MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, September 25, 1991


91-220 - Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) - Followup on Thefts

On June 12th, four juveniles from Maryland drove into the park, 
stopped on South Confederate Avenue, and removed the panel from 
the Wells Monument.  One pushed and pulled on the statue's sword 
until the weld broke, while a second member of the group threw a 
heavy rock at the panel until it loosened and could be removed.  
The panel was valued at $5,000; damage to the monument was 
placed at $3,800.  The group then attempted unsuccessfully to 
remove parts of other monuments in the park in order to "bring 
something back home."  Two weeks later, three of the juveniles 
sold the panel in Maryland for $25.55, then returned to the park 
to get five or six more panels in order to make more money.  On 
this trip, they stole a Pennsylvania state seal panel valued at 
$1,200.  The juveniles were subsequently identified with the 
cooperation of several citizens, a Maryland police department 
and the Pennsylvania state police.  Both stolen panels were also 
recovered.  On September 18th, all four juveniles appeared in 
court.  They were found to be delinquent and ordered to make 
restitution for the $3,800 in damages.  Reward monies will be 
paid to citizens who assisted in the recovery and identification 
of the juveniles.  The case was brought to a successful 
conclusion largely through the efforts of ranger Joe Bowden, the 
park's law enforcement specialist.  [Mac Heebner, CR, GETT, via 
CompuServe message from RAD/MARO, 9/23]


Division Chief: Brady in Grand Teton (9/23-9/27).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey and Sisto with 
rights-of-way work group in WASO (9/23-9/27); Martin and Lee at 
health and fitness work group meeting in Arlington, VA 
(9/25-9/27); Halainen in Nashville, TN, for FY 91 uniform 
contract closeout (9/24-9/26).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Hurd at NWCG meeting, San Bernadino, 
CA (9/25-9/28); Spruill in SWR for aviation evaluation (9/23-9/26); 
Gale at U.S.S. Arizona for 50th anniversary preparations 
(9/16-9/27); Farrel in NCR and WASO for meetings (9/17-9/27); 
Broyles at NWCG fireline safety committee meeting, San Bernadino, 
CA (9/24-9/27).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  All Offices  FTS 2684874/6039 or 2022084874/6039
Telefax:    Branch of R&VP  FTS 2686756 or 2022086756
            Branch of Fire  FTS 2685977 or 2022085977
CompuServe: Branch of R&VP  WASO-RANGER 
            Branch of Fire  WASO-FIRE-WO 
SEAdog:     All Offices  1/650