MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, October 9, 1991


89-59 - Alaska Region - Follow-up on Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

On October 8th, the Federal District Court in Anchorage approved a
criminal plea agreement and a civil consent decree with Exxon
Corporation and Exxon Shipping Company in which the two companies will
pay a record $1.125 billion in fines, restitution and civil damages.
Exxon has already spent $2.5 billion to address the consequences and
causes of the oil spill. The companies agreed to an assessed fine of a
record $150 million plus $100 million in restitution.  In recognition of
the companies' voluntary expenditure of $2.5 billion, $125 million of
the criminal fine has been remitted.  The companies will also plead
guilty to four violations of federal environmental law.  The $100
million in restitution is twice the amount agreed to in a previous
criminal settlement made on March 13, 1991.  According to the civil
consent decree, Exxon will pay $900 million to reimburse the federal and
state governments' past clean-up costs and fund the restoration of
Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska. For further details
concerning the sentencing agreement, please contact Dan Hamson or
Cordell Roy in the regional oil spill coordination office at FTS
869-2526 (907-257-2526), or Steve Shackelton, regional law enforcement
specialist, at FTS 869-2641 or 907-257-2641. [Justice Department press
release via telefax from RAD/ARO, 10/8]

91-543 - Olympic (Washington) - Potential Oil Spill Impacts

On October 7th, the Captain J. Fiddler, a 100-foot fishing vessel, sank
about 75 miles off the Washington coast and about five miles from the
site where the Tenyo Maru went down.  The four crew members were rescued
by the Canadian Coast Guard.  An oil sheen two to three miles long and
75 yards wide was seen drifting to the southwest, but it is believed
that the spill will break up before coming ashore.  The United States
Coast Guard will monitor the area. According to crew members, they were
"hauling fish over the stern and somehow the stern submerged."  [Bill
Frazier, Acting CR, OLYM, via CompuServe message from Mark Forbes,
RAD/PNRO, 10/8]


Division Chief: Brady at Branch of Fire Management planning meeting,
Boise, ID (10/7-10/8) and 75th anniversary symposium, Vail, CO

Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Schamp managing security at
75th anniversary symposium, Vail, CO (10/5-10/11); Sisto on annual leave
(10/9-10/15); Lee on annual leave (10/7-10/15).

Branch of Fire & Aviation: Hurd and Spruill at branch planning meeting,
Boise, ID (10/7- 10/11); Farrel conducting structural fire review,
Cumberland Island, GA (10/10-10/12).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  All Offices - FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    Branch of R&VP - FTS 268-6756 or 202-208-6756
           Branch of Fire - FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: Branch of R&VP - WASO-RANGER 
           Branch of Fire - WASO-FIRE-WO 
SEAdog:     All Offices - 1/650