MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Thursday, September 26, 1991

[Digital Edition Note: ...beginning of this day's Morning Report was not recoverable...]

e an air quality violation notice if action wasn't taken.  The fire's current size is 
estimated at 1,500 acres.  It was about 50% contained at the time of the 
report and full containment was expected to occur last night.  Control problems 
include low relative humidity, shifting winds and smoke.  A modified suppression 
strategy is being employed in which firefighters are working to confine the fire 
on its east flank and control it on its west flank, where the smoke problem is 
occurring.  Two Type I crews and NPS personnel are working on the fire.  Very 
little air support is being employed.

Ill Fire - This fire began as a prescribed natural fire on September 7th.  The fire 
spotted across the Illouette Creek on the morning of the 24th.  Since it then 
exceeded its prescribed perimeter and smoke dispersal was becoming a problem, 
it was designated a wildfire later that morning and a full suppression strategy 
was put into effect.  At the time of the report, the fire size was estimated at 
about 1,000 acres.  It was 30% contained, and full containment was predicted 
for Saturday evening.  The Glacier Point Road is threatened and has been closed.  
Six air tankers, four helicopters, ten hand crews and about 40 overhead 
personnel have been assigned to the fire.  Smoke, shifting winds and low 
relative humidity are causing control problems.  Smoke is very bad in Yosemite 
Valley; health advisories have been posted suggesting that visitors consider 
leaving the area.

[Telefax from Dean Berg, Branch of Fire Management, 9/25]


Division Chief: Brady in Grand Teton (9/23-9/27).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey and Sisto with rights-of-way work 
group in WASO (9/23-9/27); Martin and Lee at health and fitness work group 
meeting in Arlington, VA (9/25-9/27); Halainen in Nashville, TN, for FY 91 
uniform contract closeout (9/24-9/26).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Hurd at NWCG meeting, San Bernadino, CA 
(9/25-9/28); Spruill in SWR for aviation evaluation (9/23-9/26); Gale at U.S.S. 
Arizona for 50th anniversary preparations (9/16-9/27); Farrel in NCR and WASO 
for meetings (9/17-9/27); Broyles at NWCG fireline safety committee meeting, 
San Bernadino, CA (9/24-9/27).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  All Offices  FTS 2684874/6039 or 2022084874/6039
Telefax:    Branch of R&VP  FTS 2686756 or 2022086756
            Branch of Fire  FTS 2685977 or 2022085977
CompuServe: Branch of R&VP  WASO-RANGER 
            Branch of Fire  WASO-FIRE-WO 
SEAdog:     All Offices  1/650