MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, July 9, 1991


91-266 - Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Fatality

Early on the morning of July 4th, D.J., 43, and his 
15-year-old son, K.J., both of Tucson, Arizona, left West 
Yellowstone in their homemade, two-seat, tandem-design airplane 
and headed for Casper, Wyoming.  The aircraft apparently 
experienced trouble shortly after takeoff.  D.J., the 
pilot, attempted to make an emergency landing near Moose Meadows 
on the southeast shore of Shoshone Lake, but something caught 
the plane's front wheel and tipped it over into shallow water.  
K.J. escaped the crash with minor injuries.  He tried 
unsuccessfully to rescue his father, who was trapped in the 
plane and apparently drowned.  K.J. sat on the plane waiting 
for help, then jumped into the water, waded to shore, and 
contacted some people who notified rangers.  K.J. was 
transported to Grant Village and later taken to his aunt's home 
in West Yellowstone, where his mother was to meet him.  The NTSB 
was notified and D.J.'s body was recovered later in 
the day.  The park has also learned that Wyoming Aeronautics 
received a may day prior to the crash.  [Steve Frye, YELL, via 
telefax from J.T. Reynolds, RAD/RMRO, 7/5]

91-267 - Zion (Utah) - Conviction of Ranger

On June 26th, P.K., a former permanent ranger and 
backcountry coordinator at Zion, pled guilty in U.S. District 
Court to one count of felony theft of government property.  The 
guilty plea was part of a plea agreement in which two other 
felony counts were dismissed and came the day before Kirkland 
was to have appeared before a jury on a three-count felony 
indictment.  The charges followed a month-long investigation 
which began in February and centered around the theft of monies 
from the park's campground receipts.  P.K. must also make 
restitution for the monies stolen.  P.K.'s criminal 
activities led to his termination from the Service on June 8th.  
Sentencing is scheduled for August 26th.  [Larry Van Slyke, CR, 
ZION, via telefax from J.T. Reynolds, RAD/RMRO, 7/5]

91-268 - Ozark (Missouri) - Fatality

S.C., 26, of Dexter, Iowa, was floating on the Current 
River in Troublesome Hollow with some friends when he 
experienced a severe asthma attack.  Although a nurse in the 
party gave him to injections of asthma-medication, S.C. expired.  
Rangers were notified late in the evening and responded to the 
scene by boat.  Overexertion, heat and alcohol appear to have 
been contributing factors.  [Tom Graham, CR, OZAR, via 
CompuServe message from Tom Thompson, RAD/MWRO, 7/5]

91-269 - Indiana Dunes (Indiana) - Drowning

J.J.H., 9, of South Bend, Indiana, was standing on 
a sandbar just off the beach at Mt. Baldy when he was apparently 
knocked off his feet by a one to twofoot wave.  His uncle and 
other youths who were with him searched for J.J.H. for five to 
ten minutes before finding him beneath the lake's water.  No one 
in the group knew CPR, but they did attempt external heart 
massage.  The park was notified, and ranger Tim Trainer 
responded with Coast Guard and local EMS personnel.  They 
relieved two visitors who had begun CPR on J.J.H. in the 
interim and continued resuscitation efforts while he was 
transported to a hospital via Coast Guard vessel and ambulance.  
Despite their efforts, the boy died.  Rangers Joni Jones and Joe 
Wieszczyk are investigating the incident.  [Dick Littlefield, CR, 
INDU, via telefax from John Townsend, RAD/MWRO, 7/8]

91-270 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Drug Interdiction 

A number of drug interdiction activities took place in the park 
during the month of June.  On June 3rd, 15th and 18th, rangers 
employed intelligence gathered through an interagency drug task 
force in the seizure of a total of 25 highly cultivated 
marijuana plants.  On June 28th, park investigators learned that 
a house located inside the park was being used as an indoor 
growing facility.  As a result of the subsequent investigation, 
search warrants for the premises were obtained and executed with 
the assistance of the Fayette County sheriff's office.  A total 
of 14 plants and 500 seeds were confiscated and arrest warrants 
were issued for those suspected of having grown the plants.  
Along with these activities, the park and Fayette County 
sheriff's office have put in service their jointlyowned, 
drugtrained, twoyearold German shepherd, Kiwi.  The dog, which 
was trained in Europe and the United States, will be utilized 
under a cooperative agreement with the sheriff's office.  Kiwi's 
handler is a sergeant for the sheriff's office and a parttime 
seasonal ranger in the park.  During the month of June, Kiwi 
successfully located marijuana and marijuana seeds on two 
different occasions, and also made his debut as an educational 
tool in numerous schools in the county.  While not specifically 
trained to find green, leafy, onthevine marijuana, the dog 
discovered nine plants in a recent interagency drug raid.  
[Telefax from Bill Blake, CR, NERI, 7/2]

            [More pending incident reports tomorrow...]


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Planning Level II


State  Agency     Area              Fire              7/8     7/9   Status

AK    NPS     Denali            B664                8,000      NR   NEC
                                B514 (Slippery)        60      NR   NEC
                                B515 (Clone)           30      NR   NEC
                                B648 (Otter Creek)    200      NR   NEC
                                B649 (Sprucefish)     600      NR   NEC
              Yukon-Charlie     B339 (Erickson)    16,720      NR   NEC
              Gates of Arctic   B436 (Kobuk River)    600      NR   NEC
                                B616                   25      NR   NEC
      BIA     Up. Yukon Zone    B381               41,882  41,882   NEC
              Southwest Area    B613  T2            3,896   3,896   CN 7/12
      FWS     Up. Yukon Zone    B460               32,750  40,000   NEC
              Southwest Area    B559                5,700   5,760   NEC
      AK      Up. Yukon Zone    B564                2,990   2,990   NEC
              Tanana Zone       B492  T2           17,510  17,510   NEC
                                113415              1,500   1,500   NEC
              Southwest Area    B552  T2           22,329      NR   NEC
                                B402  T2           10,100  10,710   CN 7/15

WA    WA      State             Beehive 2             200     360   CN

WY    NPS     Yellowstone       Pelican               250     260   CN 7/12

CO    USFS    Grand Mesa        Mill Creek            243     288   CN 7/12

ID    USFS    Challis         * Kwis                          150   NEC

Alaska also has 18 fires under modified suppression strategy for 
93,069 acres and 62 fires under limited suppression for 313,981 acres.


Fires  Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status  The following abbreviations are employed:

 NR  No report received        MS  Modified suppression strategy
 CN  Contained                 MN  Being monitored
 CL  Controlled                NEC  No estimate of containment
 CS  Confinement strategy      DM  Demobed


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    35,120        988,166
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    37,873      1,094,439
	1990-1991 (% difference)       + 8%          + 11%


Yellowstone (Wyoming)  

* Pelican Fire - The acreage burned by the fire was revised to 
313 acres yesterday based upon aerial mapping and a GIS run.  As 
of yesterday, the fire was 50% contained, and full containment 
was estimated for July 11th.  Firefighters made a good deal of 
progress Sunday afternoon and are now in the process of hooking 
around the head of the fire with the assistance of two air 
tankers from Idaho.  Fuel moistures  18% to 25% in 1,000-hour to 
10,000-hour fuels, 10% in 10-hour fuels, and 95% to 110% in live 
needles  have been creating some problems.  Alpine fir are 
torching, and the fire has moved into spruce; spotting is 
occurring as far as a quarter mile from the fire.  Spots have 
been held, partly because they've occurred in old burn areas 
(1953 and 1981) where firefighters have been able to hold them 
in check.

5) ANALYSIS - Cooler weather in Alaska has made it possible for 
crews to make significant headway in mopping up fires.  The 
monsoon moisture pattern is developing over the Southwest and 
southern Great Basin, but it is hot and dry elsewhere in the 
Lower 48.
6) PROGNOSIS - Initial attack activity is expected to continue 
because of thunderstorms and high temperatures.  No resource 
shortages are expected.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 
7/9; NICC Daily Situation Report, 7/8; report from Branch of 
Fire and Aviation, 7/8] 


July 9, 1970  Rangers Don Chase, Rick Gale and Jerry Phillips 
went to Yuma, Arizona, to help the Los Angeles sheriff's 
department recover marines lost in a deep mine.  The trio 
employed scuba gear in their efforts despite the fact that the 
equipment was illsuited for poisonous mine gases.  Temperatures 
inside the mine exceeded 140 degrees.  [Butch Farabee, PAIS]


Division Chief: Departs RAD en route to Moab, Utah, and 
Canyonlands (7/10 indefinite...)

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Halainen on AL (7/12).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Bristol on AL (7/3-7/12); Farrel at 
wildland/urban interface meeting, Washington, DC (7/8-7/12); 
Rutter at FFS budget conference, Washington, DC (7/8-7/12); Gale 
at Yosemite fire review report meeting, Phoenix, AZ (7/9-7/10).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities