MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, August 12, 1991


91-308 - Olympic (Washington) - Followup on Oil Spill

A storm centered off the Washington coast prevented overflights 
to survey the oil slick Friday and Saturday, but aircraft were 
scheduled to resume overflight operations yesterday.  Skimming 
operations were curtailed during the storm.  Two tugs have been 
contracted to assist in anchoring a heavy boom offshore around 
the wreck site for skimming operations over the next few days.  
The small Scorpio submarine (also known as a remotelyoperated 
vehicle or ROV) brought to the site by the Canadian Coast Guard 
was to be sent down to the Tenyo Maru yesterday to attempt to 
pump oil from the wreck.  No additional oil has been found on 
beaches between Neah Bay and Toleak Point, but crews report a 
scattering of tarballs above the high tide line at South Hobuck 
Beach.  Oil appears to have diminished at some previously 
impacted areas.  Heavy surf from the recent storm has apparently 
"cleaned" some areas, and buried onshore oil at other locations 
so that it is not visible.  Most of the cleanup booms were torn 
and pushed under rocks during the storm.  Some bags of oiled 
debris were washed off the shoreline at Petroleum Creek and 
Yellow Banks.  A total of 3,440 birds had been brought to care 
centers as of Thursday evening.  Only a third are expected to 
live.  Park biologists and crews will be on the beaches through 
the current low tide series to continue sampling transects for 
postoil assessments.  All areas in the park are open except for 
the coastline from the Ozette Indian Reservation to the Makah 
Indian Reservation.  [Telefax from Cat Hoffman, Information 
Officer, Tenyo Maru ICS Team, 8/10]

91-385 - Glen Canyon (Utah/Arizona) - Rescue

On August 11th, W.H., 38, of Phoenix, Arizona, 
scrambled and free climbed to a point several hundred feet above 
a sandy beach area in the left fork of Kane Wash Canyon in Padre 
Bay, but was unable to get down.  A helicopter from Page, 
Arizona, transported rangers Pete Dalton and Bern Huffman to the 
landing site nearest to W.H., a thin rock finger which extends 
out from Sit Down Bench.  The rangers rappeled approximately 300 
feet down to W.H.'s location, then lowered W.H. 150 feet in 
two stages on a buddy rappel.  Rangers subsequently learned that 
W.H. had no rock climbing training or experience.  [CompuServe 
message from P.D. Hibbs, GLCA, 8/11]

91-386 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Lightning Injury

J.F., 20, of Fern Acres, was struck by lightning upon 
entering the U.S. Geological Service building in the park on 
August 8th.  J.F., who is an employee in a student program, 
remained conscious, but was unable to speak.  No burn marks or 
entry or exit points were discovered on his body.  When able to 
talk again, J.F. complained of chest and back pains.  He 
was released in good condition following admittance and 
observation in a hospital in Hilo.  [Jim Martin, Cr, HAVO, via 
CompuServe message from Steve Martin, RAD/WRO, 8/9]

91-387 - Upper Delaware (New York/Pennsylvania) - Drowning

On the afternoon of August 4th, 33-year-old C.B. of 
Englewood, New Jersey, decided to conclude a day of tubing with 
a swim at Lukes Landing, but soon slipped under the surface.  
While rangers responded, the owner and an employee of Kittatinny 
Canoes, a company operating at the landing, located C.B. and 
brought her to the shore.  CPR was immediately begun by EMS 
personnel on the scene.  She was taken to a local hospital where 
she was listed in critical condition.  Although she still had a 
pulse, she expired later that evening.  According to family 
members, C.B. was not a good swimmer.  She was from Columbia 
and was not a United States citizen.  [CompuServe message from 
Barbara Perry, UPDE, 8/9]

91-388 - Delaware Water Gap (New Jersey/Pennsylvania) - Double 

F.S., 40, and R.M., 21, drowned about 
100 yards downstream from a state park boat ramp while canoeing 
on the Delaware River on the afternoon of August 8th.  R.M. 
was reportedly in one canoe with her husband, and F.S. was 
in another with his wife.  F.S.'s canoe capsized as they 
were drifting through a relatively calm area with shallow water 
(from two to seven feet deep).  R.M.'s canoe then overturned 
as they attempted to rescue F.S..  Neither F.S., a 
nonswimmer, nor A.M. was wearing a life jacket.  F.S. 
was pulled from seven feet of water about 20 minutes later by a 
visitor and a New Jersey state ranger and resuscitation efforts 
were begun.  He was transported to a local hospital, but 
pronounced dead upon arrival.  A.M.'s body was recovered an 
hour later.  [CompuServe message from Karl Theune, DEWA, 8/9]


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Planning Level II


State  Agency     Area                 Fire          8/11   8/12   Status

OR    USFS    Deschutes NF        * Cow Camp  T2      254    280   CN 

ID    BLM     Idaho Falls Dist.   * Fossil Canyon     100     95   CL 

UT    BLM     SLC Dist.           *Cold Springs              450   CN 8/11


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 NR  No report received        MS  Modified suppression strategy
 CN  Contained                 MN  Being monitored
 CL  Controlled                NEC  No estimate of containment
 CS  Confinement strategy      DM  Demobed


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    44,566      3,369,368
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    56,666      1,911,072
	1990-1991 (% difference)      + 27%           43%

4) ANALYSIS - Initial attack forces continue to be very 
successful in suppressing new fires, but very high and extreme 
indices continue to be reported throughout the West.
5) PROGNOSIS - Initial attack activity is expected to continue.  
No problems are anticipated.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 


Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised 
entry  subsequent comments explain the revision.  Brackets at 
end of entry indicate source of information:

August 15-16  Swiftwater Rescue Technician II, New River Gorge 
NR, Glen Jean, WV.  Offered by Rescue 3 International.  Cost: 
$120.  The course can be taken independently or in conjunction 
with Swiftwater Rescue Technician I.  For further information, 
contact Dave Gale or Skip Heater of New River Adventures at 

August 12-16  Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Boating Accident 
Investigation Seminar, United States Coast Guard Academy, New 
London, CT.  Hosted by Division of Law Enforcement, Connecticut 
Department of Environmental Protection.  The seminar is intended 
for experienced local, state and federal field officers and 
marine investigators, and will provide specialized education in 
properly documenting, analyzing and reconstructing recreational 
boating accidents.  Interested parties should contact Jack 
Schamp in RAD at FTS 268-4209 (202-208-4209).  [Jack Schamp, 

August 13-14  Second Annual Science Conference, Mammoth Cave NP, 
Kentucky.  This colloquium will feature research on area ecology 
and air quality and provide updates on the park's water quality 
monitoring program.  Both plenary and concurrent sessions will 
be held.  Papers must be submitted no later than July 15th in 
order to be accepted.  For further information, contact Jeff 
Bradybaugh at 502-758-2238.  [Jeff Bradybaugh, MACA]

September 6-8  Fundamentals of Search and Rescue, Salt Lake 
City, UT.  For further information, contact the National 
Association for Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). [Bill Pierce, 

September 7-9  SAR Planning Section Chief, Soldotna, AK.  For 
further information, contact the National Association for Search 
and Rescue (703-352-1349). [Bill Pierce, DETO]

September 19-21  Managing the Search Function, Nashville, TN.  
For further information, contact the National Association for 
Search and Rescue (703-352-1349). [Bill Pierce, DETO]

* September 19-27  Managing the Search Function, Ely, MN.  For 
further information, call Vermilion Community College 
(1-800-475-6666).  [Hugh Dougher, VOYA]

September 27-28  "Perspectives on Parks, Politics and Policies", 
symposium sponsored by Michigan State University, East Lansing, 
MI.  The symposium will bring practitioners, academics, 
legislators, interest groups, students and others together to 
explore and discuss shared interests in parks, politics and 
policy.  Interested parties should contact Dr. Betty Van Der 
Smissen, Chair, Department of Park and Recreation Resources, 131 
Natural Resources Building, Michigan State University, East 
Lansing, MI 48824, or call 517-353-5190. [Dee Highnote, 

* October 7-8  Crisis Intervention Skills Seminar, Tacoma, WA.  
For further information, Call 206-591-5999.  [Diane Wisley, 

October 8-December 20  Basic Law Enforcement for Land 
Management Agencies, FLETC, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC.  
For application procedures, contact your regional training 
office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

October 21-25  Archeological Resource Protection Training, 
Artesia, NM.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC subject to availability of 
FY 92 funds.  For application procedures, contact your regional 
training office.  [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

* October 21-25  Regional Chief Rangers' Annual Meeting, Boise, 
ID.  [Dick Martin, RAD/WASO]

October 23-26  Tenth Annual Cave Management Symposium, Bowling 
Green, KY.  Cohosted by American Cave Conservation Association 
(ACCA) and Mammoth Cave NP.  For further information, contact 
Dave Foster (ACCA) at 502-786-1466 or Jeff Bradybaugh (MACA) at 
502-7582-238.  [Jeff Bradybaugh, MACA]

* November 12-15  "Fisheries Management: Dealing with 
Development in the Watershed", symposium, Newport, RI.  For 
further information, contact John Boreman at the University of 
Massachusetts (413-545-2842).  

November 18-22  Archeological Resource Protection Training, 
FLETC, Glynco, GA.  Funded by LEEDC/FLETC subject to 
availability of FY 92 funds.  For application procedures, 
contact your regional training office. [Carole Pfeifer, 

November 18-22  Second National Park Service GIS Users' 
Conference, Denver, CO.  The conference will bring together all 
NPS users of geographicdata technology for the first time in 
over three years.  All personnel involved in GIS should consider 
attending.  There will be poster and plenary sessions, panel 
discussions and workshops.  For more information, including an 
announcement brochure and list of possible workshops, contact 
Leslie Manfull, GIS Division (Denver), at FTS 327-2590 or 
303-969-2590.  [Leslie Manfull, GIS]

* November 19-22  Regional Recreation Fee Coordinators' 
Training, Washington, DC.  [Wes Kreis, RAD/WASO]

December 9-13  Archeological Resource Protection Training, 
Marana, AZ. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC subject to availability of FY 
92 funds.  For application procedures, contact your regional 
training office. [Carole Pfeifer, LEEDC/FLETC]

* December 11-14  Annual convention, National Campground Owners 
Association, San Diego, CA.  NPS employees have been offered the 
members' registration rate of $210 per person for the entire 
convention, or $75 per day for the days when seminars will be 
given.  Lodging and some meals will be extra.  The educational 
program will focus on operations and maintenance; the trade show 
will feature the latest in equipment and services.  Call 
703-471-0143 for registration information, or Priscilla Baker at 
202-208-4917 or FTS 2684917 for further information.  [Priscilla 
Baker, Tourism]

(Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday.  If 
you know of a conference, meeting or training session with 
Servicewide interest and implications, please provide the 
specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger Activities).    


Division Chief (Acting): No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey on annual leave 
(8/12-8/16); Schamp at semiautomatic weapon evaluation task force 
meeting, Arlington, VA (8/13-8/15); Marriott in SER (8/13-8/15).
Branch of Fire & Aviation: Bristol at computer specialist 
management information meeting, Seattle, WA (8/12-8/14); Norum on 
trip to approve research sites, Fairbanks, AK (8/16-8/26); Botti 
at Western Region budget formulation meeting, San Francisco, CA 
(8/13-8/14); Erskine on annual leave (8/12-8/16); Broyles on 
annual leave (8/12-8/14).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650