MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Thursday, May 30, 1991


90-311 - Appalachian Trail (MaineGeorgia) - Followup on Double 

On September 13, 1990, Appalachian Trail hikers M.L. and 
G.H. were murdered in a shelter just south of Duncannon, 
Pennsylvania.  A major investigation and search for the murderer 
was immediately begun, and descriptions of the probable 
assailant and the items he was carrying were disseminated all 
along the trail.  Eight days later, an Appalachian Trail 
Conference (ATC) volunteer spotted a man meeting this 
description on the C&O Canal footpath just north of Harpers 
Ferry.  He reported the sighting to Harpers Ferry rangers, and 
rangers Bob Mackreth, Bill Scofield and John Bailey apprehended 
the man, later identified as P.D.C., who was wanted by 
the state of Florida for a homicide committed there.  On May 
26th, P.D.C. was found guilty of two counts of first degree 
murder in a state court in New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, and 
sentenced to death.  The murder case was investigated by the 
Pennsylvania State Police and prosecuted by the district 
attorney for Perry County, Pennsylvania.  The ATC played a major 
role in the investigation, providing expert assistance, support 
(including maps, guides, trail registers, witnesses and 
volunteer evidence searchers), funding for investigators' travel, 
and effective courtroom displays.  The close cooperation and 
coordination of many law enforcement agencies and Appalachian 
Trail management units brought this case to a successful 
conclusion.  [Telefax from APTR, 5/29]

91-181 - Acadia (Maine) - Search; Fatality

A major search effort concluded on May 28th with the discovery 
of the body of 75-year-old hiker R.V.H.  R.V.H's 
vehicle had been found parked off a park road; when it was 
determined on May 24th that he was overdue from a hike, a hasty 
search was begun.  This fruitless effort evolved into a major 
search, engaging 25 park employees, 20 game wardens from the 
Maine Warden Service, 60 volunteers from the University of Maine 
Forestry School, six state volunteer SAR groups, five search dog 
teams, and three helicopters from the Maine Department of 
Forestry and Brunswick Naval Air Station.  Rangers in the Navy 
helicopter spotted some of R.V.H's personal effects near the 
cliffs at Jordan Pond on the 28th, and rangers and wardens found 
his body near the base of the cliffs later that day.  It appears 
that R.V.H left the hiking trail and fell approximately 300 
feet to his death, which probably occurred on or about May 20th.  
The incident commander for the search was Norm Dodge, Acadia's 
chief ranger.  [Telefax from John Lynch, RAD/NARO, 5/29]

91-182 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Helicopter Crash

A Mambo Kea contract Hughes 500 helicopter crashed while sling 
loading on a resource management assignment at 5,500 feet on 
Mauna Loa.  Initial reports indicate that the pilot, who was the 
helicopter's sole occupant, was seriously injured.  The aircraft 
was totally destroyed.  A small fire resulted and was suppressed 
by park crews.  OAS has been notified.  [Jack Minassian, HAVO, 
via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 5/29]

91-183 - Obed River (Tennessee) - Drowning

D.L., 33, of Morgan County, Tennessee, reportedly 
drowned while swimming near Barnett Bridge on the morning of May 
26th.  Due to suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, 
the county sheriff's office is conducting a homicide 
investigation.  [Don Forester, OBRI, via telefax from Steve 
Alscher, RAD/SERO, 5/29]

91-184 - Southwest Region (New Mexico) - ARPA Task Force 

Members of the joint, interagency ARPA task force  including 
representatives from the National Park Service  caught several 
individuals in three vehicles dismantling a 17th Century 
Navajo/Pueblo site on BLM lands near Cuba, New Mexico recently.  
All individuals were interviewed and released, and indictments 
are currently being sought from a grand jury.  Associated 
investigations and damage assessments are continuing.  Task 
force archeologists estimate that the about 40 tons of material 
was moved at the site.  [CompuServe message from Bill Tanner, 
RAD/SWRO, 5/29] 

91-185 - Padre Island (Texas) - Probable Suicide

On May 26th, a couple looking for their dog came across a 
vehicle parked behind the dunes 20 miles down the island.  They 
saw a body in the driver's seat and notified rangers.  The 
victim was tentatively identified as a 36-year-old male from San 
Antonio.  A park entrance receipt dated March 21, 1991, was 
found in the vehicle along with a suicide note.  Checks are 
being made to ascertain the whereabouts of the man's common law 
wife, since he was not listed as a missing person.  An autopsy 
has also been ordered. [CompuServe message from Bill Tanner, 
RAD/SWRO, 5/29] 

91-186 - Lake Meredith (Texas) - Drowning

V.I., 19, of Dumas, Texas, was swimming with 
friends in the South Cliffs area of the lake on the afternoon of 
the 27th.  While attempting to swim across the South Canyon 
embayment, he experienced problems and went under.  His friends 
attempted to rescue him, but without success.  Park divers 
recovered his body an hour later.  Early indications are that 
alcohol was not a factor, and that V.I. simply exceeded 
his ability.  [CompuServe message from Bill Tanner, RAD/SWRO, 

91-187 - Buffalo River (Arkansas)

J.C. of Seligman, Missouri, drowned on May 15th when he 
and a friend tried to swim the river while it was in its flood 
state.  Rangers recovered his body several miles downstream the 
same evening.  [CompuServe message from Bill Tanner, RAD/SWRO, 


1) FIRE SITUATION  Preparedness Level II

One geographic area experiencing high fire danger.  Numerous 
Class A, B, and C fires occurring and a potential exists for 
escapes to larger (project) fires.  Minimal mobilization of 
resources from other geographic areas occurring.  The potential 
exists for mobilizing additional resources from other geographic 


State  Agency     Area            Fire              5/29   5/30    Status

AK    FWS     Kenai NWR       *Pothole  T1         8,400  8,400    CN 6/2

AZ    USFS    Kaibab NF       *Geronimo  T2           85     85    Yes
      BIA     Ft. Apache      *Cradleboard  T2       218    210    Yes    

NM    BLM     Roswell         *Squaw                 200    500    Yes 


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this
report). T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
Status  The following abbreviations are employed:

 * NR  No report received      * MS  Modified suppression strategy
 * CN  Contained               * MN  Being monitored
 * CL  Controlled              * None  No estimate of containment
 * CS  Confinement strategy    * Yes  Fire has been contained

3) ANALYSIS - Fires in the southwest are being contained as 
4) PROGNOSIS - Fire activity is expected to continue in the 

[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0530 MDT, 5/30] 


1) DC Heath Publishing is interested in information about 
rangers who patrol on bicycles for a textbook they are preparing 
for grammar school children.  If you can help, call Allyson Hart 
at 6178601791.  [Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO]

2) A law was recently passed which requires that any new radio 
systems installed by agencies of the federal government after 
January 1, 1995, must be on narrowband frequency, and that all 
systems must be converted to narrowband by the year 2005.  Parks 
may add to existing systems until that time.  We are in the 
process of getting further information on this law and its 
implications and will pass on our findings to you ASAP.  [Jack 
Schamp, RAD/WASO, via report from Bob Reid, RAD/MARO]

3) Clarification regarding entry on yesterday's morning report: 
Information regarding impacts on your parks regarding loss of 
parttime magistrates or your efforts to deal with the prospect 
of losing a parttime magistrate should be reported to Ranger 
Activities, not to the Department as was implied in yesterday's 
report.  [Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO]


May 30, 1956 - Rangers Frank Betts, Bob Frauson, Jerry Hammond 
and Wayne Nesbit received the DOI Valor Award for the rescue of 
an injured hiker on Hallet Peak in Rocky Mountain.


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Sisto on AL (5/27-5/31).

Branch of Fire: Norum at annual meeting of national advisory group on
fire danger rating, Asheville, NC (5/27-5/31); Botti and Burg at FIREPRO
steering committee meeting, San Francisco, CA (5/28-6/4).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650