MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, July 16, 1991


91-220 - Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) - Followup on Art Theft

On July 11th, Gettysburg rangers recovered the bronze bas-relief 
sculpture which had been stolen from the Wells Monument on June 
12th.  The sculpture, which was retrieved from a business 
establishment in Frederick, Maryland, had suffered only minor 
damage.  Names are being withheld while the investigation 
continues.  Prosecution is likely.  The $1,000 reward which was 
posted for information leading to the sculpture's recovery will 
be paid to several citizens who provided assistance in locating 
the work of art.  [Mac Heebner, CR, GETT, via CompuServe message 
from Chris Andress, RAD/MARO, 7/12]

91-289 - Big Cypress (Florida) - Lacey Act Convictions

On March 22nd, chief ranger Bill Carroll and ranger Brad Headley 
investigated an illegal camp and discovered instruments and 
paraphernalia associated with reptile hunting.  A surveillance 
operations was subsequently begun and led to the arrest of four 
Michigan men  S.G., 19, D.S., 26, S.E., 
25, and T.B., 24  on Lacey Act charges 
associated with the illegal taking of a number of species from 
the park, including lizards, turtles, snakes, and alligators.  A 
plea agreement was subsequently reached which contained the 
following provisions:

S.G. pled guilty to felony conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act.  
He was fined $15,000 minus the value of his vehicle ($1,000), ordered 
to forfeit his vehicle and all instruments associated with the offense to 
the park, and ordered to serve 200 hours of community service at Sleeping 
Bear Dunes.  He faces a minimum mandatory sentence of two months in 
jail. D.S. pled guilty to felony conspiracy to violate the Lacey 
Act.  He was fined $7,500 minus the value of his vehicle and ordered to 
forfeit the vehicle and all instruments associated with offense to the park.  
He also faces a mandatory minimum of two months in jail.

T.B. pled guilty to misdemeanor provision of the Lacey Act and 
was fined $750.  

S.E. pled guilty to misdemeanor provision of the Lacey Act.  
He also agreed to cooperate with the government in its case against a 
fifth defendant, Norman Wright.  S.E.'s fine was withheld, but he 
has agreed to perform 200 hours of community service.
Based on information supplied by S.E., W. was indicted by 
a grand jury this month on charges of felony violations of the 
Lacey Act and conspiracy to violate the Lacey Act.  T.B. will 
be sentenced this month; S.G. and D.S. will be sentenced 
in September.  [Telefax and phone report from Bill Carroll, CR, 
BICY, 7/15]

91-290 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Assist on Felony Arrest

On the night of July 3rd, rangers from the South Rim responded 
to a request for assistance from the Coconino County sheriff's 
office on an incident in a campground in Tusayan, just outside 
the park's southern boundary.  Gunshots had been fired in the 
campground during an argument, and an assault had occurred.  
Rangers arrived at the scene shortly thereafter and radioed 
information on two suspect vehicles with six occupants to 
deputies who were still 70 miles south on I-40.  The vehicles 
were immediately spotted and a felony stop was made on them.  A 
loaded AR-15, a .30 caliber carbine and several .22's and edged 
weapons were taken from the passenger areas of the vehicles.  
Subsequent investigation revealed that all six subjects were 
wanted in connection with a homicide which had occurred in 
California.  The six, who are apparently members of a Los 
Angeles gang, were in the park earlier in the day.  [Cindy 
Wadsworth, GRCA, via CompuServe message from Carl Christensen, 
RAD/WRO, 7/8]

91-291 - Gateway (New York) - Theft of Government Vehicle

During the early morning hours of July 8th, a government-owned 
1991 Dodge van valued at $20,000 was found to have been stolen 
from the Gateway Job Corps Center.  Following an extensive 
investigation by U.S. Park Police detective William Stray and 
investigator Edward Riepe, a juvenile suspect was identified and 
subsequently picked up and interviewed.  During the interview, 
the juvenile admitted to the theft and provided information on 
where the vehicle could be found.  The van was located and 
recovered.  It had not been damaged.  The juvenile, a former Job 
Corps member, was arrested and charged with grand larceny of an 
automobile.  [Telefax from Dale Dickerhoof, New York Field 
Office, USPP, 7/11]

91-292 - Gulf Islands (Florida/Mississippi) - Significant Auto 

Sometime between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. on the afternoon of the 11th, 
a thief or thieves broke into a 1991 Lincoln Continental which 
had been rented by J.C. of Paris, France, and stole 
nearly $12,000 in cash and personal property.   J.C. and his 
fiancee parked the car in the Santa Rosa area while they went to 
the beach.  When they returned to the vehicle, they discovered 
that the passenger window had been broken out and a travel bag 
had been taken.  The bag, which was left on the passenger side 
in plain view, reportedly contained U.S. and French currency, a 
diamond engagement ring, an amethyst ring, and a video camera.  
The total value of the lost items was placed at $11,550.  The 
couples also lost their driver's licenses, passports, credit 
cards and other items.  There are no suspects at this time.  
Local enforcement agencies and banks have been notified.  
Rangers Daryl Rhodes and Thomas Howell are investigating.  
[CompuServe message from Gene Phillips, CR, GUIS, 7/15]

91-293 - Glen Canyon (Arizona/Utah) - Fourth of July Weekend Summary

As a result of good weather, crowds in the park were larger than 
any in the previous four to five years.  The recently expanded 
parking lots were filled to overflowing, and beach areas were 
lined with boats.  There were 263 incidents requiring ranger 
intervention, including ten serious boat accidents, five motor 
vehicle accidents, one boat fire, two search and rescue 
operations and 31 EMS runs.  One 21-year-old male nearly drowned 
near Antelope Point, but he was pulled from the water and saved 
via CPR conducted by visitors and rangers Jack Gossett and Andy 
Baxter.  The victim regained consciousness in a local hospital 
and is expected to recover fully.  Other incidents included an 
attempted rape, an assault with a firearm, two larcenies, nine 
incidents of disorderly conduct, three incidents of vehicle 
tampering, and three weapons violations.  Rangers issued 133 
violation notices and arrested 14 persons.  The arrests were for 
driving under the influence (three), boating under the influence 
(one), violation of alcohol laws (five), disorderly conduct 
(two), larceny (one), and outstanding felony warrants (two).  
[CompuServe message from Larry Clark, CR, GLCA, 7/9]

91-294 - Lake Mead (Nevada)-  Drowning

E.B., 60, of Las Vegas, Nevada, apparently drowned 
while fishing near Las Vegas Wash between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. on 
the morning of July 13th.  E.B. and a neighbor came to the park 
to fish.  E.B.'s companion fell asleep and awoke to find E.B. 
floating face down in the wash.  Rangers attempted CPR but were 
not successful.  The incident is under investigation.  [David 
Hamilton, LAME, via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 

91-295 - Yosemite (California) - Falling Fatality

Late on the afternoon of July 11th, three separate parties who 
were hiking in the vicinity of Upper Yosemite Falls reported 
seeing what appeared to be a body going over Upper Yosemite 
Falls.  Rescue personnel searched the trail on foot and 
interviewed hikers and the park helicopter searched from the air 
that evening, but they were unable to locate a victim.  A day 
pack was found at the top of the falls that evening which 
contained possible identification of the victim.  Searchers 
found the body at the base of Upper Yosemite Falls above the 
Middle Cascades at about 1:00 p.m. on the 12th.  Nine rescue 
personnel recovered the body.  Identification of the victim was 
confirmed; notification of next of kin is pending.  [CompuServe 
message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 7/15]


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Planning Level II

One geographic area experiencing high fire danger.  Numerous 
Class A, B, and C fires occurring and a potential exists for 
escapes to larger (project) fires.  Minimal mobilization of 
resources from other geographic areas occurring.  The potential 
exists for mobilizing additional resources from other geographic 


State  Agency     Area              Fire             7/15    7/16   Status

AK    BIA     Up. Yukon Zone    B564                3,300   3,300   NEC
              Southwest Area    B544                4,710   4,800   NEC
              Galena Zone       B687  T2            7,500   7,500   CN 7/17
      FWS     Up. Yukon Zone    B460               67,200  69,610   NEC
              Tanana Zone       B568               32,570  32,570   NEC
                                B628               31,700  31,700   NEC
                                B569              119,620 119,620   NEC
              Up. Yukon Zone    B562               58,356  58,356   NEC
      AK      Tanana Zone       B615                9,840   9,840   NEC

ID    BLM     Boise             Jarbidge            1,200+  2,349+  CL 
                                Thousand Springs      300+    340   CL     
                                Three Creek Well    6,000+  3,757   CL 
                                County Line           100     174   CL 
                              * Sugar Loaf                    240   CL
              Burley          * Hanel Mountain              1,000   NEC

UT    BLM     Richfield       * Rockwell                    2,300   NEC

NV    BLM     Elko              Oasis               3,520   2,000   CN 7/17
              Ely             * Becky                         125   CN 7/16

CA    USFS    San Bernadino   * Hook                          117   CN 7/16

Alaska also has 11 fires under modified suppression strategy for 
282,584 acres and 58 fires under limited suppression for 397,936 acres.


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 NR  No report received        MS  Modified suppression strategy
 CN  Contained                 MN  Being monitored
 CL  Controlled                NEC  No estimate of containment
 CS  Confinement strategy      DM  Demobed


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    37,359      1,430,001
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    38,897      1,560,193
	1990-1991 (% difference)       + 4%           + 9%

4) ANALYSIS - Significant progress has been made on most large 
fires.  Several areas in Utah and Nevada are reporting very high 
to extreme indices.
5) PROGNOSIS - The potential exists for continued activity in 
Nevada and for increasing activity in Utah due to predicted 
thunderstorms accompanied by high winds.  No resource shortages 
are expected.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 


Division Chief: Dabney on leave (7/15), then in the office 
(7/16-7/17), then on his way to Canyonlands (7/18...).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Schamp on AL (7/19).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Hurd at IFCC and branch meetings in 
Boise, ID (7/15-7/19); Spruill at OAS and branch meetings in 
Boise, ID (7/16-7/19); Broyles, Norum and Gale at joint USFS/NPS 
meeting, Denver, CO (7/14-7/18); Botti on AL (7/15-7/26).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650