MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, July 29, 1991


91-308 - Olympic (Washington) - Followup on Oil Spill

Oil from the Tenyo Maru began washing up on the Washington 
shoreline yesterday.  More than 170 oiled seabirds, mostly 
common murres found in offshore oil, were being treated Saturday 
at a bird cleaning station near Neah Bay, and globs of oil had 
come ashore on Tatoosh Island off Cape Flattery and at Cape 
Alava.  Although oil has not yet reached the coastal beaches 
between the two points, which are partly in the park and partly 
in the Ozette and Makah reservations, it's expected that it will 
come ashore soon.  Present estimates are that approximately 
100,000 gallons of oil has leaked or will leak from the ship.  
There may be no way to stop the remaining oil from seeping from 
the ship, since it is under 500 feet of water.  The Seattlebased 
Global Diving and Salvage Company had skimmed 4,200 gallons of 
mixed oil and water by Friday night.  [Hal Spencer, Associated 
Press, 7/28]

91-315 - Big Bend (Texas) - Followup on Body Discovery

The man found in the Rio Grande River on the 19th has been 
identified as D.T., 26, of Irving, Texas, and 
investigators have determined that the green Volkswagen van 
found burned at the Solis campground belonged to him.  No 
identification has yet been made of the child's body found in 
the van, but D.T. is known to have left Irving for a camping 
trip with his five-year-old daughter B.T. on July 11th.  The 
investigation of the incident continues.  [United Press 
International, 7/27]

91-323 - Death Valley (California) - Followup on Search 

On the morning of July 26th, searchers found the body of P.H., 
41, a half mile from the Badwater parking area.  P.H. 
had attempted a 20mile hike to Telescope Peak and back.  When he 
failed to return, a major, fiveday search for him had been 
undertaken in 120 degree weather.  The cause of death is not yet 
known.  [Dale Antonich, CR, DEVA, via CompuServe message from 
Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 7/26]

91-330 - Sequoia/Kings Canyon (California) - Rescue of Concession 

F.V., 24, of Cicero, Illinois, a concession employee who 
worked at Grant Grove, fell approximately fifty feet while at 
Ella Falls on July 25th.  F.V. landed on large rocks and lay 
partly on the rocks and in the water below the falls.  His 
companions summoned help and kept his face above the water until 
rescuers arrived.  Rangers and personnel from a local YMCA camp 
extricated F.V. and evacuated him by litter.  He was then 
transported to medical facilities by a CHP helicopter.  It is 
reported that F.V. suffered spinal injuries in the fall and 
that he stopped breathing while airborne.  He is presently 
comatose and in critical condition.  Alcohol was involved in the 
incident.  [Pete Allen, SEKI, via CompuServe message from Herb 
Gercke, RAD/WRO, 7/26]

91-331 - Effigy Mounds (Iowa) - ARPA Violation

Some time during the day or two prior to July 25th, pot hunters 
excavated an eight foot by three foot by three foot deep trench, 
apparently by hand, in the oldest conical mound in the Magill 
archeological mound site.  It's believed that the diggers did 
not obtain anything of value, however, because the excavation 
was in a backfill which had covered over previous excavations.  
[Tom Munson, Superintendent, EFMO, via CompuServe message from 
Ben Holmes, RAD/MWRO, 7/26]

91-332 - Coronado (Arizona) - Marijuana Arrests

Acting on an informant's tip, rangers located 34 marijuana 
plants growing in the park; the subsequent investigation led to 
the arrest of R.R., owner of the Montezuma Ranch, a 
park inholding.  A warrant search of the ranch house led to the 
discovery of several additional plants, seeds, scales, packaging 
and sealing equipment, and rolling papers.  The house had 
several hidden rooms, including one that appeared to be a drying 
and cleaning room and had marijuana debris within it.  Documents 
found on the premises included several bank deposit and 
withdrawal slips for large amounts of money, and R.R. had 
$1,700 in cash in his possession at the time of the arrest.  The 
value of the confiscated drugs has been placed at $34,000.  
Rangers and officers from the local sheriff's department are 
continuing their investigation.  [Ed Lopez, CR, CORO, via 
CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 7/26]

91-333 - Ozark (Missouri) - Storm Damage

Strong winds accompanying a cold front which passed through the 
area on the afternoon of the 23rd either completely uprooted or 
snapped off the tops or large portions of a large number of 
trees.  Several roads in the area were closed until park crews 
could cut and remove trees and branches.  Electric lines were 
knocked down in the seasonal quarters area about five miles from 
Big Spring.  Damage to facilities was very minor.  [Tom Graham, 
CR, OZAR, via telefax from John Townsend, RAD/MWRO, 7/26]

[More pending incident reports tomorrow]


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Planning Level II


State  Agency     Area              Fire             7/28    7/29   Status

AK    FWS     Up. Yukon Zone    B460               80,500  80,500   NEC

AZ    USFS    Coronado NF     * Cumero                      2,000   CN 7/30

WA    USFS    Mt. Baker 
               Snoqualmie NF    Illabot               417     417   CN 

Alaska also has 60 fires under modified and limited suppression 
for 959,819 acres.


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 NR  No report received        MS  Modified suppression strategy
 CN  Contained                 MN  Being monitored
 CL  Controlled                NEC  No estimate of containment
 CS  Confinement strategy      DM  Demobed


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    39,998      2,639,472
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    45,901      1,746,048
	1990-1991 (% difference)      + 15%           34%

4) ANALYSIS - Initial attack forces continue to have great 
success in suppressing new starts.  Indices are climbing again, 
however, due to warming and drying trends.
5) PROGNOSIS - Fire activity is expected to increase due to 
warmer temperatures, lower humidities, and lightning.  Resources 
continue to be adequate.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 


Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised 
entry  subsequent comments explain the revision.  Brackets at 
end of entry indicate source of information:

August 2-4  Fundamentals of Search and Rescue, Hot Springs, SD.  
For further information, contact the National Association for 
Search and Rescue (703-352-1349).  [Bill Pierce, DETO]

* August 5-16  Driver Instructor Training Program, FLETC, 
Glynco, GA.  The course has been CANCELLED.  [Carole Pfeifer, 

August 8-10  Managing the Search Function, Minneapolis, MN.  
For further information, contact the National Association for 
Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). [Bill Pierce, DETO]

* August 12-14  Swiftwater Rescue Technician I, New River Gorge 
NR, Glen Jean, WV.  Offered by Rescue 3 International.  Cost: 
$195.  The course can be taken independently or in conjunction 
with Swiftwater Rescue Technician II.  For further information, 
contact Dave Gale or Skip Heater of New River Adventures at 

* August 15-16  Swiftwater Rescue Technician II, New River 
Gorge NR, Glen Jean, WV.  Offered by Rescue 3 International.  
Cost: $120.  The course can be taken independently or in 
conjunction with Swiftwater Rescue Technician I.  For further 
information, contact Dave Gale or Skip Heater of New River 
Adventures at 1-800-759-7238.  

August 12-16  Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Boating Accident 
Investigation Seminar, United States Coast Guard Academy, New 
London, CT.  Hosted by Division of Law Enforcement, Connecticut 
Department of Environmental Protection.  The seminar is intended 
for experienced local, state and federal field officers and 
marine investigators, and will provide specialized education in 
properly documenting, analyzing and reconstructing recreational 
boating accidents.  Interested parties should contact Jack 
Schamp in RAD at FTS 268-4209 (202-208-4209).  [Jack Schamp, 

August 13-14  Second Annual Science Conference, Mammoth Cave NP, 
Kentucky.  This colloquium will feature research on area ecology 
and air quality and provide updates on the park's water quality 
monitoring program.  Both plenary and concurrent sessions will 
be held.  Papers must be submitted no later than July 15th in 
order to be accepted.  For further information, contact Jeff 
Bradybaugh at 502-758-2238.  [Jeff Bradybaugh, MACA]

September 6-8  Fundamentals of Search and Rescue, Salt Lake 
City, UT.  For further information, contact the National 
Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). [Bill Pierce, 

September 7-9  SAR Planning Section Chief, Soldotna, AK.  For 
further information, contact the National Association for Search 
and Rescue (703-352-1349). [Bill Pierce, DETO]

September 19-21  Managing the Search Function, Nashville, TN.  
For further information, contact the National Association for 
Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). [Bill Pierce, DETO]

* September 27-28  "Perspectives on Parks, Politics and 
Policies", symposium sponsored by Michigan State University, 
East Lansing, MI.  The symposium will bring practitioners, 
academics, legislators, interest groups, students and others 
together to explore and discuss shared interests in parks, 
politics and policy.  Interested parties should contact Dr. 
Betty Van Der Smissen, Chair, Department of Park and Recreation 
Resources, 131 Natural Resources Building, Michigan State 
University, East Lansing, MI 48824, or call 517-353-5190. [Dee 
Highnote, Concessions/WASO]

* October 8-December 20  Basic Law Enforcement for Land 
Management Agencies, FLETC, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  
For application procedures, contact your regional training 
office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

* October 21-25  Archeological Resource Protection Training, 
Artesia, NM.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC subject to availability of 
FY 92 funds.  For application procedures, contact your regional 
training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

* October 23-26  Tenth Annual Cave Management Symposium, 
Bowling Green, KY.  Cohosted by American Cave Conservation 
Association (ACCA) and Mammoth Cave NP.  For further information, 
contact Dave Foster (ACCA) at 5027861466 or Jeff Bradybaugh 
(MACA) at 502-758-2238.  [Jeff Bradybaugh, MACA]

* November 18-22  Archeological Resource Protection Training, 
FLETC, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC subject to 
availability of FY 92 funds.  For application procedures, 
contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, 

* November 18-22  Second National Park Service GIS Users' 
Conference, Denver, CO.  The conference will bring together all 
NPS users of geographicdata technology for the first time in 
over three years.  All personnel involved in GIS should consider 
attending.  There will be poster and plenary sessions, panel 
discussions and workshops.  For more information, including an 
announcement brochure and list of possible workshops, contact 
Leslie Manfull, GIS Division (Denver), at FTS 327-2590 or 
303-969-2590.  [Leslie Manfull, GIS]

* December 9-13  Archeological Resource Protection Training, 
Marana, AZ. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC subject to availability of FY 
92 funds.  For application procedures, contact your regional 
training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

(Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If 
you know of a conference, meeting or training session with 
Servicewide interest and implications, please provide the 
specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger Activities).    


July 29, 1985  Bryce Canyon rangers Kehrer and Venal received 
Valor Awards for saving 14 people during a flash flood.


Division Chief: Dick Martin is the acting division chief.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Schamp on annual leave 
(7/29-8/2); Sisto on annual leave (8/1-8/2).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Farrel reviewing structural fire 
protection of buildings at San Antonio and LBJ in Texas 
(7/29-8/1); Gale on Pearl Harbor 50th anniversary preplanning 
site visit, Honolulu, Hawaii (7/31-8/3); Broyles at NWCG training 
working team meeting, Tacoma, Washington (7/30-8/3).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650