MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, June 5, 1991

                           *** NOTICE ***
There will be no morning reports Thursday or Friday.
They will resume on Monday, June 10. 


911-97 - Denali (Alaska) - Search in Progress

On May 30th, concession employee J.S., approximately 
30 years old and believed to be from Kansas City, Missouri, 
signed out for a hike to the Cathedral Mountain area, stating on 
the register that he would be hiking solo, that he was in good 
physical condition, and that he had no previous experience 
hiking in Alaska.  An employee for ARA, the park concessioner, 
reported J.S. as overdue when he failed to return to work at 
5:00 p.m. on June 2nd.  There are some indications that J.S. 
may have deviated from his initial course and gone into the 
Toklat area, but this has not yet been confirmed.  Searches are 
currently underway by fixedwing aircraft; the park may also 
employ its contract Llama helicopter.  (Jim Unruh, DENA, via 
telefax from Steve Holder, RAD/ARO, 6/4]

91-198 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Successful Search and Rescue

Pilot P.C. had transported a party of climbers from Mount 
Logan to their staging area at Bear Island and was returning for 
the remainder of the group on the morning of May 29th when the 
engine of his C185 failed and he was forced to land on the 
Baldwin Glacier.  Late the next day, P.C.'s father advised the 
park that his son was overdue.  Available information indicated 
that P.C. did not have adequate food, clothing or survival gear 
for a stay on the glacier.  Search efforts were begun on Friday, 
but were impeded by poor visibility, rain and lowlying clouds.  
No ELT signal was received until noon on Saturday.  Search 
efforts were expanded via RCC to include a C130 from Elmendorf 
AFB, a state DNR helicopter and the NPS contract, high-altitude 
Llama helicopter stationed at Denali.  Around 2:00 p.m. on 
Saturday, June 1st, the C130 was able to establish radio contact 
with P.C. while flying at high altitude above the weather.  The 
state helicopter successfully located P.C. through a narrow 
window in the weather two hours later and was able to extricate 
him and transport him to his home on Bear Island.  P.C. 
suffered no injuries, and the C185 was not damaged.  [Jim Hummel, 
WRST, via telefax from Steve Holder, RAD/ARO, 6/4]

91-199 - Chattahoochee River (Georgia) - Drowning

Early on the morning of May 16th, rangers received a report from 
S.D. that her son J.D., 22, was overdue from a 
kayaking trip on the river the day before.  S.D.'s vehicle 
was located in the Powers Island Unit, and a search for him 
along 15 miles of the river was conducted without results.  
Checks of the river were undertaken each day thereafter, and 
J.D.'s body was eventually found on the evening of May 30th 
wedged under vegetation just north of Long Island.  J.D., who 
was reported to be a novice kayaker, was not wearing a life 
jacket, helmet or wet suit, and was kayaking alone.  [Telefax 
from Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 6/4]

91-200 - Natchez Trace (Mississippi/Alabama/Tennessee) - Conviction

On May 31st, J.W.P. of Pontotoc, Mississippi, was 
sentenced in connection with a kidnapping and sexual abuse 
incident which occurred in the park last September.  J.W.P. 
received 32 years for kidnapping, 20 years for sexual assault, 
and five years for sexual assault of a minor.  All sentences are 
to be served concurrently.  J.W.P. also has eight years to serve 
for a similar sexual abuse case in Tennessee.  [CompuServe 
message from Pat Reed, CR, NATR, 6/4]

91-201 - Olympic (Washington) -  Drowning

S.W., 31, of Olympia, Washington, was attempting to 
cross the Soleduck River just above Soleduck Falls at about 6:45 
p.m. on the 3rd when she fell into the river and was swept over 
the falls into a deep pool approximately 60 to 80 feet below.  
Although injured to an unknown extent, she was able to reach the 
rocks which form the wall of a steep canyon at the base of the 
falls and hold herself there while others went for help.  
Rangers were notified of the accident about a half hour later 
and arrived at the scene with rescue equipment within 35 minutes.  
They immediately lowered a rope to S.W. to give her something 
to grasp until they could rappel into the canyon to reach her.  
S.W. held onto the rope and was attempting to wrap it around 
her body when she lost her balance, was swept downstream and 
drowned.  Rangers and county search and rescue team members 
searched the river for her throughout the night and located her 
body around 9:00 a.m. the following morning.  [Cat Hawkins, OLYM, 
via CompuServe message from Mark Forbes, RAD/PNRO, 6/4]


1) FIRE SITUATION  Preparedness Level II

One geographic area experiencing high fire danger.  Numerous 
Class A, B, and C fires occurring and a potential exists for 
escapes to larger (project) fires.  Minimal mobilization of 
resources from other geographic areas occurring.  The potential 
exists for mobilizing additional resources from other geographic 

2) FIRE SUMMARY  No fires reported.

3) ANALYSIS - Very high to extreme fire dangers are being 
reported in a few areas in the Southwest and initial attack 
operations are underway in several regions, but no significant 
fire activity is occurring anywhere.
4) PROGNOSIS - No resource shortages are anticipated.

[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0531 MDT, 6/5] 


Division Chief: Dabney at resource study workshop, Denver, CO, and
meeting with staff of Branch of Fire & Aviation, Boise, ID (6/4-6/6).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Halainen at incident strategic
communications working team steering group meeting, Denver, CO

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Hurd at aviation management council meeting,
Boise, ID (6/4-6/8); Clark instructing S490, Fort Mitchel, KY (6/2-6/7);
Bristol at InciNet meeting, Washington, DC (6/3-6/6); Gale at I520/620
steering committee meeting and site visit to VOYA, Duluth and
International Falls, MN (6/2-6/8).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650