MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, June 24, 1991


91-229 - Alaska Region (Alaska) - Helicopter Accident

On the afternoon of June 6th, an NPS employee was in the process 
of loading a radio antenna on a contract helicopter at an air 
strip in Nome in order to take it to a site on Granite Mountain 
when the antenna struck the Bell 206B's blades.  The rotor 
suffered some noticeable damage, but no one was injured.  
[Telefaxed report from RAD/ARO, 6/21]

91-230 - Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) - Conviction for Indecent 

On June 12th, R.L.G. of Walkersville, Maryland, was 
found guilty of disorderly conduct following his arrest for 
indecent acts committed as a transvestite while in the park.  
Due to sufficient identifying information provided by a teenage 
witness and facts uncovered during an investigation, R.L.G. 
was positively identified as the person who committed the acts.  
It was also learned that he'd committed the same offense in the 
park on two occasions during the previous eight months, but that 
the witnesses to those acts were unwilling to appear in court.  
R.L.G. was found guilty due to the excellent testimony of the 
witness and the testimony of the investigating ranger, who 
brought to light a number of contradictory and unusual 
statements made by R.L.G. during three separate interviews.  
Though the magistrate suggested that R.L.G. seek professional 
counseling, he did not order it because R.L.G. had no prior 
convictions.  R.L.G. was instead fined $250 and ordered to pay 
the costs for his legal representation.  [CompuServe message 
from Mac Heebner, CR, GETT, 6/20]

91-231 - Colonial (Virginia) - Suicide

A Williamsburg, Virginia, police officer investigating a missing 
person report on A.H., 60, of that community, found 
Hunt's body in his vehicle in a pullout along Colonial Parkway 
on the morning of the 21st.  Preliminary investigation indicates 
that the death was a suicide.  A.H. was found in an area of 
exclusive NPS jurisdiction, and the FBI is investigating. 
[CompuServe message from COLO, 6/21]


1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level II


State  Agency     Area                Fire            6/23   6/24   Status

AK    BLM/AK  Tanana Zone       * B376  T2             100  3,000   None
      FWS     Yukon Flats NWR   * B381                 640  2,000   None
      AK      AK                * B356                      2,500   None

AZ    USFS    Tonto NF          * St. Clair          1,100  1,100   CN

NM    BLM     Albuquerque Dist. * Lava                 400    320   CN 6/25


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 * NR  No report received      * MS  Modified suppression strategy
 * CN  Contained               * MN  Being monitored
 * CL  Controlled              * None  No estimate of containment
 * CS  Confinement strategy    


						Fires		Acres

	1991 (Year-to-date)     36,630        537,369
	1990 (Year-to-date)     31,547        630,205

4) ANALYSIS - Several more areas in the Southwest are reporting 
extreme fire indices.  Initial attack activity in Alaska is 
increasing; more than 70 requests for overhead teams have been 
submitted and one Type I crew has been sent from the Lower 48.
5) PROGNOSIS - Activity is expected to increase in both Alaska 
and the Southwest due to forecasted weather and extreme burning 

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 
0529 MDT, 6/24; NICC Daily Situation Report, 1346 MDT, 6/23] 


Division Chief: No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Schamp on travel to 
Alaska (6/24-7/2); Marriott on drug operations review, Big Bend 

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Bristol at VAX training session, 
Digital Corp., Englewood, Colorado (6/24-6/28); Botti at 
congressional liaison training session, WASO (6/23-6/29); Berg 
conducting audits at Big Cypress and Everglades (6/24-6/28); Gale 
on AL (6/24-6/25).