MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Friday, September 27, 1991


91-243 - Indiana Dunes (Indiana) - Followup on Explosion

On the morning of June 24th, a bomb exploded near one of the 
supports of a bridge on the West Beach Access Road, and an 
investigation into the incident was subsequently begun by 
rangers and ATF agents.  Evidence collected by rangers included 
a portion of the device, which appeared to be a brown, plastic 
medicine container.  ATF recently advised the park that they 
were able to obtain a partial name, address, prescription number 
and the name of the pharmacy from that piece of evidence, and 
that they are pursuing that lead.  [Joni Jones, INDU, via 
CompuServe message from Tom Thompson, RAD/MWRO, 9/25]

91-513 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Death of Employee

Jon Erickson, a supervisory interpretive ranger at Hawaii 
Volcanoes and the park's public information officer, died of a 
heart attack on the evening of Tuesday, September 24th.  He had 
left work early that day after reporting that he was feeling ill 
with unspecified symptoms.  He was taking a shower at home 
during the evening and apparently suffered a heart attack.  His 
wife later found him there.  No information is yet available 
concerning funeral arrangements or other details.  Jon was in 
his mid40's.  [Jim Martin, CR, HAVO, via CompuServe message from 
Carl Christensen, RAD/WRO, 9/26]

91-514 - Indiana Dunes (Indiana) - Homicide

B.H. of Gary, Indiana, was shot and killed off the new 
West Beach Access Road on September 21st.  Gary police officers 
later apprehended J.G., also of that city, while J.G. 
was driving Hunter's vehicle.  J.G. later confessed to the 
crime and named C.M. as an accomplice.  J.G. told 
police that he and C.M. went to B.H.'s home and asked him to 
drive them to a road near West Beach.  When they arrived on the 
access road, J.G. told B.H. to stop the vehicle and get out.  
He then shot B.H. five times, reloaded and shot him five more 
times.  B.H. died of multiple gunshot wounds.  The area is 
under concurrent jurisdiction, and Gary police are handling the 
prosecution.  [Joni Jones, INDU, via telefax from Tom Thompson, 
RAD/MWRO, 9/25]

91-515 - Cape Hatteras (North Carolina) - Drowning

B.W., 44, of Washington, D.C., drowned off the 
village of Hatteras on the afternoon of the 25th.  His wife, 
C.R.W., 44, was pulling him toward the shore by a 
piece of clothing when he disappeared beneath the water.  His 
body was recovered a short time later.  CPR was unsuccessful.  
[Telefax from Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO, 9/26]

91-516 - Denali (Alaska) - Illegal Hunting 

A team of rangers led by Tom Habecker and a U.S. Fish and 
Wildlife Service special agent helicoptered to three illegal 
hunting camps in the remote southwest end of the park on 
September 23rd and seized several illegally taken animals.  The 
team members first stopped at spike camps being operated by 
hunting guides J.M. and G.P., both of whom 
have state permits to guide and hunt outside the park.  G.P. 
also has a federal permit to guide and hunt in the national 
preserve.  During the contacts with the guides and their clients, 
one of whom is a member of the Austrian parliament, an illegally 
taken moose was seized.  Information was also gathered on other 
unlawful activities.  The team returned to the area on the 25th 
after being weathered out for a day.  Upon approach, they were 
advised that an ELT signal had been picked up by the RCC at 
Elmendorf AFB and plotted to their vicinity.  The source of the 
ELT turned out to be a damaged aircraft owned by G.P., who had 
attempted to land near a third, previously unknown camp.  An 
assistant guide and client were contacted in the camp and the 
subsequent investigation lead to the seizure of another 
illegally taken moose and a caribou.  The investigation is 
continuing, and several charges are pending.  The park reports 
that the interagency cooperation between NPS and FWS has been 
very fruitful, and that both agencies will be working toward 
more cooperative enforcement actions in 1992.  [Telefax from 
Carrie Stroble, RAD/ARO, 9/26]

91-517 - Wrangell-St. Elias (Alaska) - Commercial Fishing Violations

On September 16th, Alaska state troopers and rangers from the 
Yakutat District apprehended four individuals who were engaged 
in illegal commercial fishing within the preserve.  Although 
ANILCA allows the exercise of valid commercial fishing rights 
and privileges, the suspects failed to follow state requirements 
which dictate how and when commercial fishing may occur.  The 
team conducted a three-day-long stakeout on the Malaspina 
Forelands, a remote area of the preserve.  The four individuals 
received several citations for violations of state commercial 
fishing regulations which govern the methods and means of taking.  
Approximately 1,500 pounds of fish, valued at about $1,000, were 
confiscated.  This is the tenth case of illegal commercial 
fishing which has occurred in the Yakutat District of both 
Wrangell-St. Elias and Glacier Bay this year.  These cases have 
been jointly investigated by troopers and rangers.  [Rick 
Mossman, DR, WRST/GLBA, and Jay Wells, CR, WRST, via telefax 
from Carrie Stroble, RAD/ARO, 9/26]

[More pending incidents on Monday's morning report...]


Yosemite (California) 

Frog Fire - As of yesterday morning, the fire had burned 1,920 
acres.  It had been contained along its west flank.  The north 
flank was moving toward a trail which would hold it, the east 
flank was backing into Falls Creek, and the southeast flank was 
moving toward rocks near Hetch Hetchy.  Smoke was reported to 
have diminished greatly.  There are three, 20person crews on the 

Ill Fire - As of yesterday morning, the fire had burned 2,000 
acres and was 80% contained.  Firefighting efforts yesterday 
focused on completion of a line near Mt. Starr King, where most 
of the fire activity was occurring.   Smoke has diminished in 
Yosemite Valley.  Full containment was estimated for 6:00 p.m. 
yesterday evening, and demobilization is scheduled to begin 
today.  Over 500 firefighters worked on the blaze, including 20 
hand crews from the NPS, Forest Service, CDF, California Youth 
Authority and California Department of Corrections.  Air support 
was provided by seven helicopters and eight air tankers.  Cost 
to date is placed at just under $300,000.  

[Telefax from Mike Finley, Superintendent, YOSE, 9/26]


Division Chief: Brady in Grand Teton (9/23-9/27).

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey and Sisto with 
rights-of-way work group in WASO (9/23-9/27); Lee and Martin at 
health and fitness work group meeting in Arlington, VA 
(9/25-9/27); Halainen in Nashville, TN, for FY 91 uniform 
contract closeout (9/24-9/26).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Hurd at NWCG meeting, San Bernadino, 
CA (9/25-9/28); Spruill in SWR for aviation evaluation (9/23-9/26); 
Gale at U.S.S. Arizona for 50th anniversary preparations 
(9/16-9/27); Farrel in NCR and WASO for meetings (9/17-9/27); 
Broyles at NWCG fireline safety committee meeting, San Bernadino, 
CA (9/24-9/27).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  All Offices  FTS 2684874/6039 or 2022084874/6039
Telefax:    Branch of R&VP  FTS 2686756 or 2022086756
            Branch of Fire  FTS 2685977 or 2022085977
CompuServe: Branch of R&VP  WASO-RANGER 
            Branch of Fire  WASO-FIRE-WO 
SEAdog:     All Offices  1/650