MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Thursday, August 1, 1991


91-308 - Olympic (Washington) - Followup on Oil Spill

As of yesterday, oil was continuing to arrive on park beaches in 
scattered patches and in consistencies ranging from a light 
sheen to tar balls.  The southern portions of Shi Shi beach and 
the northern side of Point of the Arches were reported to be the 
most heavily oiled shore areas.  Tar-like oil is on beaches 
between Duck Point and the Ozette River.  Cleanup efforts were 
underway north of Cape Alava.  Rialto Beach had very small 
amounts of oil, and Yellow Banks had not been patrolled.  The 
main body of oil was said to be moving rather rapidly towards 
the Grays Harbor area and was still about 10 miles offshore.  
The oil was described as being comprised of "large patches of 
oil connected by (a) rainbow sheen with numerous tar balls 
intermixed."  Ribbons of oil which separated from the main slick 
were still appearing all along the coastline.  A total of 950 
birds had been brought to the cleaning station at Neah Bay by 
Tuesday night; of these, about 350 were dead.  Many more birds 
are expected over the next several days.  The NPS is operating a 
helicopter for bird pickup and transport to Neah Bay, and a 
second treatment center for bird cleanup is being established at 
La Push to handle birds coming in on the southern beaches.  
Treated birds are being taken to St. Edward State Park on the 
northeast shore of Lake Washington for final cleanup.  
Volunteers wishing to assist with bird washing should call 
1-800-222-4737.  Several oiled sea otters have been seen in the 
Cape Alava area, but have so far eluded capture.  The following 
areas in the park are now closed to the public  the shoreline 
from Sand Point north to the Makah Reservation, the Cape Alava 
trail and Ozette Campground.  [Cat Hoffman, Information Officer, 
Tenyo Maru ICS Team, via telefax from RAD/PNRO, 7/31]

91-356 - Chattahoochee (Georgia) - Burglary Arrests

On July 7th, ranger Delugach found evidence that the 
Chattahoochee Outdoor Center building had been forcibly entered 
and also saw three individuals in the area who were acting 
suspiciously.  Rangers interviewed the trio and two other 
suspects; one of the five confessed to breaking and entering and 
implicated another member of the group.  Numerous items were 
taken from the building, but all were recovered by rangers.  The 
two suspects were arrested on July 8th, and charged with felony 
burglary in Federal court in Atlanta the following day.  
[Telefax from Ken Garvin, CR, CHAT, 7/31]

91-357 - Everglades (Florida)-  Rescue

At about 2:00 p.m. on the 27th, a severe thunderstorm which 
passed over Rabbit Key produced winds over 60 mph and seas of 
from five to six feet, dropped almost four and a half inches of 
rain in 45 minutes, damaged homes and property, and injured 
three people seriously enough to warrant hospitalization.  
Ranger Chuck Noll was caught in the storm while on boat patrol 
off the key in the Gulf of Mexico.  Noll put himself at great 
risk by exposing himself and his vessel to the storm in order to 
locate and direct several other boats to safety.  After the 
storm had passed, Noll found a capsized 18-foot Wellcraft boat 
with four people - S.B., 38, his son T.B., 7, D.M., 
44, and his son C.M., 15  clinging to the hull.  Noll 
rescued the four, then helped S.B. and D.M. right and bail 
out the boat.  Noll then towed the boat into the Gulf Coast 
Ranger Station.  The party told Noll that they had fired 
distress flares in attempts to attract a passing boat and an 
airplane before Noll's arrival, and that they were beginning to 
give up hope when he appeared.  [Telefax from Mark Lewis, LES, 
EVER, 7/31]

91-358 - Lake Meredith (Texas) - Threats Against Ranger

On July 30th, M.M. entered park headquarters in Fritch, 
Texas, and asked to see superintendent Pat McCrary in order to 
complain about one of the Lake Meredith rangers.  M.M. 
subsequently told McCrary that ranger Bob Gravestock and a Texas 
game warden had recently conducted an illegal search of his boat 
and had otherwise been harassing him.  M.M. then launched a 
personal attack on Gravestock and stated that he would "take 
care of the problem" and get both Gravestock and the warden.  
M.M. repeated his threats as he left the building.  Texas 
Department of Safety offices and local FBI agents were contacted; 
Gravestock, the warden, and all local enforcement were apprised 
of the threats.  On July 31st, FBI agents interviewed McCrary, 
Gravestock and the warden, then departed to interview M.M..  
The investigation continues.  [Pat McCrary, Superintendent, LAMR, 
via CompuServe message from Jim Radney, LES, RAD/SWRO, 7/31]


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Planning Level II


State  Agency     Area                Fire             7/31     8/1   Status

ID    BLM     Boise Dist.      * Boise Front #3              1,000   NEC
                               * Hilltops                      100   NEC

NV    BLM     Winemucca Dist.     Midas              1,000   1,000   CN 

CA    USFS    Shasta-Trinity NF * Squaw                        150   NEC


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 NR  No report received        MS  Modified suppression strategy
 CN  Contained                 MN  Being monitored
 CL  Controlled                NEC  No estimate of containment
 CS  Confinement strategy      DM  Demobed


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    40,676      2,756,664
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    43,106      1,767,106
	1990-1991 (% difference)       + 6%           36%

4) ANALYSIS - Very high fire indices are being reported at many 
locations throughout the West, and initial attack activity is 
increasing in most areas.
5) PROGNOSIS - Initial attack activity is expected to increase.  
No resource shortages are anticipated.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 


1) CBS Evening News with Dan Rather will probably be running a 
segment on rangers and law enforcement on the Friday evening 
news.  The story is being shot at FLETC, Big Bend and elsewhere.  


Division Chief (Acting): Martin on Pearl Harbor 50th anniversary 
pre-planning site visit, Honolulu, Hawaii (7/31-8/7).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Schamp on annual leave 
(7/29-8/2); Sisto on annual leave (8/1-8/2).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Farrel reviewing structural fire 
protection of buildings at San Antonio and LBJ in Texas 
(7/29-8/1); Gale on Pearl Harbor 50th anniversary pre-planning 
site visit, Honolulu, Hawaii (7/31-8/3); Broyles at NWCG training 
working team meeting, Tacoma, Washington (7/30-8/3); Spruill on 
aviation review of several parks in RMR (7/29-8/2).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650