MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Friday, August 16, 1991


91-405 - Glacier Bay (Alaska) - Air Crash with Six Fatalities

On the evening of August 14th, a chartered Haines Airways Piper 
Cherokee with six people on board crashed northeast of Excursion 
Inlet just outside of the park.  There were no survivors.  The 
victims were:

B.J., IV, 28, of Haines, Alaska, a seasonal ranger at Glacier Bay
who was on his first season as an NPS employee. R.H.E., 28, a boat
captain for Glacier Bay Lodge and the son of B.E., the superintendent
of Redwood National Park. K.S., 23, of Idaho Springs, Colorado, a
Glacier Bay Lodge employee. S.W., 23, a Glacier Bay Lodge employee.
L.M., 35, of Haines, Alaska, a Glacier Bay Lodge employee. B.S.,
the Haines Airways pilot.

The Cherokee was one of two aircraft which had been charted by 
offduty employees for a trip to Haines.  The other aircraft left 
first and arrived safely.  When the Cherokee failed to arrive, a 
hasty search was begun by fixed-wing aircraft.  The downed plane 
was located yesterday morning by park employees on board a 
Temsco helicopter.  State troopers were in the process of 
recovering the bodies yesterday afternoon.  The weather was 
foggy and cloudy, and helicopter access to the site was 
intermittent.  The crash occurred at the 3,800-foot elevation of 
a steep mountain at the southern edge of the Chilkat Range.  
[Telefax from John Quinley, Public Affairs, ARO, 8/15]

91-406 - Cape Cod (Massachusetts) - Rangers and Visitor Injured

A 30-foot wooden mast employed in living history demonstrations 
of Lyle gun rescues at the Old Harbor Lifesaving Station broke 
and fell yesterday morning, injuring seasonal rangers Ray 
Bartlett and Dan Sullivan and 10yearold visitor Ronald Reinstein.  
The three were in a crow's nest on the mast at the time of the 
accident.  They were taken by ambulance to a local hospital; the 
extent of their injuries is not yet known.  Additional 
information will be provided in Monday's morning report.  
[Telephone report from Tony Bonano, CR, CACO, 8/15]

91-407 - Olympic (Washington) - Car Clouts

Two cars in the Fairholm campground were broken into around 5:00 
a.m. on the morning of August 14th.  The thief or thieves took 
$250 in cash and a VISA card from one car and $20 from the 
second car.  Entry apparently was made through the wing windows 
on at least one of the cars.  It's not known if the breakins are 
local in nature or whether car clouter(s) are moving through the 
area.  [SEAdog message from Mike Blankenship, RAD/PNRO, 8/14]

91-408 - Lassen Volcanic (California) - Lightning Injury

E.R., 41, of Oakland, California, was struck by lightning 
while on Lassen Park Trail around 4:30 p.m. on the afternoon of 
the 14th.  E.R. was transported to a Mercy Air Ambulance 
helicopter, and transported to a local hospital.  He is being 
treated for exit wounds on the bottom of his feet, perforated 
ear drums, broken ribs, miscellaneous burns and lacerations, and 
singed hair.  [Dutch Ackart, LAVO, via CompuServe message from 
Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 8/15]

91-409 - Crater Lake (Oregon) - Rescue

On August 9th, a golden retriever fell 300 feet down into the 
Crater Lake caldera.  The dog's owner descended down a rotten 
vertical wall and about 200 feet of a steep talus slope in an 
attempt to save the dog.  Responding rangers rappelled into the 
caldera, provided the dog's owner with a harness and helmet, 
then belayed him back up to the rim.  As efforts were begun to 
secure the dog to a litter and raise her to the top, she died, 
presumably of internal injuries.  The dog, which was not leashed 
or under restraint, had chased a ground squirrel to the caldera 
edge and gone over.  This was the fourth incident involving dogs 
going over the edge in recent months.  [Camden Brewster, CRLA, 
via CompuServe message from Diane Wisley, RAD/PNRO, 8/15]

91-308 - Olympic (Washington) - Followup on Oil Spill

Negligible amounts of oil were recovered by skimmers on 
Wednesday; leakage from the sunken ship continues at the same 
rate.  One skimmer came across three areas of heavy slick with a 
black granular consistency.  A threeinch suction hose has been 
lowered to the wreck, and the Canadian Coast Guard is attempting 
to employ the ROV submersible to place it through a porthole and 
into the remaining oil.  Fog prevented cleanup crews from 
working in most park areas, but slingloading operations took 
place at Coastie Head and 775, 60pound bags of oil and oiled 
debris were removed.  [Telefax from Michael Smithson, 
Information Officer, Tenyo Maru ICS Team, 8/13]

91-384 - Mount Rainier (Washington) - Followup on MVA with Two 

On the afternoon of August 7th, a motor vehicle accident 
occurred one mile east of Backbone Ridge overlook in which two 
of the passengers in a 1972 VW hatchback were killed and two 
others were seriously injured.  Both injured parties are now 
listed in stable condition and are expected to survive.  From 
the evidence at the scene, it appears that the vehicle went off 
theroad due to driver inattention.  There was a break in the 
trees on the right side of the road with a view of the valley 
below.  It appears that the driver may have looked to the right 
and accidentally turned his wheel the way he was looking.  [Bill 
Larson, MORA, via SEAdog message from Mike Blankenship, RAD/PNRO, 

91-396 - Coronado (Arizona) - Followup on Significant Vandalism

T.S., 18, of Sierra Vista, Arizona, B.B., 19, 
of Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and a juvenile were taken into 
custody by rangers for the $4,000 in vandalism done to the 
picnic ramada at Montezuma Pass on August 12th.  T.S. and 
B.B. were taken before a state judge and admitted their guilt.  
They were released to their parents and banned from the park 
until after a pending trial and subsequent sentencing.  The 
juvenile has not yet been charged.  [Ed Lopez, CR, CORO, via 
CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 8/15]


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Planning Level II


State  Agency     Area                 Fire            8/15   8/16   Status

ID    USFS    Salmon NF            Kitchen  T1       1,000  1,790   NEC
                                   Cabin               110    110   CN 
                                 * Wagonhammer                300   CN 8/16
              Payette NF           Rush Creek          300    300   NEC
      BLM     Shoshone Dist.       Morrow              250    250   CN

MI    NPS     Isle Royale NP       First                 7      7   NEC


Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this report). 
T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.

Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

 NR  No report received        MS  Modified suppression strategy
 CN  Contained                 MN  Being monitored
 CL  Controlled                NEC  No estimate of containment
 CS  Confinement strategy      DM  Demobed


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    45,703      3,573,557
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    58,332      1,922,220
	1990-1991 (% difference)      + 28%           46%

4) FIRE ACTIVITY  239 fires for 2,380 acres reported in the past 
24 hours.


Isle Royale (Michigan) - The fire was contained Wednesday 
afternoon and crews hoped to have it fully controlled yesterday.  
Heavy equipment was ferried to the fire by a USFS helicopter on 
Wednesday, and hoses and pumps were subsequently employed on hot 

6) ANALYSIS - Fire dangers dropped yesterday within the North 
Zone, Nevada and southern Idaho as the remnants of Tropical 
Storm Hilda passed over the area.  Many areas in the northern 
Rockies continue to report very high fire dangers.  New fires 
were reported in central Idaho.
7) PROGNOSIS - No resource shortages expected.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 
8/16; briefing on Isle Royale fire from Bruce Weber, PA, ISRO, 


Division Chief (Acting): No leave or travel scheduled.

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey on annual leave 
(8/12-8/16); Schamp at semiautomatic weapon evaluation task force 
meeting, Arlington, VA (8/13-8/15); Marriott in SER (8/13-8/15).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Bristol at computer specialist 
management information meeting, Seattle, WA (8/12-8/14); Norum on 
trip to approve research sites, Fairbanks, AK (8/16-8/26); Botti 
at Western Region budget formulation meeting, San Francisco, CA 
(8/13-8/14); Erskine on annual leave (8/12-8/16); Broyles on 
annual leave (8/1-28/14).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650