MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Friday, September 20, 1991


91-406 - Cape Cod (Massachusetts) - Followup on Visitor Injury

On August 15th, a 15-foot-high "wreck pole" collapsed during an 
interpretive demonstration on historic lifesaving drills.  At 
the time of the accident, a ten-year-old visitor, R.R., 
and two NPS employees, Dan Sullivan and Ray Bartlett, were in 
the crow's nest atop the mast.  When the pole fell, Sullivan and 
Bartlett were able to jump free, but R.R. fell within the 
crow's nest.  All three were transported to Cape Cod Hospital, 
where Sullivan and Bartlett were treated for minor injuries and 
released.  R.R. was admitted to the hospital for ten days 
for observation, having suffered a bruised spleen, but he is now 
back in school.  He is on a light schedule and will be having 
regular checkups to monitor his condition.  [CompuServe message 
from Dennis Burnett, CACO, 9/19]

91-500 - Hampton (Maryland) - Storm Damage

A severe thunderstorm accompanied by 50 mph winds and three 
inches of rain caused significant damage to the park's historic 
landscape on the evening of September 17th.  More than 22 of the 
site's historic trees were injured or destroyed, including a 
40inch diameter black walnut and a 48inch diameter American 
beech.  Most of the destruction was concentrated in the English 
landscape park north of the mansion.  No historic structures 
were damaged, and there were no injuries to personnel.  [Paul 
Bitzel, HAMP, via CompuServe message from Ginny Paci, RAD/MARO, 

91-501 - City of Rocks (Idaho) - Resource Damage Conviction

D.B. of Ketchum, Idaho, has pled guilty to charges of 
altering rocks and applying epoxy to natural rock hand holds 
while establishing a new and difficult climbing route in the 
park.  D.B., who was cited under Idaho codes, was fined 
$132.50, sentenced to 30 days in jail (suspended), put on one 
year's probation, and ordered to remove all hardware from the 
climbing route and to restore the rock as much as possible.  
"Chipping" and "gluing" holds are among the latest destructive 
practices occurring in climbing areas around the country.  
Earlier this month, the park began developing a climbing 
management plan to address climbingrelated impacts and future 
management of rock climbing activities in City of Rocks.  For 
more information, contact Maura Longden, the park's climbing 
ranger, at 208-824-5519.  [SEAdog message from Mark Forbes, 
RAD/PNRO, 9/19]

91-502 - Pictured Rocks (Michigan) - Aggravated Assault

On September 15th, a ranger was dispatched to Chapel Parking Lot 
to investigate the report of an assault taking place there.  The 
ranger found G.G. sitting in the parking lot with his 
camping gear.  Upon investigation, it was learned that G.G.'s 
companion, R.A., had reportedly bit him on the arm, 
poured gasoline on him, then tried to light the fuel.  G.G. 
succeeded in getting the gas can from her after striking her 
twice in the face.  R.A. fled the scene in a vehicle the 
couple had arrived in.  G.G. subsequently filed charges of 
aggravated assault with the state police.  [Ray Brende, CR, PIRO, 
via CompuServe message from Tom Thompson, RAD/MWRO, 9/19]

91-503 - Coulee Dam (Washington) - Assist on Drug Interdiction 

During the latter part of August, rangers participated in a 
multi-agency task force operation which led to the location and 
destruction of 1,200 marijuana plants with an estimated value of 
$1.4 million on lands near the park.  Seven growers were 
arrested and a large amount of personal property was seized.  
Aircraft overflights were provided by the National Guard.  
Agencies participating in the operation included the NPS, Forest 
Service, Customs Service, Border Patrol, DEA, and county 
sheriffs and police officers from seven communities.  Task force 
operations are continuing at this time.  [SEAdog message from 
Mike Blankenship, RAD/PNRO, 9/18]


1) Please note that we have installed a second telefax machine 
in Ranger Activities.  Telefaxes to the Branch of Resource and 
Visitor Protection should now go to FTS 268-6756 (202-208-6756); 
telefaxes to the Branch of Fire Management in WASO should go to 
the old number, FTS 268-5977 (202-208-5977).  Since the machines 
are in adjoining offices, though, you can transmit to the 
alternate machine if the primary one you're trying to reach is 


Division Chief: Brady in Grand Teton (9/169/20).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Martin and Smith at 
NIBRS beta test training, Philadelphia, PA (9/16-9/17 and 
9/15-9/20, respectively); Marriott at drug program review, ORPI, 
and DARE training, GRCA (9/15-9/20). 

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Hurd at aviation management council 
meeting, WASO (9/19); Spruill at aviation management work group 
and council meetings, WASO (9/17-9/19); Gale at 50th anniversary 
planning meeting, U.S.S. Arizona, Pearl Harbor, HI (9/16-9/23); 
Broyles at faculty meeting for RX-90, Harrison, VA (9/16-9/21); 
Farrel at meetings in WASO and Harpers Ferry Center, WV 

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities