MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, May 13, 1991


91-148 - Boston (Massachusetts) - Death of Employee

George MacDougall, a member of the park's grounds crew, was 
stricken with a heart attack while working at the Bunker Hill 
Monument early on the afternoon of May 9th.  Ranger Vince 
Kordack began CPR with the assistance of a visitor, and was soon 
joined by local EMS personnel and ranger-EMT's Aline Forbes and 
Chip Littlefield, who provided advanced life support measures.  
MacDougall was taken to a city hospital, but succumbed following 
further treatment.  Among his survivors is his daughter, Deborah, 
who works for the NARO Preservation Lab.  [Telefax from John 
Benjamin, Deputy Superintendent, BOST, 5/10]

91-149 - Big Bend (Texas) - Possible Homicide

While working at Glenn Springs historic cemetery, archeologist 
Tom Alex discovered what appeared to be a new grave.  The local 
FBI office was contacted, and the grave is being treated as a 
crime scene pending complete investigation.  Further information 
will follow.  [Roger Moder, BIBE, via telefax from Cliff Chetwin, 
RAD/SWRO, 5/10]

91-150 - Lake Mead (Nevada/California) - Chemical Spill

A truck delivering 3,000 gallons of diesel fuel to construction 
workers at the base of Hoover Dam lost its brakes, wrecked and 
spilled fuel into the Colorado River below the dam on May 2nd.  
The Boulder Beach fire brigade responded and assisted Bureau of 
Reclamation personnel in removing the injured driver and in 
providing fire protection.  Rangers monitored the spill as it 
moved down river and eventually dissipated.  The spill had no 
impacts on fish or wildlife.  [Dispatch, LAME, via CompuServe 
message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 5/9]

91-151 - Lake Mead (Nevada/California) - Emergency Assistance

A large cloud of chlorine gas was released following a spill at 
an industrial complex in Henderson, Nevada, on May 6th.  NPS 
personnel worked at a command post and triage area set up in 
Boulder City and provided medical assistance to over 80 persons 
affected by the gas.  Rangers also provided traffic control on 
park roads leading into and out of the town.  [Dispatch, LAME, 
via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 5/9]

91-152 - Big Thicket (Texas) - Homicide

Ranger Ray Klein came across a police crime scene barricade in 
the park at the Four Oaks Ranch Road Confluence boat ramp and 
day use area while on routine patrol on the morning of May 4th 
and subsequently learned that a homicide had been committed in 
the park the previous afternoon.  The body of the victim, J.E.G., 
62, of Vidor, Texas, had been discovered by a 
passerby; a few hours later, the victim's son-in-law, D.C.G., 
of Bridge City, Texas, turned himself in to 
deputies in a nearby county and confessed to shooting his 
father-in-law.  D.C.G. was brought before a local justice of the 
peace, who released him on a $10,000 bond.  County investigators 
are unable to explain why the park was not notified, as a 
memorandum of understanding exists between the two agencies and 
the murder occurred at a developed park facility.  County 
officers have pledged to cooperate fully with park staff and 
submit all information requested for possible future prosecution 
of Greer in federal court.  [CompuServe message from RAD/SWRO, 

91-153 - Joshua Tree (California) - Burglary

An alarm company monitoring the visitor center's intrusion 
system reported a burglary at 9:00 p.m. on the evening of April 
30th.  Rangers discovered that entry had been made by smashing a 
side window with a large rock, and that two VCR's with a 
valuation of $700 had been stolen.  They followed tracks from 
the center and found the VCR's and a bicycle.  A minor suspect 
has been identified, but no arrest has yet been made.  [Paul 
Henry, CR, JOTR, via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, 
RAD/WRO, 5/6]

[More pending incident reports tomorrow...]


No reports today.


1) The 55th Department of Interior Honor Awards Convocation was 
held in Washington on May 8th.  The following employees were 
cited for extraordinary courage and heroism in saving the lives 
of others: Rangers Terry Swift, Dale Antonich, Terry Harris, 
Mark Machiha, Ian Brown and Carolyn Brown; US Park Police 
Officers Lisa Dunlap, Rachel Luce, Norman Hinson, and Raymond 
Rapp.  Two others received stewardship awards for their efforts 
in the "war on drugs"  Ranger Jeffrey Judd and US Park Police 
Detective Peter Markland.  Congratulations to all!  Detailed 
information on the awards will appear in the next RANGER 

2) The resource management division at Gulf Islands needs two 
metal detectors.  Any park with a surplus or confiscated metal 
detector willing to transfer or loan it to them should contact 
Carl Zimmerman, resource management specialist, at 9049342605.  
[Gene Phillips, CR, GUIS]


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: No leave or travel 

Branch of Fire: Report pending.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650