MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, August 5, 1991


91-308 - Olympic (Washington) - Followup on Oil Spill

Overflights conducted on Friday, August 2nd, revealed that oil 
was continuing to dissipate from all areas along the Washington 
coast.  A small amount of oil continues to leak from the sunken 
ship, but the flow rate is diminishing.  The slick near the site 
of the wreck reportedly consisted of tendrils of oil dispersed 
over a wide area.  Two small patches of tar balls remain at the 
southernmost edge of the spill  one located about nine miles 
offshore from Grays Harbor, the other about four miles off Cape 
Shoalwater.  A remotelyoperated submarine sent down to the wreck 
by the Canadian Coast Guard has shown the Tenyo Maru sitting 
upright in heavy layers of silt on the ocean bottom with oil 
"oozing like molasses" from a porthole at a rate of ten barrels 
per day.  Five skimmers are now in operation off the Washington 
coast.  Skimmers working along the southern end of the spill 
reported no recoverable offshore oil yesterday.  A 1900-foot oil 
boom has been deployed in the vicinity of the wreck to 
concentrate oil and facilitate skimming efforts there.  It's 
estimated that from 40 to 60 percent of the park's beaches have 
now been oiled, with concentrations ranging from heavy to very 
light.  At Rialto Beach, an estimated 50 to 70 percent of the 
debris on the drift line  mostly kelp and other marine algae  is 
oiled.  Cleanup crews worked the area from Rialto Beach to Hole 
in the Wall yesterday, and cleanup operations continued at the 
following beaches  Hobuck, Waatch Point, Archawat, Tatoosh 
Island, Sooes, Strawberry Point, and Cape Alava.  A total of 
1,884 bags of oily waste have been collected to date.  As of 
yesterday morning, just over 2,200 birds  about 1,400 of them 
dead  had been brought in to the cleaning facility at Saint 
Edwards State Park.  Efforts to capture and relocate otters 
remain unsuccessful, but no oiled otters have been reported 
recently.  The beached whale reported in Makah Bay several days 
ago turned out to be a fuel bladder.  Biologists from the Fish 
and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Wildlife (DW), 
and a local zoo and aquarium continue to conduct boat surveys of 
the coastal areas between Cape Alava and Destruction Island.  
Park and DW biologists are conducting damage assessment studies 
to measure the impacts of the spill on bird and intertidal 
populations.  All areas in the park are now open except for the 
coastline from the Ozette Indian Reservation to the Makah Indian 
Reservation.  [Telefax from Cat Hoffman, Information Officer, 
Tenyo Maru ICS Team, 8/4]

91-363 - Jefferson National Expansion (Missouri) - Drug Arrests

On August 1st, ranger Chris Cessna stopped a motor vehicle with 
three occupants in it when he observed open containers of 
alcohol.  A computer check showed that the operator was driving 
on a revoked permit and that one of the passengers was wanted on 
a felony weapons charge.  A consent search led to the discovery 
of $2,400 worth of marijuana, $700 work of methamphetamines and 
$400 in cash in large bills.  The vehicle had license plates 
from another vehicle on it, and a check showed that the car was 
stolen.  The three occupants were arrested for grand theft auto 
and for possession of dangerous drugs and controlled substances 
with the intent to distribute.  The U.S. Attorney's Office 
authorized use of the state court system since one of the trio 
had just finished five years' probation for a similar charge.  
[Deryl Stone, CR, JEFF, via CompuServe message from Tom Thompson, 
RAD/MWRO, 8/2]

91-364 - Jefferson National Expansion (Missouri) - Arrest of 
Escaped Felon

Ranger John Sherman saw a man soliciting park visitors from 
money on August 1st.  He ran an NCIC computer check on him and 
found that the man was an escapee from a local state minimum 
security center, where he was serving a 14-year sentence for 
first degree robbery with a deadly weapon.  Although he had a 
history of being armed and physically violent, the arrest on an 
outstanding state warrant was made without incident.  [Deryl 
Stone, CR, JEFF, via CompuServe message from Tom Thompson, 
RAD/MWRO, 8/2]

91-365 - Yosemite (California) - Climbing Fatality

On July 28th, ranger in the Mather District received a report 
that J.M., 20, of Polleck Pines, California, had 
failed to return from a solo free climb between Fairview and 
Mariuolumne Domes.  Rangers began a search of the area, and the 
park helicopter was called in.  J.M.'s body was spotted from 
the helicopter that evening.  Rangers soon arrived at the 
location and determined that J.M. had died from a fall from 
an unknown height.  [Kris Bardsley, YOSE, via CompuServe message 
from Carl Christensen, RAD/WRO, 8/2]

91-366 - Sequoia/Kings Canyon (California) - Successful Search

On July 31st, rangers were advised that S.R., an 
employee of Guest Services, Inc., the park's concessioner, was 
missing, that he'd last been seen on the previous evening at 
Sunset Rock in Giant Forest, and that he'd been intoxicated at 
the time.  A search was begun that morning and continued in to 
the following day.  A helicopter, a dog team and 35 searchers 
were committed to the operation.  Around 8:00 a.m. on August 1st, 
S.R. walked out on his own and the operation was suspended.  
No further information regarding the incident is available at 
this time.  [CompuServe message from Carl Christensen, RAD/WRO, 


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Planning Level II


State  Agency     Area                 Fire             8/4    8/5  Status

OR    USFS    Ochoco NF         * Rock Crusher  T2     264    264   CN 8/5

WA    WA DNR  State land        * Chiliwist            150    250   CN 

NV    BLM     Elko Dist.        * Izzen Hood        16,400  7,000   CN 8/4


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 NR  No report received        MS  Modified suppression strategy
 CN  Contained                 MN  Being monitored
 CL  Controlled                NEC  No estimate of containment
 CS  Confinement strategy      DM  Demobed


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    41,595      2,951,920
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    52,615      1,877,603
	1990-1991 (% difference)      + 27%           35%

4) ANALYSIS - Initial attack continues throughout the West.  
Some holdover fires should become visible because of winds and 
5) PROGNOSIS - Initial attack activity is expected to continue.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 


Upper Delaware (Pennsylvania/New York) - River Cleanup

During the week of July 15th, the park hosted its fourth annual 
cleanup.  Fourteen teams comprised of 49 park employees and 
three VIPs scoured a 25mile section of the river from Hankins to 
Tusten for litter and trash.  During the weeklong effort, they 
collected 23 cubic yards of trash, 71 tires, a bicycle, barn 
beams with spikes, a vehicle hood, a gas tank, a vehicle door 
and exhaust pipe, a washing machine, a railroad box car door, 
several 55gallon drums, a construction barricade, a bent john 
boat, and  not surprisingly  a kitchen sink.  Points were 
awarded for the type andamount of trash collected, with unusual 
items bringing higher points.  Most employees felt the river was 
cleaner this year than last year.  The event's judge, chief 
ranger Glen Voss, will host a steak barbecue with his wife to 
honor the winners of the event.  Style points will be awarded at 
the barbecue for the best litter picking team theme costume.  
[Barbara Perry, UPDE, 7/29]


Division Chief: Martin on Pearl Harbor 50th anniversary 
pre-planning site visit, Honolulu, Hawaii (8/5-8/7).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Sisto on annual leave 
(8/5); Coffey on annual leave (8/5-8/9).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Farrel and Gale instructing wildland 
fire management course, Albright, Grand Canyon, AZ (8/4-8/6); 
Broyles representing NPS at USFS technical fire management 
steering committee meeting, Portland, OR (8/5-8/6); Erskine on AL 
(8/5-8/16); Clark on AL (8/5-8/10).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650