effective consultation with Federal agencies, unions, and other 
employee organizations in conducting these studies?


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Henry on SL (indefinite);
Halainen on detail to House Subcommittee on National Parks and 
Public Lands (3/8-4/26); Marriott at PNR chief rangers' conference 
(4/8-4/12); Martin at WR chief rangers' conference, Phoenix, AZ (4/9-4/17).

Branch of Fire: Farrel on site visit to GRCA, at WR chief 
rangers' conference in Scottsdale, AZ, and at training session at NARTC, 
Marana,  AZ (4/10-4/19); Gale and Clark at Yosemite fire review, WRO, San
Francisco, CA (4/9-4/11).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650