MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, August 14, 1991


91-308 - Olympic (Washington) - Followup on Oil Spill

Patches of oil were seen yesterday about five miles southeast of 
the wreck site.  Leakage from the Tenyo Maru continues at the 
same rate.  Skimming with the new boom will continue while a 
hose/suction operation is set up.  The ROV submersible began 
installing a clamping device on one of the ship's portholes; the 
device will be used to hold the suction hose in place.  Pumping 
operations may begin today.  Beach cleanup activities continue, 
and there is a report that new oil has come ashore at Anderson 
Head.  The total bird count is now 4,222; of these, 3,437 were 
found dead.  The interagency beach assessment team is continuing 
preliminary shoreline surveys.  Another seven and a half miles 
remain to be completed.  The shoreline from the Ozette Indian 
Reservation to the Makah Indian Reservation remains closed to 
the public.  All other park areas are open.  [Telefax from 
Michael Smithson, Information Officer, Tenyo Maru ICS Team, 8/13]

91-396 - Coronado (Arizona) - Significant Vandalism

During the night of August 12th, the ramada at the Montezuma 
Pass overlook was seriously damaged by vandals, who climbed on 
the roof and broke most of its cement tiles.  The ramada was 
reroofed just three weeks ago at a cost of nearly $4,000.  An 
investigation by rangers and officers from the Cochise County 
Sheriff's Department resulted in leads which have so far led to 
the arrest of one person.  Other arrests are possible.  [Ed 
Lopez, Superintendent, CORO, via CompuServe message from Carl 
Christensen, RAD/WRO, 8/13]

91-397 - Glen Canyon (Utah/Arizona) - Pipe Bomb

A six-inch-long pipe bomb was found by a camper in Lone Rock 
Canyon on August 7th.  The camper was looking for firewood when 
he came upon   the device.  Rangers secured the area in shifts 
and the incident was reported to ATF and the Army EOD unit at 
Fort Douglas, Utah.  EOD personnel arrived the following day and 
examined the bomb with a portable xray device.  They found that 
it was filled with either black powder or gun powder.  Although 
it was inert because it had been soaked in lake water, no rust 
was evident on the bomb's steel shell.  It had a hobby store 
type fuse inserted through a sealed drill hole in the side of 
the pipe.  [CompuServe message from Phil Hibbs, GLCA, 8/10]

91-398 - Petrified Forest (Arizona) - Arrest of Escaped Felon

On August 7th, a state highway patrolman stopped a suspicious 
vehicle on Interstate 40 15 miles east of the park's Painted 
Desert entrance.  One of the occupants, G.L., who was 
wanted on charges of felony assault on a child, fleeing arrest 
and giving false information, fled into the desert, triggering 
an multiagency manhunt which involved park rangers.  On the 
evening of August 8th, ranger John Stobinski noticed a 
suspicious male visitor in the Puerco Ruins parking lot and took 
him into custody for questioning.  While riding to park 
headquarters, the man confessed that he was G.L.  He was 
turned over to officers from the Apache County Sheriff's 
Department.  The sheriff's department and state have expressed 
great appreciation for Stobinski's action, as their search had 
concentrated in an area about 20 miles southeast of the park.  
[Gary Cummins, Superintendent, PEFO, via CompuServe message from 
Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 8/13]

91-399 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Illegal Fishing/Hunting 

Last April, an informant told rangers in the Bluestone 
Subdistrict that an illegal commercial fishing and hunting guide 
service was operating out of a small community within the 
subdistrict.  After three months of investigation and 
surveillance, rangers determined the location, method of 
operations and ownership of the guide service, known as New 
River/Greenbrier Bass Unlimited.  This information was provided 
to West Virginia DNR officers and a cooperative undercover 
fishing trip on the New River was booked with the guide service.  
The owner of the service, a prominent attorney from the state 
capital in Charleston, was subsequently arrested.  The attorney 
is vowing to take the case to the state supreme court to test 
DNR's authority to license and permit guide services on state 
waters.  The park is investigating possible federal charges of 
illegal commercial operations within the park.  [Telefax from 
Bill Blake, CR, NERI, 8/13]

91-400 - Denali (Alaska) - Attempted Rescue

On the morning of August 7th, G.K., 47, of Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania, suffered a heart attack while at Polychrome Pass 
on the park road.  Ranger Rich Erving and two members of 
G.K.'s party, one a doctor and the other a nurse, 
immediately began CPR.  Rangers John Thompson and Bernadette 
Kane, a registered nurse, responded from the Toklat River area, 
and ranger Cody Cole flew in on the park helicopter from the 
Glen Creek area of Kantishna.  The litter-equipped helicopter 
took G.K., Cole and Kane to the clinic in Healy.  While at 
the clinic, G.K.'s heartbeat and breathing resumed, and he 
was subsequently taken by park helicopter to the hospital in 
Fairbanks.  G.K. died late that evening.  [Telefax from Ken 
Kehrer, CR, DENA, 8/9]

91-401 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Timber Trespass

Rangers arrested two individuals and charged them with timber 
trespass under 18 USC recently.  The U.S. Attorney has accepted 
the case and will prosecute under the criminal statutes of the 
law.  This is the third timber trespass case in the park 
investigated by rangers this year.  [Telefax from Bill Blake, CR, 
NERI, 8/2]

91-402 - Rocky Mountain (Colorado) - Felony Arrest

On August 11th, ranger Jeff Hodge received a report of a driver 
weaving on a park road.  Hodge subsequently stopped W.S. 
of Arkansas.  W.S. had a loaded .357 revolver, loaded .22 and 
270 rifles and a hunting knife within his reach.   An NCIC check 
of serial numbers on the weapons showed that the 270 was stolen.  
While confirming this discovery by phone, rangers learned that 
the other two weapons had also been stolen from family members 
in Arkansas.  They also found that W.S. had also taken two 
other firearms and a camcorder.  Pawn shop receipts for these 
items were found in W.S.'s vehicle.  W.S. has a history of 
mental problems, and alcohol was a factor in the incident.  He 
is being held in the county jail pending extradition to Arkansas.  
[CompuServe message from ROMO, 8/12]


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Planning Level II


State  Agency     Area                 Fire            8/13   8/14   Status

ID    USFS    Salmon NF          * Kitchen  T1             1,500   NEC

AZ    FWS     Buenos Aires NWR   * Guijas                    250   CN 8/14
      BIA     Papago Res.        * East Chuichu              177   CL


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 NR  No report received        MS  Modified suppression strategy
 CN  Contained                 MN  Being monitored
 CL  Controlled                NEC  No estimate of containment
 CS  Confinement strategy      DM  Demobed


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    45,139      3,521,746
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    56,570      1,916,514
	1990-1991 (% difference)      + 25%           45%

4) FIRE ACTIVITY  199 fires for 5,795 acres reported in the past 
24 hours.

5) ANALYSIS - Numerous new fires are being reported in the Great 
Basin, Northwest and Northern Rockies.  Initial attack has been 
successful on most of them, but some extended attack operations 
are underway in the Northern Rockies and Great Basin.  
6) PROGNOSIS - Initial attack activity will likely continue.  No 
problems are anticipated.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 


No reports today.


1) NBC news will have a feature on NPS rangers on its Sunday 
morning show on August 18th.


Division Chief (Acting): No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey on annual leave 
(8/12-8/16); Schamp at semiautomatic weapon evaluation task force 
meeting, Arlington, VA (8/13-8/15); Marriott in SER (8/13-8/15).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Bristol at computer specialist 
management information meeting, Seattle, WA (8/12-8/14); Norum on 
trip to approve research sites, Fairbanks, AK (8/16-8/26); Botti 
at Western Region budget formulation meeting, San Francisco, CA 
(8/13-8/14); Erskine on annual leave (8/12-/16); Broyles on 
annual leave (8/12-8/14).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650