MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, June 11, 1991

                         *** NOTICE ***

Due to the advent of the fire season, the morning report
will be posted between 0815 and 0830 EDT until further notice.


91-209 - Richmond (Virginia) - Serious Injury to Employee

Pete Baril, the park's chief ranger, was seriously injured on 
the morning of June 7th when the patrol vehicle he was working 
on rolled over him, causing multiple broken ribs, a fractured 
clavicle and bruised lungs.  The vehicle subsequently rolled 
into the woods and stopped after hitting a stump.  Pete is 
currently in the trauma surgery intensive care unit at the 
Medical College of Virginia.  Get well wishes can be sent to him 
at the following address: Room 4218A, Medical College of 
Virginia, Main Hospital, 401 North 12th Street, Richmond, VA 
23219.  [Leslie Winston, RICH, via Bob Reid, RAD/MARO, 6/10]

91-210 - Cape Hatteras (North Carolina) - Drowning

E.S., 53, of Frisco, North Carolina, was wading in 
Pamlico Sound with a friend looking for soft crabs on the 
afternoon of June 9th when both inadvertently stepped into deep 
water.  Although his companion was able to reach shore, E.S. 
drowned.  Responding rangers initiated CPR, but were unable to 
revive him.  [Telephone report from Steve Smith, RAD/SERO, 6/11]


1) FIRE SITUATION  Preparedness Level II

One geographic area experiencing high fire danger.  Numerous 
Class A, B, and C fires occurring and a potential exists for 
escapes to larger (project) fires.  Minimal mobilization of 
resources from other geographic areas occurring.  The potential 
exists for mobilizing additional resources from other geographic 


State  Agency     Area           Fire               6/10   6/11    Status

AK    BLM     Kobuk District   B225  T2            1,500  1,500    None   
      FWS     Yukon Delta NWR *B242                       3,500    None


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 * NR  No report received      * MS  Modified suppression strategy
 * CN  Contained               * MN  Being monitored
 * CL  Controlled              * None  No estimate of containment
 * CS  Confinement strategy    

3) ANALYSIS - Initial attack activity continues in Alaska.  The 
weather there remains warm and dry.  
4) PROGNOSIS - No resource shortages anticipated.

[NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0555 MDT, 6/11] 


No reports today.


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection:  Marriott and Schamp at 
critical incident stress review team meeting, Arlington, VA (6/11-6/14); 
Coffey on annual leave (6/13-6/14); Martin on annual leave (6/13-6/14); 
Halainen on annual leave (6/14)

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Norum at meeting of NWCG prescribed 
fire and fire effects working team, Fairbanks, AK (6/9-6/15).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650