MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, September 3, 1991


91-308 - Olympic (Washington) - Followup on Oil Spill

Oil continues to leak from the Tenyo Maru, but at a greatly 
reduced rate.  Pumping operations using the Canadian submersible 
were halted several days ago when the recovery rate slowed to 
less than ten gallons per day.  It's not known how many of the 
ship's 25 tanks still contain oil.  Helicopters are still being 
employed to monitor the site and track any further oil releases.  
Cleanup operations are continuing on several Makah and Ozette 
Reservation beaches, but all park beaches are now open to the 
public.  [Telefax from Cat Hoffman, Information Officer, Tenyo 
Maru ICS Team, 8/31]

91-417 - Glen Canyon (Utah/Arizona) - Followup on Discovery of Body

The body discovered near the juncture of Antelope Canyon and the 
channel of the Colorado River on August 15th has been identified 
as that of 23-year-old V.J.O. of Tonalea, Arizona.  V.J.O. 
had a history of epileptic seizures and was last seen by his 
family about two months before his remains were found.  Foul 
play is not suspected.  [CompuServe message from Denny Davies, 
CVS, GLCA, 8/29]

91-442 - Cape Cod (Massachusetts) - Refuse Dumping 

Large quantities of trash and garbage from an oceangoing vessel 
began washing ashore on park beaches on the morning of August 
25th.  The refuse was initially found at Head of the Meadow 
Beach in Truro, but eventually came ashore along an 18mile 
stretch of park shoreline from Marconi Beach in Wellfleet to 
Race Point Beach in Provincetown.  Although the debris included 
10 to 15 bags of trash, most of the refuse was loose and 
consisted of food and drink containers, food, and paper and 
plastic products.  The dumping is in violation of a new law 
known as MARPOL which prohibits dumping of any plastics in the 
ocean.  The law was implemented by the Marine Plastic Pollution 
Research and Control Act of 1987 and carries fines of up to 
$50,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.  
Representatives from the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office in 
Providence, Rhode Island, are assisting rangers with the 
investigation, and local residents are assisting in the removal 
of trash from the beaches.  Information has been gained from 
sifting through the refuse which should lead to a prosecution.  
[CompuServe message from Dennis Burnett, CACO, 8/28]

91-443 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Search and Rescue

On August 24th, S.J., 27, of Valdez, Alaska, became 
separated from two companions while hunting for Dall sheep in 
the park about 20 miles northwest of Chitina in the Elliot Creek 
drainage.  S.J.' companions, R.A. and K.F., 
both of Glennallen, Alaska, lost sight of him in 
blowing snow and whiteout conditions.  Although lost themselves, 
R.A. and K.F. managed to climb down out of the 
mountains, find their vehicle and report the incident early on 
the morning of the 26th, some 30 hours later.  Although low 
cloud ceilings prevented an aerial search during the day, 
rangers were able to fly in by helicopter that evening.  Weather 
conditions continued to bar overflights of the extremely rugged 
terrain in the area on the 27th, so the ground search was 
expanded.  Late that afternoon, rangers were flying the 
perimeter of the search area in the Kotsina River drainage when 
they saw a distress signal and located S.J..  Despite three 
days of very bad weather, a 15-foot vertical fall, a second fall 
into a glacier-fed river and a close encounter with a sow grizzly 
with two cubs, S.J. was in excellent condition.  He was found 
about ten miles from the point last scene.  S.J. was carrying 
basic survival gear but did not have a map and had no idea where 
he was.  Since S.J. is not eligible to subsistence hunt in 
the park, an investigation of his activities is under way.  
[CompuServe message from RAD/ARO, 8/30]

91-444 - Olympic (Washington) - Marijuana Eradication

On July 22nd, two visitors told Quinault rangers that they had 
found what they thought were marijuana plants growing near a 
horse camp in the park.  Rangers subsequently found eight plants 
in what appeared to be a cultivated garden.  The garden was 
placed under surveillance for several days, but no one appeared.  
The plants were removed on August 15th.  [SEAdog message from 
Bill Frazier, OLYM, 8/25]

91-445 - Biscayne (Florida) - Search in Progress

H.M., 43, was scuba diving from a boat off Fowey Light 
on the evening of August 26th.  When he failed to surface at a 
prearranged time, his companion in the boat flagged down a 
passing vessel, whose operator notified the Coast Guard.  The 
Coast Guard and Florida Marine Patrol began a joint air and 
water search of the area but were unable to locate H.M..  The 
search continued until midnight, then resumed the following 
morning, at which time rangers joined the search effort.  Teams 
concentrated on an area northwest of the point where he was last 
seen, but no sign of him had been found at the time of the 
report.  The search continues.  [CompuServe message from Bill 
Hudson, BISC, 8/27]


*** No report issued by NICC today ***


Division Chief (Acting): Martin on annual leave (8/319/8).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: No leave or travel 

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Farrel on structural fire review, 
Rapid City, SD (9/3-9/6); Gale at DOI interregional fire 
coordinator meeting, Minneapolis, MN (9/4-9/5); Norum at fire 
behavior steering committee meeting, Portland, OR (9/4-9/6).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650