MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Thursday, April 25, 1991


91-127 - Rocky Mountain (Colorado) - Search in Progress

On April 22nd, rangers found a parked vehicle belonging to J.M. 
of Boulder, Colorado, and learned that J.M. had 
headed out for a two-day solo climb on Long's Peak early on 
Saturday, April 20th.  Few people in town knew J.M., so 
little other information was available regarding his exact plans.  
A hasty search of his approach route was conducted on Monday, 
and a full search employing search teams, dog teams and two 
helicopters was started the following day.  J.M.'s camp was 
found yesterday; searchers also found someone who had seen him 
on Saturday and identified several climbing routes that J.M. 
was considering for his ascent.  About 60 percent of the search 
area has been covered so far.  Attempts were being made 
yesterday to cover as much ground as possible, as weather 
conditions are expected to deteriorate today and remain bad 
through the weekend.  Two local television stations are in the 
park covering the incident.  [Dave Essex, CR, ROMO, via telefax 
reports from Jim Reilly, RAD/RMRO, 4/23 and 4/24]

91-128 - Glen Canyon (Arizona/Utah) - Larceny/Assault 

On the afternoon of April 19th, employees of the Hite Store saw 
O.K., 73, of Dove Creek, Colorado, place a piece of 
frozen meat under his coveralls.  When confronted by marina 
manager Joe Swank outside the store, O.K. pulled the frozen 
meat from inside his clothing and struck Swank on the head with 
it.  O.K. then attempted to strike Swank and another employee 
with his fists while shouting threats and profanities.  Swank 
left the store area for his camper trailer parked in the local 
NPS campground.  Two rangers from Bullfrog drove 76 miles to the 
scene, a third ranger was flown to the area by the park plane, 
and two San Juan County deputy sheriffs drove 180 miles from 
Monticello, Utah.  O.K. was approached by the team just before 
dark.  While being interviewed, he swung at a deputy but missed 
him.  O.K. was arrested and is being charged with two counts of 
assault and one count of larceny.  Alcohol was involved.  
[CompuServe message from Larry Clark, CR, GLCA, 4/22]

91-129 - Lake Mead (Nevada/California) - Fatality

The body of an unidentified adult female was found in Las Vegas 
Wash on April 19th.  Numerous "tracks" and bruises from 
injections were found on her arms and legs.  An investigation is 
underway.  [Terry Green, LAME, via CompuServe message from Herb 
Gercke, RAD/WRO, 4/22]

91-130 - C & O Canal (D.C./Maryland) - Rape Conviction

In July of 1989, Park Police detectives began an investigation 
into a rape which occurred in the park.  A suspect was 
identified who had a prior conviction for rape, but had been 
released on parole several months earlier.  The victim of that 
rape had been beaten badly with a railroad spike.  The suspect 
was located and questioned, and information placing him at the 
scene of the assault was obtained.  He was arrested and tried in 
superior court in the District of Columbia in January.  The 
suspect was found guilty and was sentenced to six years in 
prison (the balance of his prior sentence) and to two life 
sentences.  All sentences are to run consecutively.  [Report 
from Maj. Jack Schamp, LES, RAD/WASO, 4/22]

91-131 - Alaska Region (Alaska) - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Settlement

Following 30 days of consideration during which he reviewed 
sentencing memoranda and public comments, Federal District Judge 
Russell Holland rejected the $1 billion plea agreement offered 
by Exxon, Inc., and Exxon Shipping stemming from the Exxon 
Valdez oil spill in March of 1989.  Judge Holland felt that the 
$100 million criminal penalty provision of the settlement was 
not severe enough to deter oil companies from spilling oil in 
the future.  Exxon has been given time to reconsider their 
guilty pleas and enter into a new agreement.  The new deadline 
is May 24, 1991.  [CompuServe message from RAD/ARO, 4/24]


1) Patrick Ward, the son of Western Regional Chief Ranger Phil 
Ward, died unexpectedly last weekend.  Phil asks that anyone 
wishing to make donations in his memory send them to the E&AA 
scholarship fund.

2) Park and regional resource managers with responsibility for 
endangered species should get on the mailing list for the Fish 
and Wildlife Service's "Endangered Species Technical Bulletin", 
a free monthly newsletter giving information on the latest 
listings, proposals, progress on recovery plans, and so forth.  
The newsletter also contains an update for each region.  Request 
it from Michael Rees, Assistant Editor, "Technical Bulletin", 
Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, 
Washington, D.C. 20240 (703-358-2166).  [Margaret Osborne, 
Wildlife and Vegetation, WASO]

3) The annual DOI Honors Award Convocation will be held in 
Washington on May 8th.  A number of NPS employees will be 
receiving awards.  Recipients should wear their full Class A 
winter dress uniforms, including coat, tie and felt hat.  
Payment of travel costs for recipients is authorized, as is 
payment of travel for an individual of the award recipient's 
choosing.  This person should normally be an individual related 
by blood or affinity whose close association with the employee 
is the equivalent of a family relationship.  Payment of travel 
costs for more than one individual may be considered for 
recipients who are handicapped.  See FPM Letter 4517, July 25, 
1990.  [Dick Martin, RAD/WASO]  


Division Chief: Dabney to Rocky Mountain Region superintendents'
conference (4/22-4/26) and Canyonlands (4/29-5/3).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Halainen on detail to 
House Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (3/8-4/26); 
Henry on SL (indefinite).

Branch of Fire: Gale on NPS18 review in WASO (4/23-4/25).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650