MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Thursday, September 12, 1991


91-479 - Glen Canyon (Utah/Arizona) - Oil Spill

A high-pressure fuel line providing unleaded gas from the 
concessioner's storage tanks to marine pumps at Hall's Crossing 
burst on September 10th, spilling approximately 450 gallons of 
fuel.  It appears that about half of the amount seeped into the 
soil and half went into the lake.  As of yesterday, the gas on 
the lake's surface was confined to an inlet by 10 to 12 knot 
winds.  Absorbent booms have been employed to enclose the spill, 
and concessionerfunded cleanup efforts are underway.  [Larry 
Clark, CR, GLCA, via phone report from Dick Powell, RAD/RMRO, 

91-480 - Saguaro (Arizona) - Kidnapping and Attempted Homicide

On the morning of September 10th, a six-year-old girl was abducted 
from the King Learning Center in Tucson by an unidentified male 
and taken to a remote area of the park.  She was disrobed, bound, 
struck repeatedly with a shovel, then forced to lie down in a 
16-inch-deep trench while the man buried her up to her neck.  He 
then left, telling her he was going to get a camera.  The girl 
was able to dig herself out and walk to a roadway, where she was 
found by a park maintenance worker.  Medical and law enforcement 
assistance was summoned and a search of the park by rangers and 
Pima County sheriff's deputies led to the location of the crime 
scene.  Both offices are continuing the investigation.  Tests 
revealed that the girl was not molested.  [Brian Swift, CR, SAGU, 
via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 9/10; Arthur 
Rotstein, Associated Press, 9/11]

91-481 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Search in Progress

M.T.K., an employee of the park's fence contractor, 
walked off of the fence project on Mauna Loa on September 1st.  
The park was notified that M.T.K. was missing on the 9th.  At 
present, there is conflicting information on his last known 
location.  One report places the location at the fence line camp 
at 8,000 feet; the other indicates that M.T.K.'s pack and 
boots were found in one of the contract employee's vehicles at 
the end of the paved Mauna Loa strip road at the 6,000-foot level.  
Both an investigation and search are underway.  [Jim Martin, CR, 
HAVO, via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 9/11]


1) ACTIVITY LEVEL  Preparedness Level I


*** No significant activity reported ***


							Fires		Acres

	1990 (Year-to-date) 	    56,999      4,401,609
	1991 (Year-to-date)    	    57,980      2,097,852
	1990-1991 (% difference)       + 2%           52%

4) FIRE ACTIVITY  97 fires for 5,609 acres in past 24 hours.

5) ANALYSIS - Only minor fire activity occurring nationally.

6) PROGNOSIS - No resource shortages anticipated.

[Fire Management Situation Report, NIFCC Intelligence Section, 


1) Robert E. Langston was selected Tuesday as the new chief of 
the 655-member U.S. Park Police.  He will be sworn in on 
September 18th.  Langston succeeds Lynn Herring, who retired in 


Division Chief: Brady at conference of associate regional 
directors for operations, Jackson Hole, WY (9/9-9/13).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Schamp on AL (9/9-9/13); 
Martin at MAR chief rangers' conference, Ocean City, MD 

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Norum attending meeting of steering 
committee for wilderness fire management, Bar Harbor, ME 
(9/8-9/14); Farrel at NFPA committee meeting and ICS seminar, 
Phoenix, AZ (9/10-9/14); Clark on trip to assist SER and South 
Florida in prevention analysis process, Miami, FL (9/8-9/14); 
Gale on review of Type II crews at MORA and OLYM and review of 
Alpine crew housing projects at ROMO (9/10-9/13); Bristol at 
administrative automation training, San Diego, CA (9/9-9/13).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650